Joe Manchin's deep corporate ties


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Saint Manchin is raking in millions


It’s not a secret that Manchin, whose personal worth is in the millions, has deep ties to the fossil-fuel industry. Last year, he received half a million dollars in dividends from Enersystems, a coal company he started in the late eighties, which is now run by his son. He is also the U.S. senator who’s received the most money in political donations from the oil, gas, and coal industries. But an underexamined aspect of Manchin’s history is his early membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, or alec, which brings together lobbyists, state legislators, and representatives of conservative think tanks to draft and disseminate model bills

In June, an undercover reporter for Greenpeace U.K., posing as a headhunter for an unnamed oil-and-gas entity, coaxed Keith McCoy, a senior lobbyist for ExxonMobil, into a number of embarrassing revelations. “Joe Manchin—I talk to his office every week,” McCoy said. McCoy added that their conversations were aimed at ridding legislation of “negative stuff”—emissions reductions, taxes on fossil-fuel companies. “He is the kingmaker on this, because he’s a Democrat from West Virginia,” McCoy said of Manchin. “He’s not shy about sort of staking his claim early and completely changing the debate.” (Exxon has said that McCoy is no longer working for the company and denied that his comments represented the company’s position.)
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He’s your typical corporatist (aka Fascist) like most of the assholes of both criminal parties, in the imperial capital on the Potomac.
Define fascism. I doubt you have any clue, and yet, you use words as weapons to satisfy your kookiness.
He’s your typical corporatist (aka Fascist) like most of the assholes of both criminal parties, in the imperial capital on the Potomac.

D.C. is all about picking winners and losers.

And the legislation that these jackals are arguing about now? IS just about whose puppet masters are going to come out on top. None of them don't have blood on their hands.

Honestly? If they were all behind this particular piece of law that is throwing the US economy more in hock, I'd be even more worried.

Define fascism. I doubt you have any clue, and yet, you use words as weapons to satisfy your kookiness.
Nope, Gipper is more educated on these matters than most on this forum. Our economy has become more and more seized by corporate monopolies over the years. There is no industry that isn't dominated by BlackRock or Vanguard. . . or hell, even the FED.

BlackRock and the Federal Reserve: A Love Affair​

Other economies with dirigiste characteristics​

Economic dirigisme has been described as an inherent aspect of fascist economies by Hungarian author Iván T. Berend in his book An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe.[14] However, the fascist systems created by Benito Mussolini (Italy), António Salazar (Portugal), Francisco Franco (Spain) Emperor Hirohito (Japan), and Adolf Hitler (Germany) are a varied mix of elements from numerous philosophies, including nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism.[15]

Dirigisme has been brought up as a politico-economic scheme at odds with laissez-faire capitalism in the context of French overseas holdings. To varying degrees throughout the post-colonial period, countries such as Lebanon and Syria have been influenced by this motif.[16]

The economies of the East Asian tigers are sometimes characterised as being "dirigisme" due to the strong role played by the state in development planning and guiding investment.[citation needed]

He’s your typical corporatist (aka Fascist) like most of the assholes of both criminal parties, in the imperial capital on the Potomac.
Well his name is "Manchin"

It was either that name or limo or yacht.
Saint Manchin is raking in millions


It’s not a secret that Manchin, whose personal worth is in the millions, has deep ties to the fossil-fuel industry. Last year, he received half a million dollars in dividends from Enersystems, a coal company he started in the late eighties, which is now run by his son. He is also the U.S. senator who’s received the most money in political donations from the oil, gas, and coal industries. But an underexamined aspect of Manchin’s history is his early membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, or alec, which brings together lobbyists, state legislators, and representatives of conservative think tanks to draft and disseminate model bills

In June, an undercover reporter for Greenpeace U.K., posing as a headhunter for an unnamed oil-and-gas entity, coaxed Keith McCoy, a senior lobbyist for ExxonMobil, into a number of embarrassing revelations. “Joe Manchin—I talk to his office every week,” McCoy said. McCoy added that their conversations were aimed at ridding legislation of “negative stuff”—emissions reductions, taxes on fossil-fuel companies. “He is the kingmaker on this, because he’s a Democrat from West Virginia,” McCoy said of Manchin. “He’s not shy about sort of staking his claim early and completely changing the debate.” (Exxon has said that McCoy is no longer working for the company and denied that his comments represented the company’s position.)

So? Tisn't like Biden isn't fond of big business himself. Who else can afford to buy Hunter's artwork.

By midday Wednesday, the billionaire tax was out of the mix, according to multiple sources familiar with the talks. Manchin said the tax on billionaire’s assets is “convoluted” and instead pitched a “patriotic” 15 percent tax on wealthy people. He said he did not want to target a certain class of people through the tax code.

His comments complicated negotiations, some Democrats said.

"I continue to be optimistic that on the spending side, there are pathways toward closing the remaining gaps," said Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.). "But I recognize that Sen. Manchin's just made a comment that made some of the revenue side" more complex.
Saint Manchin is raking in millions


It’s not a secret that Manchin, whose personal worth is in the millions, has deep ties to the fossil-fuel industry. Last year, he received half a million dollars in dividends from Enersystems, a coal company he started in the late eighties, which is now run by his son. He is also the U.S. senator who’s received the most money in political donations from the oil, gas, and coal industries. But an underexamined aspect of Manchin’s history is his early membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, or alec, which brings together lobbyists, state legislators, and representatives of conservative think tanks to draft and disseminate model bills

In June, an undercover reporter for Greenpeace U.K., posing as a headhunter for an unnamed oil-and-gas entity, coaxed Keith McCoy, a senior lobbyist for ExxonMobil, into a number of embarrassing revelations. “Joe Manchin—I talk to his office every week,” McCoy said. McCoy added that their conversations were aimed at ridding legislation of “negative stuff”—emissions reductions, taxes on fossil-fuel companies. “He is the kingmaker on this, because he’s a Democrat from West Virginia,” McCoy said of Manchin. “He’s not shy about sort of staking his claim early and completely changing the debate.” (Exxon has said that McCoy is no longer working for the company and denied that his comments represented the company’s position.)
typical dem politician
Come on lefties, find a senator who doesn't have "deep corporate ties". I'd be happy if a senator had deep corporate ties to U.S. companies but the Biden administration seems to prefer deep corporate ties to China. I wondered why the New Yorker would attack a democrat senator this way until I learned that Manchin isn't happy with Biden's spending spree. It's a shame that the left wing media is waiting to pounce on any democrat with frivolous charges if they stray from the progressive fold.
Saint Manchin is raking in millions


It’s not a secret that Manchin, whose personal worth is in the millions, has deep ties to the fossil-fuel industry. Last year, he received half a million dollars in dividends from Enersystems, a coal company he started in the late eighties, which is now run by his son. He is also the U.S. senator who’s received the most money in political donations from the oil, gas, and coal industries. But an underexamined aspect of Manchin’s history is his early membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, or alec, which brings together lobbyists, state legislators, and representatives of conservative think tanks to draft and disseminate model bills

In June, an undercover reporter for Greenpeace U.K., posing as a headhunter for an unnamed oil-and-gas entity, coaxed Keith McCoy, a senior lobbyist for ExxonMobil, into a number of embarrassing revelations. “Joe Manchin—I talk to his office every week,” McCoy said. McCoy added that their conversations were aimed at ridding legislation of “negative stuff”—emissions reductions, taxes on fossil-fuel companies. “He is the kingmaker on this, because he’s a Democrat from West Virginia,” McCoy said of Manchin. “He’s not shy about sort of staking his claim early and completely changing the debate.” (Exxon has said that McCoy is no longer working for the company and denied that his comments represented the company’s position.)
That's the reason for term limits.
"Pramila Jayapal is a beautiful person who represents Silicon Valley"

"if i meet Bernie in private, there would be a homicide"

Saint Manchin is raking in millions


It’s not a secret that Manchin, whose personal worth is in the millions, has deep ties to the fossil-fuel industry. Last year, he received half a million dollars in dividends from Enersystems, a coal company he started in the late eighties, which is now run by his son. He is also the U.S. senator who’s received the most money in political donations from the oil, gas, and coal industries. But an underexamined aspect of Manchin’s history is his early membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, or alec, which brings together lobbyists, state legislators, and representatives of conservative think tanks to draft and disseminate model bills

In June, an undercover reporter for Greenpeace U.K., posing as a headhunter for an unnamed oil-and-gas entity, coaxed Keith McCoy, a senior lobbyist for ExxonMobil, into a number of embarrassing revelations. “Joe Manchin—I talk to his office every week,” McCoy said. McCoy added that their conversations were aimed at ridding legislation of “negative stuff”—emissions reductions, taxes on fossil-fuel companies. “He is the kingmaker on this, because he’s a Democrat from West Virginia,” McCoy said of Manchin. “He’s not shy about sort of staking his claim early and completely changing the debate.” (Exxon has said that McCoy is no longer working for the company and denied that his comments represented the company’s position.)
Boy, run afoul of progressive orthodoxy and they turn to cannibalism.

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