Joe's State of the { ? }


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
{ Bunion }.Can't be possibly anything else.He pledged while campaigning
basically from some basement bunker that he'd Unite the Country.
Yeah right ... Pally.Like giving most americans swelling and soreness every day
with Leftist Agendas.You know like having a bunion on one's Big Toe
and that won't go away.A Union is a uniting of two or more.Not Just Joe and his
band of Radicals.I wonder how many leftist are charged with writing Joe's
upcoming address.I wonder how long it would be.How many clapping
Democrats in the House will waste time standing and showcasing faux
pride.I wonder if the New Speaker of the House will pull a Pelosi.
Rip-up portions of Joe's apparent infernal address.I wonder who'll
bother to fact check it.Let me guess the same clowns like FactCheck.Org.
Run by Chicago Leftist' at Anneberg.Remember The Anneberg Challenge.
Tied to the hip with other Leftist projects like The Woods Fund,
Micromanaged by Obama and Bill Ayers.Chicago Neighbors.
" I am a firm believer in the people.If given the truth,
they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis.
The great point is to bring them the real facts. "
-- Abe Lincoln.
I can't think of anyone who has ever more divided the country than Joe Biden. But thanks for reminding me, I'll have to be sure not to watch his address as everyone knows it'll only be more ribald smoke blown up people's asses, unbelievable lies, and raw naked propaganda as democrats enthusiastically applaud to every word like the little wind-up zombies they are.

I'll leave it up to the analysts to watch it for me then cherry pick the low lights and explanations.
I can only imagine the sort of cocktails his handlers are having to whip up in order to keep him in a state that can pass for sentient.

The job of white house chemist gets tougher by the day.
:safetocomeoutff: They don't make enough top shelf for me to listen to him Dog ~S~
{ Bunion }.Can't be possibly anything else.He pledged while campaigning
basically from some basement bunker that he'd Unite the Country.
Yeah right ... Pally.Like giving most americans swelling and soreness every day
with Leftist Agendas.You know like having a bunion on one's Big Toe
and that won't go away.A Union is a uniting of two or more.Not Just Joe and his
band of Radicals.I wonder how many leftist are charged with writing Joe's
upcoming address.I wonder how long it would be.How many clapping
Democrats in the House will waste time standing and showcasing faux
pride.I wonder if the New Speaker of the House will pull a Pelosi.
Rip-up portions of Joe's apparent infernal address.I wonder who'll
bother to fact check it.Let me guess the same clowns like FactCheck.Org.
Run by Chicago Leftist' at Anneberg.Remember The Anneberg Challenge.
Tied to the hip with other Leftist projects like The Woods Fund,
Micromanaged by Obama and Bill Ayers.Chicago Neighbors.
" I am a firm believer in the people.If given the truth,
they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis.
The great point is to bring them the real facts. "
-- Abe Lincoln.
Republicans able but not ready to work with Biden.
With China now virtually Openly and cravenly Spying on
us { why hover over places like Montana where ICBM silos
are and very little in the way of Population and over a place where
we have Triad { Nuclear Sub } as in the Carolinas.
Obviously China is scoping out our Nuclear readiness and
maybe places were an E-bomb { Electromagnetic } bomb would
wipe out electricity in much of the U.S.
Do you tink for a doggone second Joe might just see fit
to explore how precarious we are now.Under his Helm.
I doubt it.Mise well just start hanging out as the nearest Big City
Zoo and listen and watch the Hyenas.I mean,what'd be the difference.?
{ Bunion }.Can't be possibly anything else.He pledged while campaigning
basically from some basement bunker that he'd Unite the Country.
Yeah right ... Pally.Like giving most americans swelling and soreness every day
with Leftist Agendas.You know like having a bunion on one's Big Toe
and that won't go away.A Union is a uniting of two or more.Not Just Joe and his
band of Radicals.I wonder how many leftist are charged with writing Joe's
upcoming address.I wonder how long it would be.How many clapping
Democrats in the House will waste time standing and showcasing faux
pride.I wonder if the New Speaker of the House will pull a Pelosi.
Rip-up portions of Joe's apparent infernal address.I wonder who'll
bother to fact check it.Let me guess the same clowns like FactCheck.Org.
Run by Chicago Leftist' at Anneberg.Remember The Anneberg Challenge.
Tied to the hip with other Leftist projects like The Woods Fund,
Micromanaged by Obama and Bill Ayers.Chicago Neighbors.
" I am a firm believer in the people.If given the truth,
they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis.
The great point is to bring them the real facts. "
-- Abe Lincoln.
People actually still watch that stuff?

I mean really, do I need to watch Joe tell us how fabulous the world is today thanks to him being President?

I think that is a given.
I would love for McCarthy to hold up the speech like he's going to pull a Pelosi and give the cameras his cheesy grin. Republicans can and need to do better at mocking the democrats.
I would love for McCarthy to hold up the speech like he's going to pull a Pelosi and give the cameras his cheesy grin. Republicans can and need to do better at mocking the democrats.
Because All things in Moderation would be lost on any Democrat.
I wonder how many flubs Biden will deliever in his SOTU.
Pelosi is still a member of the House.As is Steny Hoyer.
He's the House Majority leader.
Because All things in Moderation would be lost on any Democrat.
I wonder how many flubs Biden will deliever in his SOTU.
Pelosi is still a member of the House.As is Steny Hoyer.
He's the House Majority leader.
I honestly don't care anymore.

He can get up there and do a Fetterman routine and nothing changes.
I honestly don't care anymore.

He can get up there and do a Fetterman routine and nothing changes.
I get your abstract political reality.No I doesn't.
No Potus in Modern history has done more to virtually
change Government than this Biden.Plus THE Worst Military
withdrawal in our storied history.The worst taking over of the media.
The worst pandemic responce and I can go all down the line.
I kinda in a way Dig the way certain folk like you have such
a carefree cavalier attitude.It means we have a lot of work to do.
To get our country back and those cavalier enough to stut their stuff
on a message board as if No one the wiser.That's known as the
The Last Hurrah.Or possibly the Fall of Saigon.
The end of Something where mastery of the old loses to a younger
crowd and prophetically a new age of advertisement takes control.
You can over advertise a new Candy bar.
Or change the character of Walt Disney's dream.
" My duty is to speak; I have no wish to be an accomplice. "
Emile Zola

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