Red Alert: Anti-Taliban Leader Flips Script on Biden – Issues Chilling Warning

The mission set in place by Bush was to bring change to the people of both Iraq and Afghanistan... it was stupid and naïve to say the least... but that was the mission and we employed a lot of Afghan people to help us and we left them all to fucking die... the mission was not finished in 05 where do you get that from?....

The mission was to go in and punish those that attacked us on 9/11. That is what our military does best. That mission was done with precision and speed.

The military, especially the Marines of all branches, is not designed to bring change to the people of a nation. That mission was never going to succeed because the people did not want to fucking change.
Trump is not dumb... Trump ran a better country and resided over a reasonably peaceful world... look back dude... and compare to today....

one can never change the mind of a cult member, I am not even going to try.
The mission was to go in and punish those that attacked us on 9/11. That is what our military does best. That mission was done with precision and speed.

The military, especially the Marines of all branches, is not designed to bring change to the people of a nation. That mission was never going to succeed because the people did not want to fucking change.
That was not the full mission and you know it because you said what it was three posts ago... Bush really thought we could end terrorism by changing the mentality of Muslims in that region... we could build them a new and more modern society... I don't know if you were ever there but if you were you would have seen the infrastructure we were building in Kabul... Women and girls were attending classes in shiny new schools... there were school dances something that would get you killed today...
Like I said it was a stupid plan but that was the mission...
By the way Harp... it was Donald J Trump who warned us not to go to Iraq and to get out of Afghanistan after we killed Bin Laden.... he was right then too....

Trump had 4 full years to get us out of Afghanistan, he did not do it, did not really even try, just made an agreement that he knew he would not have to follow through on.
Our schools have been infested with people who hate America and our freedoms and frankly they hate white people... now somehow Jews are supposedly white so its game on....
Clean up the schools and the voting system and maybe we can get our country back...
Fist thing on the list... stop foreign nations like China from giving our schools money... that needs to stop immediately...
You hit it. Democrats intend to turn the Israel Palestine war into an American race war.
Trump had 4 full years to get us out of Afghanistan, he did not do it, did not really even try, just made an agreement that he knew he would not have to follow through on.
You are so dishonest... you said Trump failed to get us out... but you leave out the fact that conditions were not met.... he made an agreement with the Taliban leadership... if you knew more about Afghanistan you would know getting the different tribes to agree proved to be an impossibility and that is why Trump wouldn't cut and run like Joe did... things like this do not happen overnight it can take years...
You are so dishonest... you said Trump failed to get us out... but you leave out the fact that conditions were not met.... he made an agreement with the Taliban leadership... if you knew more about Afghanistan you would know getting the different tribes to agree proved to be an impossibility and that is why Trump wouldn't cut and run like Joe did... things like this do not happen overnight it can take years...

all you do is make excuses for your god and blame everything on Biden.

We had an agreement with the Taliban and they kept to that agreement, with the possible exception of them working with the current Afghan Govt on the rule of the country after we left. The only part of the agreement that really mattered is they quit killing our troops, and they did that.

But again, everyone knew as soon as we left the Taliban was going to take over, why do you think Trump did not even bother to include the Afghan Govt at the time in the negotiations?

Why did Trump wait till 2020 to even begin the negotiations?
all you do is make excuses for your god and blame everything on Biden.

We had an agreement with the Taliban and they kept to that agreement, with the possible exception of them working with the current Afghan Govt on the rule of the country after we left. The only part of the agreement that really mattered is they quit killing our troops, and they did that.

But again, everyone knew as soon as we left the Taliban was going to take over, why do you think Trump did not even bother to include the Afghan Govt at the time in the negotiations?

Why did Trump wait till 2020 to even begin the negotiations?
I'm defending Trump because you are lying about him.... if you aren't lying you have been lied to and are gullible enough to believe it....
I'm defending Trump because you are lying about him.... if you aren't lying you have been lied to and are gullible enough to believe it....

I have not lied about him. I am giving him credit for getting us out of there, even if he waited much longer than he should have.

You are the fucking war monger that thinks we should still be sacrificing our troops over there.
Bullshit... winning would have been finishing the mission which is what Marines are trained for...
All Biden had to do was nothing... he could have stayed with Trump's plan... keep enough boots on the ground to handle air support and logistics and quick response teams for the Afghan military...
Why are you avoiding Biden's roll in this and why he wanted to bail like he did?....
I thought you didn't vote for Joe....

Trump pulled the majority of US troops out and released 5000 prisoners by September of 2020.
The mission set in place by Bush was to bring change to the people of both Iraq and Afghanistan... it was stupid and naïve to say the least... but that was the mission and we employed a lot of Afghan people to help us and we left them all to fucking die... the mission was not finished in 05 where do you get that from?....

ENRON and the Taliban were negotiating for a gas pipeline across Afghanistan to Dabhol. When talks failed Bush invaded.
Trump had 4 full years to get us out of Afghanistan, he did not do it, did not really even try, just made an agreement that he knew he would not have to follow through on.
Neocons Own the Dunce Cap

Obama, Trump, and Biden all got stuck with what was the complete fault of Dumbo Dubya's unrealistic, multicultural, and Russophobe war policy. When people were less partisan, nobody blamed Nixon and Ford for the outcome in Vietnam.
You hit it. Democrats intend to turn the Israel Palestine war into an American race war.
Anyone Born with a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

There is nothing noble about the "Noble Savage" because there is nothing noble about the nobility itself. That includes untitled HeirHeads.
You are so dishonest... you said Trump failed to get us out... but you leave out the fact that conditions were not met.... he made an agreement with the Taliban leadership... if you knew more about Afghanistan you would know getting the different tribes to agree proved to be an impossibility and that is why Trump wouldn't cut and run like Joe did... things like this do not happen overnight it can take years...
Intertribal War to Extinction

It should be partitioned among Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and even Iran and the Taliban (Pashtun province).
Intertribal War to Extinction

It should be partitioned among Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and even Iran and the Taliban (Pashtun province).
You make a good point but if we would have stayed long enough to make sure the Afghan military were strong and committed enough to keep the peace... I know it sounds crazy but we were getting close to finishing their training... we were in the middle of training Afghan pilots and drone pilots....
I wanted us out really bad because I still had friends there... but not like Joe did it...

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