Joe Remembers That Time He Visited the Tree of Life Synagogue After a Shooting. The Tree of Life Synagogue's Staff Doesn't Remember Him Ever Coming.

I’m so old I remember when the Left screamed about lies from a President.

Another useless post citing another questionable source, calling Joe Biden a liar. If it wasn't for Questionable Sources, you wouldn't have any sources.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.

I’m so old I remember when the Left screamed about lies from a President.

Maybe he was there abnd everyone just forgot! I mean, Joe ids a very forgettable guy. :smoke:

Seriously, I know for a fact that Joe was never there. And why would he have gone there back when this happened? He probably dreamed about the place after watching about it on his 13" Sony bedside TV.
Lots of jews are self haters, thus why Barbara was obsessed with Waspy Redford. She doesn't have blue eyes either, she wore contacts lol. The Way we waz not lol.
The ending of that movie makes my feminine side bawl like a newborn calf.
American Abandoning *Joes entire life is comprised of made up stories and scenarios he tells to get votes. What a pathetic existence.
Another useless post citing another questionable source, calling Joe Biden a liar. If it wasn't for Questionable Sources, you wouldn't have any sources.

Biden told Stephanopoulos that no Americans would left behind. Biden lied, Americans died. Americans are still in Afghanistan. Biden has blood on his hands and so does every one of you hateful sniveling little demons that voted for him.
How often does Jill Biden tell Joe to STFU? I think she needs to do that more often.
Another useless post citing another questionable source, calling Joe Biden a liar. If it wasn't for Questionable Sources, you wouldn't have any sources.

He lied, deal with it.
Another useless post citing another questionable source, calling Joe Biden a liar. If it wasn't for Questionable Sources, you wouldn't have any sources.

its questionable to call biden a liar?????? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​

You have drunk the kool aid.

Donald Trump may be rude and crude. He may be abrasive and off-putting. His Twitter temperament may be caustic, his leadership style demanding, his political instincts heavy-handed, and his use of hyperbole a bit extreme; yes, President Trump may be a pugnacious man with many flaws that he doesn’t even care to hide, but Joe Biden is a proven, habitual, unrepentant fraud and a pathological liar of the highest order.

Civil rights activist Shaun King says this. “Since the early 1970s, Joe Biden has been a serial liar …”

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"The Tree of Life Synagogue's Staff Doesn't Remember Him Ever Coming."​

there is a big difference between Doesn't remember him ever coming
he went showed up to the synagogue and them not remembering him being there

moral to the story GET A LIFE
HAha... yeah right!
People would just simply forget a Vice President visiting? Just another day?

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