John Boehner Unchained!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
This article was SO fun to read! He clearly has no fucks left to give. It's kinda long, so the Right-Wingers won't make it to the end. Sad!

John Boehner Unchained

Some choice quotes:

Breaking the ice, I mention some news of the day—that Trey Gowdy appears likely to become chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The previous chairman, Jason Chaffetz, had abruptly announced his resignation from Congress; House conservatives had hoped that Jim Jordan, a senior member on the committee, might pursue the chairmanship. Boehner grins. “Gowdy—that’s my guy, even though he doesn’t know how to dress,” he says. Then Boehner leans back in his chair. “Fuck Jordan. Fuck Chaffetz. They’re both assholes.”

And away we go.​

That's just the beginning.

Boehner’s beef with Chaffetz, who would later join Fox News as a paid contributor, is not personal—just that he’s a “total phony” who possessed legislative talent but focused mostly on self-promotion. “With Chaffetz,” Boehner says, “it’s always about Chaffetz.”

His problems with Jordan, the founding chairman of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus, run much deeper. To Boehner and his allies, Jordan was the antagonist in the story of his speakership—an embodiment of the brinkmanship and betrayal that roiled the House Republican majority and made Boehner’s life miserable. Although he would tell me in later conversations that he holds no grudges against anyone, today Boehner unloads on his fellow Ohioan. “Jordan was a terrorist as a legislator going back to his days in the Ohio House and Senate,” Boehner says. “A terrorist. A legislative terrorist.”

“They can’t tell you what they’re for. They can tell you everything they’re against. They’re anarchists. They want total chaos. Tear it all down and start over. That’s where their mindset is.”

“I’m smoking a cigarette, and they bring me a glass of merlot. And we’re sitting there a little while, and here’s the president drinking iced tea and chomping on Nicorette. What else do you need to know about the two of us?”

“We’ve got some of the smartest people in America who serve in the Congress, and we’ve got some of the dumbest. We have some of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet, and some that are Nazis. Congress is nothing more than a slice of America.”

“He would have won. For a guy who always wanted to be president, I guess that’s a big deal.”

“I never went to New York without seeing Ailes. He and I were friends. But it was the most bizarre meeting I’d ever had. He had black helicopters flying all around his head that morning. It was every conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard, and I’m throwing cold water on all this bullshit.”

“We get to the end of lunch, and Nini says, ‘Hey John, can I call you next week?’ He calls me and he says, ‘You’re not a lawyer. I want you to write this down.’ And it’s a non-denial denial. The lawyers read it, and they say, ‘That means yes.’”
Boehner worries about the deepening fissures in American society. But he sees Trump as more of a symptom than the cause of what is a longer arc of social and ideological alienation, fueled by talk radio and Fox News on the right and MSNBC and social media on the left. “People thought in ’09, ’10, ’11, that the country couldn’t be divided more. And you go back to Obama’s campaign in 2008, you know, he was talking about the divide and healing the country and all of that. And some would argue on the right that he did more to divide the country than to unite it. I kind of reject that notion.” Why is that? “Because it wasn’t him!” Boehner replies. “It was modern-day media, and social media, that kept pushing people further right and further left. People started to figure out … they could choose where to get their news. And so what do people do? They choose places they agree with, reinforcing the divide.”

He continues: “I always liked Rush [Limbaugh]. When I went to Palm Beach I would always meet with Rush and we’d go play golf. But you know, who was that right-wing guy, [Mark] Levin? He went really crazy right and got a big audience, and he dragged [Sean] Hannity to the dark side. He dragged Rush to the dark side. And these guys—I used to talk to them all the time. And suddenly they’re beating the living shit out of me.” Boehner, seated in his favorite recliner, lights another cigarette. “I had a conversation with Hannity, probably about the beginning of 2015. I called him and said, ‘Listen, you’re nuts.’ We had this really blunt conversation. Things were better for a few months, and then it got back to being the same-old, same-old. Because I wasn’t going to be a right-wing idiot.”
Boehner worries about the deepening fissures in American society. But he sees Trump as more of a symptom than the cause of what is a longer arc of social and ideological alienation, fueled by talk radio and Fox News on the right and MSNBC and social media on the left. “People thought in ’09, ’10, ’11, that the country couldn’t be divided more. And you go back to Obama’s campaign in 2008, you know, he was talking about the divide and healing the country and all of that. And some would argue on the right that he did more to divide the country than to unite it. I kind of reject that notion.” Why is that? “Because it wasn’t him!” Boehner replies. “It was modern-day media, and social media, that kept pushing people further right and further left. People started to figure out … they could choose where to get their news. And so what do people do? They choose places they agree with, reinforcing the divide.”

He continues: “I always liked Rush [Limbaugh]. When I went to Palm Beach I would always meet with Rush and we’d go play golf. But you know, who was that right-wing guy, [Mark] Levin? He went really crazy right and got a big audience, and he dragged [Sean] Hannity to the dark side. He dragged Rush to the dark side. And these guys—I used to talk to them all the time. And suddenly they’re beating the living shit out of me.” Boehner, seated in his favorite recliner, lights another cigarette. “I had a conversation with Hannity, probably about the beginning of 2015. I called him and said, ‘Listen, you’re nuts.’ We had this really blunt conversation. Things were better for a few months, and then it got back to being the same-old, same-old. Because I wasn’t going to be a right-wing idiot.”
People started to figure out … they could choose where to get their news. And so what do people do? They choose places they agree with, reinforcing the divide.”
Confirmation bias feels good, and far too many people are desperate, diffident, or despondent, and/or some combination thereof, enough to wallow in emotional gratification rather than face reality when it doesn't align with what they wish were extant.

I wasn’t going to be a right-wing idiot.”

Would that more people on the right were to make and adhere to that same notion....Alas, we have a POTUS now who abjures doing any such thing, or even something approximating it.
It's a hit piece blog editorial about Boehner but not authored or authorized by Boehner... right? Why Boehner at this point in time?
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Boehner is a POS who betrayed Conservatives and was finally discarded like bad rubbish. Good riddance.
Idiots like easyt65 would find out from the article that Boehner had negotiated a more conservative "Grand Bargain" in secret with Obama, but the House conservatives fucked him over by not trusting him, coming out with a plan that was LESS conservative, and had MORE revenue. So Obama walked away from the deal with Boehner. He's not going to agree to a deal that's worse for Democrats.
Boehner betrayed Conservatives, ignoring them and telling them who to vote for, pushing his Washington Establishment BS.

Again, the man was finally discarded like the refuse he was. He is now bitter, pissed Conservatives 'de-throned' and exiled him.

He is a POS...the House mirror image of McConnell. Good riddance.
Idiots like easyt65 would find out from the article that Boehner had negotiated a more conservative "Grand Bargain" in secret with Obama, but the House conservatives fucked him over by not trusting him, coming out with a plan that was LESS conservative, and had MORE revenue. So Obama walked away from the deal with Boehner. He's not going to agree to a deal that's worse for Democrats.
Morons like you think you know and speak for Conservatives. You hate conservatives like Boehner until they turn on their own or when they become Democrats' bitch, acting more like libtards than Republicans.

You're a joke....

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