Joe Biden says Africa needs to tackle its corruption BUT...


Senior Member
May 4, 2014
In my opinion, if he really wanted to tackle Africas corruption the Obama administration would stop giving AID to AFRICA.

Vice President Joseph R. Biden on Monday lectured dozens of visiting African leaders on the need to clean up the “cancer” of corruption in their governments, but some analysts say the U.S. can do very little to solve the problem and in some cases has contributed to corruption by funneling monetary aid to unstable governments or dictators.

Africa is home to some of the most corrupt governments on the planet, according to Transparency International rankings, and Mr. Biden’s comments Monday underscore the Obama administration’s desire to fight corruption while at the same time encouraging economic growth, equal rights for women, food security, a commitment from African nations to battle climate change and other steps to improve life on the continent.

Read more: Joe Biden urges African nations to tackle corruption - Washington Times
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I've seen the corruption first hand. Everyone first gets a nice big 4x4 and a shiny new building in order to spend the money they have.

I went to an agricultural fair in Lusaka this summer with a guy who was helping dairy farmers in one region. You could easily spot the difference between those who were looking for reasons to get aid money, and those who were looking to make a difference. So there are some who utilise this money wisely, however many more who don't.

Africa needs to be able to get on with their life in a proper manner, making the most of what they have.
Send them college text books and that's all. Otherwise, to hell with them.

You do realize that I formulated my opinion after reading a Zambian economist's point of view: Dambisa.

Africa has been receiving upwards to a trillion dollars for the last ten years, I believe, and not a solid improvement in that area yet. We are actually crippling them by being paternalistic. Every nation, country, state born had to be born because its people chose to solve their own problems. We are essentially making them dependent on aid, aid that we can no longer afford.

Foreign aid should be merit based.

Foreign aid should not be given simultaneously with diversity visas. Why? Because the immigrants that come here - have no incentive to take what they have learned to go back home. If they have no political home ..then they are essentially powerless. Do you think that our immigration policy is sustainable, as we have it now? Really?

Foreign aid should not go to countries that hate us. If you want to provide political refuge then fine, but foreign aid should go to our defense fund, education fund, infrastructure fund.

We spent $ 500 million dollars this past year to Nigeria, and this is how it looks:


The President of that country gave his daughter 80 luxury cars, and gave the guests of his daughters wedding gold iphones:

"Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan's first child, Faith Sakwe who got married to her long time sweetheart, Godswill Osim Edward got about 80 luxury cars as presents, according to reports."

And then our immigration policy allows for his nationals to come here and not be incentivized to leave and help rebuild their country based on the universitys knowledge they have received.

Africa has become a beggars continent:
Opinion Africa is a begging continent - YNaijaYNaija

Yet, China can afford to buy landmarks throughout the US as well as flagship real estate space - and we think that we are competitive? They had an economic model that every developing nation should adopt: cheap exports, devalued currency..until they could build a massive economy. And they will tell you that they are still in development New York s Waldorf Astoria Hotel will be sold to a Chinese insurance company in 1.95B deal - NY Daily News


Specifically....Where could our aid go to?

The money could go to the poor kids here: rural and otherwise.
The money could go to manufacturing jobs i.e. plant opening incentives.
The money could fund free schooling for some areas, voucher program.
The money could go to those who were disenfranchised by the housing market.

Dumping money on dictators for years? You think thats a sound solution, with little to no metrics?

A presidents salary without incentives can start at $ 2 mill and lead to $500 mill. That is without the bribes.

So, this is why I am with Mr. Paul on this one, we need to stop all aid to foreign countries - including Israel and Afghanistan. We can provide military support for the people. We can provide limited education permits, very limited. But we cant afford to provide excessive foreign aid, military support, open access borders...when we have poverty and crimes and human rights violations in our own towns.

Americas brand is toast. We are going to be like England if we dont get a grip. We need to invest in our schools, invest in technology, invest in alternative fuel, and build stronger relationships with the EU. We should basically be like Germany right now, our emphasis should be on designing exceptional products and creating more value for being an American citizen.

So far as citizens: we dont feel secure, our middle class gets less, our small businesses have to pay too much, ebola scares, debt, constant threats...there is no value as a citizen I dont care who you are: White, Hispanic, no longer feels good to be American.

Not to mention..

We have opened our borders to regions that either absolutely detests us or have infrastructures that are in total collapse mode:

Those that hate us could easily be radicalized, see Isis.

Somalia: Al Shabhab. They live in the states: Washington and Minnesota.
Nigeria: Boko Haram. They live in DC, TX, GA, CA, NJ. I want you to have a conversation with some of these people and see if they like America, Americans..and our way of life.

Infrastructure that collapsed after the Civil War and despite our best efforts, dont have the basic necessities:

Liberia - and even though it is probable that Duncan lied on the forms, his family is thinking about suing.

Why isnt the African Development Bank - that has over a trillion in assets helping their own out? Does the continent of Africa have any political will left?

Also, I encourage you to buy Dead Aid, a good read:

Why Foreign Aid Is Hurting Africa

Money from rich countries has trapped many African nations in a cycle of corruption, slower economic growth and poverty. Cutting off the flow would be far more beneficial, says Dambisa Moyo.

Rand Pauls theory looks fine to me:
"Interestingly, they keep playing our interview, Wolf. So we had a great interview. But the interesting thing of it is I actually still do agree with what I told you. Ultimately, I think a country that's $18 trillion in debt should not be borrowing money from China to send it to anyone," he said."

"However, I think in the meantime ... I've tried to put restrictions on foreign aid and I've been unsuccessful. And so I've come to the conclusion that maybe we should start by eliminating foreign aid from countries that burn our flag and hate us. And I think that would be a good place to start," he said."

Rand Paul to CNN Aid to Israel OK -- for now -

Here is how much we spend:

37 680 000 000 That 8217 s How Much the U.S. Spent on Foreign Aid in 2012 8212 Here 8217 s a Chart That Helps Explain It

Take care
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I've seen the corruption first hand. Everyone first gets a nice big 4x4 and a shiny new building in order to spend the money they have.

I went to an agricultural fair in Lusaka this summer with a guy who was helping dairy farmers in one region. You could easily spot the difference between those who were looking for reasons to get aid money, and those who were looking to make a difference. So there are some who utilise this money wisely, however many more who don't.

Africa needs to be able to get on with their life in a proper manner, making the most of what they have.

I agree! Thank you!

I think that foreign aid should be metric based.

I also think that foreign aid should rotate by country.

I also think we can give aid - award based to proven NGOs. Here is an article that confirms your observations:

Otherwise, we are wasting our time. And thank you for sharing!
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