John F. Kennedy.. Democrats

JFK had better taste in women than Obama does.



He was doing Elizabeth Montgomery too...
When he was alive, we were not as together as many claim. JFK was treated by the right in much the same way that Obama is. Elitist, Commie, Liberal, un American.......CATHOLIC

After he was shot he became a martyr


Kennedy would be considered a Tea Party conservative now and persecuted by the lefties as a crazy man.

There is no serious comparison to Obama other than the "D".

No, he wouldn't. He would have supported the ACA in a heart beat. He would have called the TeaPoCrap Party nothing but the John Birch Society recycled.

You read the quotes, is there a Democrat alive that would follow those quotes?
Kennedy would be considered a Tea Party conservative now and persecuted by the lefties as a crazy man.

There is no serious comparison to Obama other than the "D".

No, he wouldn't. He would have supported the ACA in a heart beat. He would have called the TeaPoCrap Party nothing but the John Birch Society recycled.

You read the quotes, is there a Democrat alive that would follow those quotes?

JFK would spit on the TeaPoCrap Party and you know it.
No, he wouldn't. He would have supported the ACA in a heart beat. He would have called the TeaPoCrap Party nothing but the John Birch Society recycled.

You read the quotes, is there a Democrat alive that would follow those quotes?

JFK would spit on the TeaPoCrap Party and you know it.

Perhaps you missed this quote..

Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.
John F. Kennedy

Well, we're off to see "Thor", catch you later..:)
Some presidents have the ability to make off the cuff comments that become instant hits. The "great communicator" Ronnie Reagan was such a politician. JFK was a scripted president. The media loved him so much that his goof about a slang word in German "berliner" that translated to jelly donut could have ruined his speech in Germany but the media ignored the gaffe and turned the speech into an instant hit. The world was relieved that the United States felt empathy for East Germans who were isolated by the Berlin Wall but like so much else about the JFK administration the speech was meaningless. It is generally ignored by the Kennedy culture but it is acknowledged by scholars that the Pulitzer Prize for his book "Profiles in Courage" was fraudulent because Sorenson admitted that he wrote it.
I recall that he brought the country together, it just felt good to have him as President.

When he was alive, we were not as together as many claim. JFK was treated by the right in much the same way that Obama is. Elitist, Commie, Liberal, un American.......CATHOLIC

After he was shot he became a martyr


Kennedy would be considered a Tea Party conservative now and persecuted by the lefties as a crazy man.

There is no serious comparison to Obama other than the "D".

Bull shit

Kennedy was much more liberal than Obama. Conservatives of the day were much more liberal than today's conservatives
Kennedy would be considered a Tea Party conservative now and persecuted by the lefties as a crazy man.

There is no serious comparison to Obama other than the "D".

No, he wouldn't. He would have supported the ACA in a heart beat. He would have called the TeaPoCrap Party nothing but the John Birch Society recycled.

You read the quotes, is there a Democrat alive that would follow those quotes?

Ummmm....all of them would
I think the killing of JFK brought about the sad truth to the hearts of millions that there are powerful entity's watching and dictating from the shadows, and the American dream was no longer possible because of it. The truth was not as hard to see in those days like it is today.

At a time when the threat of communism/socialism were common topics over dinner, JFK brought us Camelot and hope in Americas bright future. Nothing seemed impossible then.

We as a nation understood fully what he was saying during his speech on secret societies. We understood what he meant about a free and uncontrolled press. We knew the importance of his new U.S. Dollars. The days before propaganda and double speak. We saw him as the last true American freedom fighter, and that made us all feel safe in his hands.

When he was killed we not only lost a REAL president, but we lost a dream that still eludes us today. THEY won. We knew as a nation that we were not really in control. Since than there has been puppet President after puppet President.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda. It doesn't matter what JFK might have done or if he was, sniff, sniff attacked by republicans while he was campaigning. All that stuff is smoke and mirrors. The fact is that JFK was a freaking failure of a president. He gave a brilliant speech in Germany while the Russians were building the Berlin Wall and then he went home and left the East Germans to suffer. He appointed his own brother to cover his ass while he was diddling organized crime runners and hollywood starlets. His A.G. brother spent his time trying to kill Castro and the administration used the CIA in such a flagrantly illegal way that he should have been impeached for trying to raise an army to invade Cuba. The media loved him though and while Russian boomer subs were close enough to the US to nuke us JFK tried a chicken game with Kruchev and brought us to Devcon#2.
Whitehall, is their something the matter with your noodle? Kennedy was wanting to shut the CIA down. A little research before a post goes a long way.
I recall that he brought the country together, it just felt good to have him as President.

When he was alive, we were not as together as many claim. JFK was treated by the right in much the same way that Obama is. Elitist, Commie, Liberal, un American.......CATHOLIC

After he was shot he became a martyr


Kennedy would be considered a Tea Party conservative now and persecuted by the lefties as a crazy man.

There is no serious comparison to Obama other than the "D".

This is often preached by rightwingers, given the fact Kennedy cut some taxes. However, supply-siders do no have a monopoly on tax cuts. Kennedy's tax cuts were enacted from a Keynesian perspective to stimulate Aggregate Demand.

Regardless, lets look at Kennedy's New Frontier.

(1.) The addition of a temporary thirteen-week supplement to jobless benefits,
(2.) The extension of aid to the children of unemployed workers,
(3.) The redevelopment of distressed areas,
(4.) An increase in Social Security payments and the encouragement of earlier retirement,
(5.) An increase in the minimum wage and an extension in coverage,
(6.) The provision of emergency relief to feed grain farmers, and
(7.) The financing of a comprehensive home-building and slum clearance program

Kennedy also expanded the FLSA, passed a bill for collective bargaining rights for federal employees, the Federal Salary Reform Act, and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.

As for education, scholarships and loans were extended, passed the The Educational Television Facilities Act, the Vocational Education Act, and an An estimated one-third of all major New Frontier programs made some form of education a vital element.

As for welfare, unemployment and welfare benefits were extended, SS benefits increased by 20% and extended to 5 million families, free school lunched to poor children, ADC was expanded and replaced with AFDC, food distribution to needy Americans increased, The Self-Employed Individuals Tax Retirement Act was passed, and more.

As for civil rights, Affirmative Action was passed, discrimination for public housing was outlawed, and discrimination by government contractors were forbidden.

As for health care, Kennedy passed the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act, the Community Health Services and Facilities Act, The Vaccination Assistance Act, strengthened food and drug laws, among other things.

As for the environment, The Clean Air Act was passed, made major additions to public parks, and water pollution programs were doubled.

As for women's equal rights, Kennedy set up President’s Commission on the Status of Women to tackle inequality regarding women.
New Frontier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, some righties think Kennedy would be a Republican today because he passed some tax cuts that were en vogue among the Keynesian during his time.
(Credit to Auxous)

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
JFK like most of our presidents, made many mistakes, but he was far better than most. Had the disgusting murderous fool LBJ not had him murdered in Dallas, he intended to end our involvement in Vietnam and come to terms with the USSR. If he had lived, Vietnam might not have happened and untold lives saved.

It is funny that libs today think he was murdered by right wingers, when LBJ and his many allies were likely the culprits.
JFK like most of our presidents, made many mistakes, but he was far better than most. Had the disgusting murderous fool LBJ not had him murdered in Dallas, he intended to end our involvement in Vietnam and come to terms with the USSR. If he had lived, Vietnam might not have happened and untold lives saved.

It is funny that libs today think he was murdered by right wingers, when LBJ and his many allies were likely the culprits.

Oswald did it
Woulda, coulda, shoulda. It doesn't matter what JFK might have done or if he was, sniff, sniff attacked by republicans while he was campaigning. All that stuff is smoke and mirrors. The fact is that JFK was a freaking failure of a president. He gave a brilliant speech in Germany while the Russians were building the Berlin Wall and then he went home and left the East Germans to suffer. He appointed his own brother to cover his ass while he was diddling organized crime runners and hollywood starlets. His A.G. brother spent his time trying to kill Castro and the administration used the CIA in such a flagrantly illegal way that he should have been impeached for trying to raise an army to invade Cuba. The media loved him though and while Russian boomer subs were close enough to the US to nuke us JFK tried a chicken game with Kruchev and brought us to Devcon#2.

You know absolutely NOTHING.

CIA lies are nothing new...

The Bay of Pigs fiasco...

We now know—from the CIA's internal history of the Bay of Pigs, which was declassified in 2005—that agency officials realized their motley crew of invaders had no chance of victory unless they were reinforced by the U.S. military. But Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the top CIA officials, never disclosed this to J.F.K. They clearly thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle, that he would be forced to send in the Marines and Air Force to rescue the beleaguered exiles brigade after it was pinned down on the beaches by Castro's forces. But Kennedy—who was concerned about aggravating the U.S. image in Latin America as a Yanqui bully and also feared a Soviet counter move against West Berlin—had warned agency officials that he would not fully intervene. As the invasion quickly bogged down at the swampy landing site, J.F.K. stunned Dulles and Bissell by standing his ground and refusing to escalate the assault.

While he famously took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs debacle in public, privately he lashed out at the Joint Chiefs and especially at the CIA, threatening to "shatter [the agency] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." J.F.K. never followed through on this threat, but he did eventually fire Dulles, despite his stature as a legendary spymaster, as well as Bissell.

Weeks after the Cuba fiasco, J.F.K. was still steaming, recalled his friend Assistant Navy Secretary Paul (Red) Fay years later in his memoir, The Pleasure of His Company. "Nobody is going to force me to do anything I don't think is in the best interest of the country," the President told his friend, over a game of checkers at the Kennedy-family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass. "We're not going to plunge into an irresponsible action just because a fanatical fringe in this country puts so-called national pride above national reason. Do you think I'm going to carry on my conscience the responsibility for the wanton maiming and killing of children like our children we saw [playing] here this evening? Do you think I'm going to cause a nuclear exchange—for what? Because I was forced into doing something that I didn't think was proper and right? Well, if you or anybody else thinks I am, he's crazy."

This would become the major theme of the Kennedy presidency—J.F.K.'s strenuous efforts to keep the country at peace in the face of equally ardent pressures from Washington's warrior caste to go to war.

Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME
I was too young to worry about politics when Kennedy was murdered. But I'll tell you what I do remember is being sent home from school, and finding my Mother crying. It is the only time in my life I saw that woman cry. And she was a straight ticket republican.........
Woulda, coulda, shoulda. It doesn't matter what JFK might have done or if he was, sniff, sniff attacked by republicans while he was campaigning. All that stuff is smoke and mirrors. The fact is that JFK was a freaking failure of a president. He gave a brilliant speech in Germany while the Russians were building the Berlin Wall and then he went home and left the East Germans to suffer. He appointed his own brother to cover his ass while he was diddling organized crime runners and hollywood starlets. His A.G. brother spent his time trying to kill Castro and the administration used the CIA in such a flagrantly illegal way that he should have been impeached for trying to raise an army to invade Cuba. The media loved him though and while Russian boomer subs were close enough to the US to nuke us JFK tried a chicken game with Kruchev and brought us to Devcon#2.

You know absolutely NOTHING.

CIA lies are nothing new...

The Bay of Pigs fiasco...

We now know—from the CIA's internal history of the Bay of Pigs, which was declassified in 2005—that agency officials realized their motley crew of invaders had no chance of victory unless they were reinforced by the U.S. military. But Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the top CIA officials, never disclosed this to J.F.K. They clearly thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle, that he would be forced to send in the Marines and Air Force to rescue the beleaguered exiles brigade after it was pinned down on the beaches by Castro's forces. But Kennedy—who was concerned about aggravating the U.S. image in Latin America as a Yanqui bully and also feared a Soviet counter move against West Berlin—had warned agency officials that he would not fully intervene. As the invasion quickly bogged down at the swampy landing site, J.F.K. stunned Dulles and Bissell by standing his ground and refusing to escalate the assault.

While he famously took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs debacle in public, privately he lashed out at the Joint Chiefs and especially at the CIA, threatening to "shatter [the agency] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." J.F.K. never followed through on this threat, but he did eventually fire Dulles, despite his stature as a legendary spymaster, as well as Bissell.

Weeks after the Cuba fiasco, J.F.K. was still steaming, recalled his friend Assistant Navy Secretary Paul (Red) Fay years later in his memoir, The Pleasure of His Company. "Nobody is going to force me to do anything I don't think is in the best interest of the country," the President told his friend, over a game of checkers at the Kennedy-family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass. "We're not going to plunge into an irresponsible action just because a fanatical fringe in this country puts so-called national pride above national reason. Do you think I'm going to carry on my conscience the responsibility for the wanton maiming and killing of children like our children we saw [playing] here this evening? Do you think I'm going to cause a nuclear exchange—for what? Because I was forced into doing something that I didn't think was proper and right? Well, if you or anybody else thinks I am, he's crazy."

This would become the major theme of the Kennedy presidency—J.F.K.'s strenuous efforts to keep the country at peace in the face of equally ardent pressures from Washington's warrior caste to go to war.

Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME

Like it or not Cuba was a sovereign country then as it is now. It isn't surprising that the CIA offered the JFK administration "plausible deniability" for the disaster at the Bay of Pigs but the point is that JFK and his strange brother crafted the plan and authorized the CIA to raise, equip, feed and train an illegal invasion force. What were they thinking? Whatever they were thinking it was an impeachable offense.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda. It doesn't matter what JFK might have done or if he was, sniff, sniff attacked by republicans while he was campaigning. All that stuff is smoke and mirrors. The fact is that JFK was a freaking failure of a president. He gave a brilliant speech in Germany while the Russians were building the Berlin Wall and then he went home and left the East Germans to suffer. He appointed his own brother to cover his ass while he was diddling organized crime runners and hollywood starlets. His A.G. brother spent his time trying to kill Castro and the administration used the CIA in such a flagrantly illegal way that he should have been impeached for trying to raise an army to invade Cuba. The media loved him though and while Russian boomer subs were close enough to the US to nuke us JFK tried a chicken game with Kruchev and brought us to Devcon#2.

You know absolutely NOTHING.

CIA lies are nothing new...

The Bay of Pigs fiasco...

We now know—from the CIA's internal history of the Bay of Pigs, which was declassified in 2005—that agency officials realized their motley crew of invaders had no chance of victory unless they were reinforced by the U.S. military. But Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the top CIA officials, never disclosed this to J.F.K. They clearly thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle, that he would be forced to send in the Marines and Air Force to rescue the beleaguered exiles brigade after it was pinned down on the beaches by Castro's forces. But Kennedy—who was concerned about aggravating the U.S. image in Latin America as a Yanqui bully and also feared a Soviet counter move against West Berlin—had warned agency officials that he would not fully intervene. As the invasion quickly bogged down at the swampy landing site, J.F.K. stunned Dulles and Bissell by standing his ground and refusing to escalate the assault.

While he famously took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs debacle in public, privately he lashed out at the Joint Chiefs and especially at the CIA, threatening to "shatter [the agency] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." J.F.K. never followed through on this threat, but he did eventually fire Dulles, despite his stature as a legendary spymaster, as well as Bissell.

Weeks after the Cuba fiasco, J.F.K. was still steaming, recalled his friend Assistant Navy Secretary Paul (Red) Fay years later in his memoir, The Pleasure of His Company. "Nobody is going to force me to do anything I don't think is in the best interest of the country," the President told his friend, over a game of checkers at the Kennedy-family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass. "We're not going to plunge into an irresponsible action just because a fanatical fringe in this country puts so-called national pride above national reason. Do you think I'm going to carry on my conscience the responsibility for the wanton maiming and killing of children like our children we saw [playing] here this evening? Do you think I'm going to cause a nuclear exchange—for what? Because I was forced into doing something that I didn't think was proper and right? Well, if you or anybody else thinks I am, he's crazy."

This would become the major theme of the Kennedy presidency—J.F.K.'s strenuous efforts to keep the country at peace in the face of equally ardent pressures from Washington's warrior caste to go to war.

Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME

Like it or not Cuba was a sovereign country then as it is now. It isn't surprising that the CIA offered the JFK administration "plausible deniability" for the disaster at the Bay of Pigs but the point is that JFK and his strange brother crafted the plan and authorized the CIA to raise, equip, feed and train an illegal invasion force. What were they thinking? Whatever they were thinking it was an impeachable offense.

Either you have a reading problem or a comprehension problem. Which one is it?


Washington's national-security apparatus had decided there was no living with Castro. During the final months of the Eisenhower Administration, the CIA started planning an invasion of the island, recruiting Cuban exiles who had fled the new regime. Agency officials assured the young President who inherited the invasion plan that it was a "slam dunk," in the words of a future CIA director contemplating another ill-fated U.S. invasion. J.F.K. had deep misgivings, but unwilling to overrule his senior intelligence officials so early in his Administration, he went fatefully ahead with the plan. The doomed Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961 became the Kennedy Administration's first great trauma.

We now know—from the CIA's internal history of the Bay of Pigs, which was declassified in 2005—that agency officials realized their motley crew of invaders had no chance of victory unless they were reinforced by the U.S. military. But Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the top CIA officials, never disclosed this to J.F.K. They clearly thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle, that he would be forced to send in the Marines and Air Force to rescue the beleaguered exiles brigade after it was pinned down on the beaches by Castro's forces. But Kennedy—who was concerned about aggravating the U.S. image in Latin America as a Yanqui bully and also feared a Soviet countermove against West Berlin—had warned agency officials that he would not fully intervene. As the invasion quickly bogged down at the swampy landing site, J.F.K. stunned Dulles and Bissell by standing his ground and refusing to escalate the assault.

Read more: Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME
You know absolutely NOTHING.

CIA lies are nothing new...

The Bay of Pigs fiasco...

We now know—from the CIA's internal history of the Bay of Pigs, which was declassified in 2005—that agency officials realized their motley crew of invaders had no chance of victory unless they were reinforced by the U.S. military. But Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the top CIA officials, never disclosed this to J.F.K. They clearly thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle, that he would be forced to send in the Marines and Air Force to rescue the beleaguered exiles brigade after it was pinned down on the beaches by Castro's forces. But Kennedy—who was concerned about aggravating the U.S. image in Latin America as a Yanqui bully and also feared a Soviet counter move against West Berlin—had warned agency officials that he would not fully intervene. As the invasion quickly bogged down at the swampy landing site, J.F.K. stunned Dulles and Bissell by standing his ground and refusing to escalate the assault.

While he famously took responsibility for the Bay of Pigs debacle in public, privately he lashed out at the Joint Chiefs and especially at the CIA, threatening to "shatter [the agency] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." J.F.K. never followed through on this threat, but he did eventually fire Dulles, despite his stature as a legendary spymaster, as well as Bissell.

Weeks after the Cuba fiasco, J.F.K. was still steaming, recalled his friend Assistant Navy Secretary Paul (Red) Fay years later in his memoir, The Pleasure of His Company. "Nobody is going to force me to do anything I don't think is in the best interest of the country," the President told his friend, over a game of checkers at the Kennedy-family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass. "We're not going to plunge into an irresponsible action just because a fanatical fringe in this country puts so-called national pride above national reason. Do you think I'm going to carry on my conscience the responsibility for the wanton maiming and killing of children like our children we saw [playing] here this evening? Do you think I'm going to cause a nuclear exchange—for what? Because I was forced into doing something that I didn't think was proper and right? Well, if you or anybody else thinks I am, he's crazy."

This would become the major theme of the Kennedy presidency—J.F.K.'s strenuous efforts to keep the country at peace in the face of equally ardent pressures from Washington's warrior caste to go to war.

Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME

Like it or not Cuba was a sovereign country then as it is now. It isn't surprising that the CIA offered the JFK administration "plausible deniability" for the disaster at the Bay of Pigs but the point is that JFK and his strange brother crafted the plan and authorized the CIA to raise, equip, feed and train an illegal invasion force. What were they thinking? Whatever they were thinking it was an impeachable offense.

Either you have a reading problem or a comprehension problem. Which one is it?


Washington's national-security apparatus had decided there was no living with Castro. During the final months of the Eisenhower Administration, the CIA started planning an invasion of the island, recruiting Cuban exiles who had fled the new regime. Agency officials assured the young President who inherited the invasion plan that it was a "slam dunk," in the words of a future CIA director contemplating another ill-fated U.S. invasion. J.F.K. had deep misgivings, but unwilling to overrule his senior intelligence officials so early in his Administration, he went fatefully ahead with the plan. The doomed Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961 became the Kennedy Administration's first great trauma.

We now know—from the CIA's internal history of the Bay of Pigs, which was declassified in 2005—that agency officials realized their motley crew of invaders had no chance of victory unless they were reinforced by the U.S. military. But Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, the top CIA officials, never disclosed this to J.F.K. They clearly thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle, that he would be forced to send in the Marines and Air Force to rescue the beleaguered exiles brigade after it was pinned down on the beaches by Castro's forces. But Kennedy—who was concerned about aggravating the U.S. image in Latin America as a Yanqui bully and also feared a Soviet countermove against West Berlin—had warned agency officials that he would not fully intervene. As the invasion quickly bogged down at the swampy landing site, J.F.K. stunned Dulles and Bissell by standing his ground and refusing to escalate the assault.

Read more: Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME Warrior For Peace - The Lessons of J.F.K. - TIME

Are the JFK defenders claiming that the "washington-national security apparatus" was independent of the JFK administration? Was the president ignorant of the fact that the rag-tag invasion army he authorized was incapable of doing the job that he authorized the CIA to perform? The fact that JFK left the Cuban invasion force to die on the Bay of Pigs beach is no defense for the incompetence that created the problem.
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