Joe vs. the Latina - a twit forces a woman to give birth in shackles

That man's a power-mad ass.

He's damned lucky the women didn't die during childbirth.
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That man's a power-mad ass.

He's damned lucky the women didn't die during childbirth.

Why? Did he withhold medical treatment? So, she was shackled - if she had not broken the law, she would not have been. So, if anyone is responsible for her discomfort, it is her.
Nope, not interested in the debate of ethics, only in the law in this instance. Ravi assumes that some of us want her out because she's latino. I find that accusation offensive. Only issue: was she here legally - if not, then she and her baby go home. And I don't really care whether she was shackled while she gave birth - that was her choice - she broke the law of the US, then I have no sympathy for her.

Then you're not offering any interesting or substantive commentary. A supporter of Jim Crow laws could have possessed this same crude legal fetishism, and that wouldn't have accomplished anything either.
Gotta love the conservative love of Latinos.

Gotta love the idiots who make it about race. It's about the law, Ravi.... they aren't just guidelines. If someone is here illegally, I don't give a shit where they come from - they go home. Simples.

Gotta love the lefties who are incapable of working out the difference between racism and abiding by the law.
I don't care what someone's status don't force a woman to give birth in shackles.
Gotta love the conservative love of Latinos.

Gotta love the idiots who make it about race. It's about the law, Ravi.... they aren't just guidelines. If someone is here illegally, I don't give a shit where they come from - they go home. Simples.

Gotta love the lefties who are incapable of working out the difference between racism and abiding by the law.
I don't care what someone's status don't force a woman to give birth in shackles.

So, if you don't care what her status is, why is it such a stretch to think that conservatives don't care what country she is from. Fact is, if she had not come here illegally, she would not have been in shackles. Action and consequence. It's quite simple.
Gotta love the conservative love of Latinos.

Ravi....they are talking about ILLEGAL Latinos not the LEGAL ones....big difference....especially in the mind set....must be experienced to be appreciated...
If she hadn't broken our laws, she would not have been shackled. To be honest, I don't really care very much about her discomfort. Send her, and her anchor baby back to whereever they come from.
So what exactly did this newborn baby do to deserve being treated this way?

I couldn't give a shit about a 'newborn baby' other than it's mother is here illegally. Little baby is welcome to live a long and happy life - in it's country, not ours.

Not surprising you would not give a shit about a newborn baby. Now if, however, the mother had requested an abortion, perhaps even asked for government assistance to pay for the abortion since conceivably she is destitute and unable to pay for or even access proper medical care while in this concentration camp that the Sheriff runs, I'm pretty certain you and your ilk would be want to deny her that because a fetus is something you people care about, as long as it stays a fetus. Once it becomes a child, like you said, you all "don't give a shit".

And by the way, the baby was born here just like presumably you were. This is it's country.
Gotta love the idiots who make it about race. It's about the law, Ravi.... they aren't just guidelines. If someone is here illegally, I don't give a shit where they come from - they go home. Simples.

Gotta love the lefties who are incapable of working out the difference between racism and abiding by the law.

Aside from the fact that "Latinos" are not a race, have you considered the earlier observation that "[l]egal and ethical standards are divergent (i.e. slavery was legal but unethical; slave liberation was ethical, but illegal), so a mere comment on criminality doesn't constitute an ethical comment in and of itself"?

Nope, not interested in the debate of ethics, only in the law in this instance. Ravi assumes that some of us want her out because she's latino. I find that accusation offensive. Only issue: was she here legally - if not, then she and her baby go home. And I don't really care whether she was shackled while she gave birth - that was her choice - she broke the law of the US, then I have no sympathy for her.
Why should the baby be sent to a country it's never been to? How has the baby broken the law? Was it an illegal birth? :cuckoo:

You may not care that the mother was shackled and unable to hold her newborn, but how can you not care for the baby's sake? A newborn baby needs to be cradled by it's mother. This infant has been made to suffer for no fault of it's own. It did not chose to be born in the US, it did not even chose to be born at all.

I though conservatives were all for family values and motherhood and all that. I guess you only deserve that if you are a white baby.
That man's a power-mad ass.

He's damned lucky the women didn't die during childbirth.
He has public relations staff working full time to promote his image.

He'd have done even better, careerwise, in Nazi Germany.
Aside from the fact that "Latinos" are not a race, have you considered the earlier observation that "[l]egal and ethical standards are divergent (i.e. slavery was legal but unethical; slave liberation was ethical, but illegal), so a mere comment on criminality doesn't constitute an ethical comment in and of itself"?

Nope, not interested in the debate of ethics, only in the law in this instance. Ravi assumes that some of us want her out because she's latino. I find that accusation offensive. Only issue: was she here legally - if not, then she and her baby go home. And I don't really care whether she was shackled while she gave birth - that was her choice - she broke the law of the US, then I have no sympathy for her.
Why should the baby be sent to a country it's never been to? How has the baby broken the law? Was it an illegal birth? :cuckoo:

You may not care that the mother was shackled and unable to hold her newborn, but how can you not care for the baby's sake? A newborn baby needs to be cradled by it's mother. This infant has been made to suffer for no fault of it's own. It did not chose to be born in the US, it did not even chose to be born at all.

I though conservatives were all for family values and motherhood and all that. I guess you only deserve that if you are a white baby.

And now, instead of responding to your gibberish, I dismiss your gibberish because you are so completely fucking stupid that you resort to the race card. Don't guess about me 'and my ilk' you cretinous fool.
Gotta love the conservative love of Latinos.

Gotta love the idiots who make it about race. It's about the law, Ravi.... they aren't just guidelines. If someone is here illegally, I don't give a shit where they come from - they go home. Simples.

Gotta love the lefties who are incapable of working out the difference between racism and abiding by the law.
I don't care what someone's status don't force a woman to give birth in shackles.
Did they really think a woman in labor had any real chance of escaping from the detention center? ??

This was all about torture and nothing at all to do with restraining a threat to society.
Gotta love the conservative love of Latinos.

Gotta love the idiots who make it about race. It's about the law, Ravi.... they aren't just guidelines. If someone is here illegally, I don't give a shit where they come from - they go home. Simples.

Gotta love the lefties who are incapable of working out the difference between racism and abiding by the law.
I don't care what someone's status don't force a woman to give birth in shackles.
I really hope that these cretins who approve of shackling mothers giving birth are not parents themselves.
You idiots! You believe EVERYTHING without ever questioning motives! If this is so, PROVE IT!!! I want proof that this actually happened! I will be waiting.

If so, did this woman die? Did the baby die? Or did BOTH receive the best medcial care available? Is the baby STILL an american citizen? Who paid for the birth? Who paid for the mom's care? Was she deported?

Oh yes, and the money she will receive after lawyers line up to sue the country, the state, the police department, the civil action suits that will follow, etc, etc, etc. Don't you just love our non-existent immigration system!
I don't care what someone's status don't force a woman to give birth in shackles.
Off topic, I suppose the forced birthers will resort to that if they succeed in overturning Roe. :eusa_eh:
The story sound bogus to me. Joe would not have nothing to do with women giving birth. Think about it and reason on it and get the full story. This is not the Joe I know. Shakles? no.
So what exactly did this newborn baby do to deserve being treated this way?

I couldn't give a shit about a 'newborn baby' other than it's mother is here illegally. Little baby is welcome to live a long and happy life - in it's country, not ours.

Not surprising you would not give a shit about a newborn baby. Now if, however, the mother had requested an abortion, perhaps even asked for government assistance to pay for the abortion since conceivably she is destitute and unable to pay for or even access proper medical care while in this concentration camp that the Sheriff runs, I'm pretty certain you and your ilk would be want to deny her that because a fetus is something you people care about, as long as it stays a fetus. Once it becomes a child, like you said, you all "don't give a shit".

And by the way, the baby was born here just like presumably you were. This is it's country.

Now, Telemundo 52 is reporting on the case of a woman named Alma Minerva Chacon, who says she was detained while nine months pregnant and forced to give birth while shackled to a bed. Chacon said she was not allowed to hold her baby and was told that if no one came to pick up the child within 72 hours, the baby would be turned over to state custody.

I believe someone want to sue.-
You will also hear a lot more of 'domestic abuse' since Obama now has allowed that as a reason to seek asylum in this country. Can you just imagine how many will go to the authorities with self-inflicted bruises and claim abuse? Where will it end? Stop the world I want to get off.

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