Joe’s 5 Major Scandals and He’s the Best in the Party


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal

Pathetic how the Left destroyed a once good political party.
Could you expand on those thoughts, what is the questionable family business, the Tara Reade allegations?
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal

Pathetic how the Left destroyed a once good political party.
Since when has the Democrap party ever been good? Fuck, before the Civil War, Democrats owned people. After the Civil War their terrorized people. During the 1920s they protested to keep women from voting(i do have to agree with that one though), 1930's and 40s, interned people into camps because they looked different, 1950s and 1960's prevented people from using the same water fountains and using fire hoses on them. Tell me a day when Demoncraps actually were worth a dam, and not just hiding under the radar...
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal

Pathetic how the Left destroyed a once good political party.
Since when has the Democrap party ever been good? Fuck, before the Civil War, Democrats owned people. After the Civil War their terrorized people. During the 1920s they protested to keep women from voting(i do have to agree with that one though), 1950s and 1960's prevented people from using the same water fountains and using fire hoses on them. Tell me a day when Demoncraps actually were worth a dam, and not just hiding under the radar...
I liked JFK for standing up to the Russkies and telling Americans to get off their asses if you want something.
Weatherman, I did not ask you for a link. I asked what your thoughts were on two of the scandals, are your reading comprehension skills rusty? also I believe you were asked in a polite manor, you must be very angry to call some one you don't know shitforbrains for no good reason.
Weatherman, I did not ask you for a link. I asked what your thoughts were on two of the scandals, are your reading comprehension skills rusty? also I believe you were asked in a polite manor, you must be very angry to call some one you don't know shitforbrains for no good reason.
Sorry, I’m pissing on a Moderator in private.
He's the best and he sucks. But he's just a snapshot of how unhinged his party is. Just watch what happens with Red states and Blue states during this pandemic. Trump was smart to let states have independence in dealing with the virus because he knew what the outcome would be. Red states have succeeded and Blue states have mostly failed because of their overbearing totalitarian response to the virus.
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal

Pathetic how the Left destroyed a once good political party.

You mean the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow? :eek:
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal

Pathetic how the Left destroyed a once good political party.
Since when has the Democrap party ever been good? Fuck, before the Civil War, Democrats owned people. After the Civil War their terrorized people. During the 1920s they protested to keep women from voting(i do have to agree with that one though), 1950s and 1960's prevented people from using the same water fountains and using fire hoses on them. Tell me a day when Demoncraps actually were worth a dam, and not just hiding under the radar...
I liked JFK for standing up to the Russkies and telling Americans to get off their asses if you want something.
But he left the rebels against the Commies and Fidel to die at his hands, because he got cold feet when the time came. Also, his screwing around with Marylyn wasnt the best thing. And his wire tapping of Martin Luther King Jr, because he and his brother thought MLK was a Communist.

Could you expand on those thoughts, what is the questionable family business, the Tara Reade allegations?

No problem...
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal

Pathetic how the Left destroyed a once good political party.

Wow, Biden must be a genius if he had a scandal in the Ukraine and Trump is the guy who got impeached over it.

The Tara Reade allegations have already collapsed on themselves.

Polls say more voters trust Biden to deal with China than Trump.
But he left the rebels against the Commies and Fidel to die at his hands, because he got cold feet when the time came. Also, his screwing around with Marylyn wasnt the best thing. And his wire tapping of Martin Luther King Jr, because he and his brother thought MLK was a Communist.

Okay. let's look at those.

J Edgar Hoover was the one wiretapping Dr. King.

Abandoning those guys at the Bay of Pigs was the right call. Those people were idiots and we are all better off they removed themselves from the Gene Pool.

Shit, what red-blooded American wouldn't have wanted to fuck Marilyn Monroe?
Joe Biden being the candidate for president of the democratic party in 2020 is clear indication this party is on a decline that they’ve never seen before. The man can’t put together, can you imagine him negotiating trade deals? Stuttering like a fool?
Joe Biden being the candidate for president of the democratic party in 2020 is clear indication this party is on a decline that they’ve never seen before. The man can’t put together, can you imagine him negotiating trade deals? Stuttering like a fool?
Of course I can imagine Biden putting together "trade deals"...

He will sell us out to ANYBODY if the price is right (and the money goes in HIS OR HUNTER'S POCKET) !!!!
Joe Biden being the candidate for president of the democratic party in 2020 is clear indication this party is on a decline that they’ve never seen before. The man can’t put together, can you imagine him negotiating trade deals? Stuttering like a fool?

Presidents don't personally negotiate trade deals. That would be stupid. By the time the two presidents sit down and sign an agreement, the professionals have worked out all the details.

Man, are you dumb, or you have a child-like view of how the world works.

Of course I can imagine Biden putting together "trade deals"...

He will sell us out to ANYBODY if the price is right (and the money goes in HIS OR HUNTER'S POCKET) !!!!

Uh, if you want to blame anyone for "Trade Deals", maybe blame the big corporations that take advantage of wealth inequality in the world or the dumb-ass consumer that grabs the cheapest product off the shelf.

But I guess it's easier to blame politicians for your behavior.
5. The Questionable Family Business
4. Shady China Connections
3. His Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo Scandal
2. The Tara Reade Allegations
1. The Spygate Scandal

Pathetic how the Left destroyed a once good political party.

Wow, Biden must be a genius if he had a scandal in the Ukraine and Trump is the guy who got impeached over it.

The Tara Reade allegations have already collapsed on themselves.

Polls say more voters trust Biden to deal with China than Trump.
History will always remember the partisan politics of the Democrats trying to overthrow our government in 1862 and 2019.
But he left the rebels against the Commies and Fidel to die at his hands, because he got cold feet when the time came. Also, his screwing around with Marylyn wasnt the best thing. And his wire tapping of Martin Luther King Jr, because he and his brother thought MLK was a Communist.

Okay. let's look at those.

J Edgar Hoover was the one wiretapping Dr. King.

Abandoning those guys at the Bay of Pigs was the right call. Those people were idiots and we are all better off they removed themselves from the Gene Pool.

Shit, what red-blooded American wouldn't have wanted to fuck Marilyn Monroe?
At the order of JF Kennedy and his brother, because they the Kennedy's though MLK jr was a communist sympathizer. Next
Instead of allowing his operatives to work with the freedom rebels of Cuba, the Rape of Marilyn, by Jfk and his brothers, got cold feet and left the allies to all die, proves once again that a liberal will start shit but never finish.
Oh so it is okay for a married man to fuck around and hurt his wife? Typical liberal attitude towards the War on Women. Thanks for participating. You are a

Joe Biden being the candidate for president of the democratic party in 2020 is clear indication this party is on a decline that they’ve never seen before. The man can’t put together, can you imagine him negotiating trade deals? Stuttering like a fool?

Presidents don't personally negotiate trade deals. That would be stupid. By the time the two presidents sit down and sign an agreement, the professionals have worked out all the details.

Man, are you dumb, or you have a child-like view of how the world works.

Of course I can imagine Biden putting together "trade deals"...

He will sell us out to ANYBODY if the price is right (and the money goes in HIS OR HUNTER'S POCKET) !!!!

Uh, if you want to blame anyone for "Trade Deals", maybe blame the big corporations that take advantage of wealth inequality in the world or the dumb-ass consumer that grabs the cheapest product off the shelf.

But I guess it's easier to blame politicians for your behavior.
I say the dumbass consumer like you Joe, who supports the Communist of China.

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