Joe Biden Touts Endorsement From Leading Anti-Semites Group, Emgage, Funded By George Soros


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden touted an endorsement from a group of leading Muslim officials who have accused Jews of dual loyalty to America and praised anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

A group of nearly 50 Muslim elected officials across the country expressed support for Biden in a late-July letter sponsored by Emgage, an anti-Israel Muslim-American group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros. Emgage has drawn scrutiny in recent years for defending terrorist groups and collaborating with Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations.

Biden, in a July video message to Emgage and its supporters, said he was honored to receive the endorsement and inspired by the group’s "one million Muslim voters" campaign, a nod to Farrakhan’s 1995 Million Man March on Washington, D.C. Biden also said he wished "we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith" during his video message.

The Emgage letter is signed by local, state, and federal officials who have endorsed Israel boycotts and come under fire for anti-Semitic rhetoric. This includes Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), who claimed that Israel and its American supporters have "hypnotized the world."

"If you don't vote for Biden you ain't an anti-Semite!"

Seems Joe didn't learn the 1st time, when he confessed on videotape to extorting the previous Ukraine PM, about doing anything on videotape. In a video message Biden told the anti-Semites he was HONORED to receive their endorsement...

(As HUNTER Biden's own home movies of child porn and pedophilia were just released for the world to see, it seems Joe isn't the only one who should have learned never to do ANYTHING on video/audiotape...)

Let me guess, snowflakes.....'This is 'Russian disinformation'?!

:p Bwuhahahahahahaha
So let me get this straight, snowflakes.......

White Supremacists = 'BAD'

Anti-Semitic Groups = 'OK'

Violent Black Extremist BLM = 'OK"

Antifa = 'OK' because they are just 'an idea'

??????? WTF ???????
Biden is such a dumb fuck he referred to the PROUD BOYS as the POOR BOYS.


Just a history repeater and a lot of people already recognize it.

I don't endorse the Atlantic on all their articles but they do have some good ones at times.

The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

{Snort} It was called "Unite the Right". Anti semites belong overwhelmingly to the right. Racists, xenophobes, homophobes...all predominantly identify with conservative politics. This is a fact not in contention. I am glad to see you fighting to change that. You'll find plenty of opportunity to call out the anti semites on this board. Heck, just search for George Soros to find plenty to condemn.
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

{Snort} It was called "Unite the Right". Anti semites belong overwhelmingly to the right. Racists, xenophobes, homophobes...all predominantly identify with conservative politics. This is a fact not in contention. I am glad to see you fighting to change that. You'll find plenty of opportunity to call out the anti semites on this board. Heck, just search for George Soros to find plenty to condemn.
Why would I need to do a search to condemn George Soros? He's one of the biggest pieces of sh!t on the planet.
People can call themselves anything they want but it doesn't make it so. Neo-nazis, KKK and the rest of the white nationalist movement has much more in common with leftism than any mainstream Trump supporter. They are authoritarian racists, just like Burn Loot Murder and amifa.
Must be why they endorse Biden. :slap:
"Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden touted an endorsement from a group of leading Muslim officials who have accused Jews of dual loyalty to America and praised anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

A group of nearly 50 Muslim elected officials across the country expressed support for Biden in a late-July letter sponsored by Emgage, an anti-Israel Muslim-American group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros. Emgage has drawn scrutiny in recent years for defending terrorist groups and collaborating with Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations.

Biden, in a July video message to Emgage and its supporters, said he was honored to receive the endorsement and inspired by the group’s "one million Muslim voters" campaign, a nod to Farrakhan’s 1995 Million Man March on Washington, D.C. Biden also said he wished "we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith" during his video message.

The Emgage letter is signed by local, state, and federal officials who have endorsed Israel boycotts and come under fire for anti-Semitic rhetoric. This includes Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), who claimed that Israel and its American supporters have "hypnotized the world."

"If you don't vote for Biden you ain't an anti-Semite!"

Seems Joe didn't learn the 1st time, when he confessed on videotape to extorting the previous Ukraine PM, about doing anything on videotape. In a video message Biden told the anti-Semites he was HONORED to receive their endorsement...

(As HUNTER Biden's own home movies of child porn and pedophilia were just released for the world to see, it seems Joe isn't the only one who should have learned never to do ANYTHING on video/audiotape...)

Once again you're pushing a false narrative, and propaganda which has absolutely no real evidence at all. As soon as you tout your discredited videos of Joe Biden "admitting to extortion" against the Ukraine, I know you're lying. Joe Biden carried out the request of the IMF, NATO, the UN, and the EU, in addition to the Government of the United States, in "extorting" the Ukraine into firing the corrupt Russian puppet prosecutor.

It was done publically, in view view of the nation, the world press, and Joe was celebrated all around for having gotten rid of a Russian puppet in office, who was NOT prosecuting or investigating Burisma, and who had no intention of doing so.

Once again, you're touting proven Russian propaganda and misinformation, using a biased source with a long history of failed fact checks:

Overall, we rate the Washington Free Beacon Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading and false claims. (7/19/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 3/24/2020)

My comment that Joe Biden would accept an endorsement from Satan seems moot now after this latest
move by cognitively deficient Joe.
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

It's amazing how quickly the right is moving to deny their affiliations with white supremacists, hate groups, and right wing terrorists. Asking people to deny what we all saw with our eyes and ears. It didn't work when these right wing hate fests were happening, and it's not working now.

Now that it's apparent that decent Americans are truly disgusted and horrified by these white supremacists, terrorists calling themselves "militias". After this election, these groups will all be driven back under the rocks they crawled out from under. And the right is busy deny any connection to these people.
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

It's amazing how quickly the right is moving to deny their affiliations with white supremacists, hate groups, and right wing terrorists. Asking people to deny what we all saw with our eyes and ears. It didn't work when these right wing hate fests were happening, and it's not working now.

Now that it's apparent that decent Americans are truly disgusted and horrified by these white supremacists, terrorists calling themselves "militias". After this election, these groups will all be driven back under the rocks they crawled out from under. And the right is busy deny any connection to these people.
3% were being slammed by Clinton as being dangerous before as she bitched about former military being a threat. Why??? because they vowed to protect the constitution. As much as you and your ilk would like to call them terrorist they are not.

You are one lying conniving piece of crap. There isn't anything decent about you nor your ilk.
Right... be
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

It's amazing how quickly the right is moving to deny their affiliations with white supremacists, hate groups, and right wing terrorists. Asking people to deny what we all saw with our eyes and ears. It didn't work when these right wing hate fests were happening, and it's not working now.

Now that it's apparent that decent Americans are truly disgusted and horrified by these white supremacists, terrorists calling themselves "militias". After this election, these groups will all be driven back under the rocks they crawled out from under. And the right is busy deny any connection to these people.
Right... cause we never condemned them before. Wasn't the KKK started by Dems as a racist organization? Aren't neo-nazis just another bunch of socialists? White nationalists are anarchist idiots looking for a race war. Sell it to someone who doesn't know better snowflake. Like I said, racism belongs to your side.
I agree, after this election Burn Loot Murder & amifa will crawl back under their rocks. They may take a few well deserved beatings along the way but maybe it will knock sense into your beta boys
"Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden touted an endorsement from a group of leading Muslim officials who have accused Jews of dual loyalty to America and praised anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

A group of nearly 50 Muslim elected officials across the country expressed support for Biden in a late-July letter sponsored by Emgage, an anti-Israel Muslim-American group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros. Emgage has drawn scrutiny in recent years for defending terrorist groups and collaborating with Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations.

Biden, in a July video message to Emgage and its supporters, said he was honored to receive the endorsement and inspired by the group’s "one million Muslim voters" campaign, a nod to Farrakhan’s 1995 Million Man March on Washington, D.C. Biden also said he wished "we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith" during his video message.

The Emgage letter is signed by local, state, and federal officials who have endorsed Israel boycotts and come under fire for anti-Semitic rhetoric. This includes Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), who claimed that Israel and its American supporters have "hypnotized the world."

"If you don't vote for Biden you ain't an anti-Semite!"

Seems Joe didn't learn the 1st time, when he confessed on videotape to extorting the previous Ukraine PM, about doing anything on videotape. In a video message Biden told the anti-Semites he was HONORED to receive their endorsement...

(As HUNTER Biden's own home movies of child porn and pedophilia were just released for the world to see, it seems Joe isn't the only one who should have learned never to do ANYTHING on video/audiotape...)

Hunter Biden wasn't working as Boogeyman so they switched to George Soros LOL
Biden is the choice by all extremists and anti-American radicals.
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

It's amazing how quickly the right is moving to deny their affiliations with white supremacists, hate groups, and right wing terrorists. Asking people to deny what we all saw with our eyes and ears. It didn't work when these right wing hate fests were happening, and it's not working now.

Now that it's apparent that decent Americans are truly disgusted and horrified by these white supremacists, terrorists calling themselves "militias". After this election, these groups will all be driven back under the rocks they crawled out from under. And the right is busy deny any connection to these people.
3% were being slammed by Clinton as being dangerous before as she bitched about former military being a threat. Why??? because they vowed to protect the constitution. As much as you and your ilk would like to call them terrorist they are not.

You are one lying conniving piece of crap. There isn't anything decent about you nor your ilk.

Clinton?? What does Hillary Clinton have to do with Charlottesville, White Supremacy, or this election? The answer is "absolutely nothing". I guess you have absolutely nothing of value to say.

As always with you fools, when you can't attack the post, you either deflect to "But Hillary", or you attack the poster.

What you accuse others of being, is what you fear you'll be caught doing. Notice how the liar, calls others "liars". Thanks for telling me what you are!
The puzzling thing is it is so obvious how anti-Semitic the left really is but most of the Jewish population in America votes for them anyway.
Saw a poll last week that said 70% of them thought the right was the anti-Semitic party.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody claiming to be on the right but is an actual anti-Semite can hit the road. Bigotry belongs on the left
It was at the "Unite the Right" rally that we heard the chants... "Jews will not replace us".
You mean the one put on by neo-nazi socialists? The same group whose leader has publicly endorsed Biden?
This helps your case how?

It's amazing how quickly the right is moving to deny their affiliations with white supremacists, hate groups, and right wing terrorists. Asking people to deny what we all saw with our eyes and ears. It didn't work when these right wing hate fests were happening, and it's not working now.

Now that it's apparent that decent Americans are truly disgusted and horrified by these white supremacists, terrorists calling themselves "militias". After this election, these groups will all be driven back under the rocks they crawled out from under. And the right is busy deny any connection to these people.
3% were being slammed by Clinton as being dangerous before as she bitched about former military being a threat. Why??? because they vowed to protect the constitution. As much as you and your ilk would like to call them terrorist they are not.

You are one lying conniving piece of crap. There isn't anything decent about you nor your ilk.

Clinton?? What does Hillary Clinton have to do with Charlottesville, White Supremacy, or this election? The answer is "absolutely nothing". I guess you have absolutely nothing of value to say.

As always with you fools, when you can't attack the post, you either deflect to "But Hillary", or you attack the poster.

What you accuse others of being, is what you fear you'll be caught doing. Notice how the liar, calls others "liars". Thanks for telling me what you are!
You truly can't be that stupid but then again maybe you are. Hillary was the first one to start calling miltary patriots terrorist. All you are doing is continuing that lie. Gee, that makes you the dumb ass liar.

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