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John Kerry on Rush Limbaugh’s Comments on Israel

CharlestonChad said:
That's funny, b/c Kerry speaking the truth looks like it hit the nerves of many conservatives.

What nerves could Kerry hit with this blather? So the Dems did whatever way back when. He fails to mention that the sorry-ass bunch of losers calling themselves Dems NOW have very little in common with their predecessors from the 40s & 50s. Dems used to have balls and a plan.

At least Kerry did clear up one thing though ..... RWA now knows who EXACTLY to hold responsible for US aid to Israel.:laugh:
Stephanie said:
Thanks dillo, I had to go to work, so I didn't have time to look for the comment from Rush, that set off ole lurch..

My point was the little comment about the donut..
It looks like the Democrats have decided to start attacting all the conservative writers and commentators, instead of saying what they would do for the country ...

Oh well.. I suppose that's one way to go about things, if you don't have anything else.
We'll see how far that takes them...;)
So telling a fat man to put down a donut is somehow different than calling an ugly man Lurch?
red states rule said:
What truth?

His war record? His stay in Cambodia during Christmas? His "swift boat" ewperience?

Which truth? His truth or the real truth?

Personal attacks, ehh. And to think that you would criticize dems for making fun of mAnn Coulter. Hypocrisy runs rampant in the neo con ideology you hold near and dear.
GunnyL said:
What is REALLY cool about it is by getting a response, Rush got just what he was after. He pulled some Dem-o-crap strings and they started dancing to his tune.

So predictable. If y'all wouldn't react to him, he be yesterday's news pretty quick.

What is REALLY cool about it is by getting a response, Kerry got just what he was after. He pulled some Con-o-crap strings and they started dancing to his tune.
CharlestonChad said:
What is REALLY cool about it is by getting a response, Kerry got just what he was after. He pulled some Con-o-crap strings and they started dancing to his tune.

Really? I must've missed that part. Which ones are dancing to his tune? Kinda' wishful thinking on your part that Kerry was after a response. He was in defense mode, plain and simple. That he, a US Senator, even responded to Rush lends credibility to Rush.
CharlestonChad said:
Personal attacks, ehh. And to think that you would criticize dems for making fun of mAnn Coulter. Hypocrisy runs rampant in the neo con ideology you hold near and dear.

No personal attacks. John "I served in Viet Nam" has had so many different versions of the truth, I have lost track.

Here are some of the "truths" of John "I served in Viet Nam" Kerry.

The Top Ten John Kerry Lies
Written by Barbara J. Stock
Monday, October 18, 2004

Everyone has a top-ten list these days, so if David Letterman can have one, so can I. Here, in my judgment, are the top ten lies of John Forbes Kerry.


10. John Kerry pointed out that Dick Cheney’s daughter, Mary, was a lesbian, only as an example--nothing more. In truth, John Kerry wanted to be sure that the far religious-right knew that the vice president had one of THOSE people for a daughter. In case the religious people missed John Edwards saying it, Kerry repeated it for them.

9. George Bush is responsible for the flu vaccine shortage. Wrong. People like John Edwards are responsible for the shortage. Because of frivolous lawsuits by money-grubbing lawyers like Edwards, few American companies will produce the vaccine anymore. This has forced the government to go out of the country to purchase adequate amounts of the vaccine. The millions of dollars that companies must pay out to blood-sucking lawyers who file law suits for people who get a pimple on the arm where they received the shot, have caused this crisis. If you get the flu this year, send a thank-you note to John Edwards.

8. John Kerry has a plan for Iraq. Kerry will train Iraqi soldiers and policemen to protect their own country--but faster. Kerry will magically convince all those countries that were scamming the “Food for Oil” program to send troops and the United Nations will ride into town on white horses and save the day. In truth, John Kerry has two plans for Iraq: DUMP and RUN. Dump the future of Iraq on the United Nations and run home.

7. John Kerry will make health care available to each and every American. This hair-brained socialized medicine plan will cost trillions of dollars and the government will be in charge. Perhaps the best part of his health care plan is this: The ''government'' will pick up the tab for any catastrophic expense over $50,000 to ''help keep your health insurance premiums down.'' The problem with this is that Kerry will have to take 80% of everyone’s income to pay for this little break for the insurance companies that will be shifted on to the backs of the taxpayer. Ladies and gentlemen, please stop and think about where the ''government'' gets its money.

6. John Kerry understands the plight of the ''common man.'' John Kerry and his lovely wife, Ter-RAY-za, entered a Wendy’s for a photo-op. Teresa had never seen the menu and apparently didn’t know what chili is--she had to ask. Of course, this food of the ''common man'' never passed their lips. After the appropriate pictures were taken, they both rushed from the place and were probably relieved when they got to their posh touring bus where an expensive and catered supper awaited them. After taking a few bites, the Edwardses excused themselves and joined the Kerrys.

5. John Kerry will fix Social Security. John Kerry’s plan to fix Social Security is to do nothing. Young Americans will absolutely NOT be allowed to be in control of 1% of their input to the FICA plan. That would be ''disastrous.'' Yes, it might be for future Democrats because if there are no elderly poor, they will loose a huge voting base. In fact, the total collapse of the Social Security system will happen after Kerry leaves political life and since he is stinking rich, he doesn’t really care what happens to the program. Kerry will be yachting somewhere.

4. John Kerry will roll back the tax break on all those people who make over $200,000 year. With this tax cut, Kerry says he will pay for: universal health care; four years of college for all who wish to go to college; add 40,000 troops to the military; put more cops on the streets and firemen in the firehouse; cut the deficit in half in four years; check every box and crate that enters the country through our ports; AND give a tax break to the middle class. That is a ''short list'' of his promises. It can’t be done. Of course, this will not apply to Kerry himself, who has most of his money in tax free shelters. If you grossed $50,000 last year, you probably paid somewhere in the 25-35% tax range. Billionaire Teresa Heinz Kerry, who cleared well over $5 million last year, paid somewhere in the 12% bracket. Note: It was reported that George and Laura Bush paid over 30% of their income in taxes.

John Kerry is a good Catholic. This writer is a Catholic, so I can talk about this. John Kerry stated that he believed that life begins at conception. If he believes that, it does not square with Kerry’s belief that even the infanticide called ''partial birth abortion'' is just fine. Kerry states that he can’t force his beliefs on others. What? When did this happen? We should find Hitler, dig him up, apologize and put him back in power because we had no right to impose our belief that genocide against the Jew was wrong. The Klu Klux Klan members believe that people with black skin are inferior to them yet our legislature has imposed laws on them from acting on this belief. Other people’s beliefs are pushed on Americans every day. Isn’t the belief that it is a woman’s ''right'' to abort her baby pushed onto us pro-life people every day?

John Kerry and the entire Democratic political machine keep insisting that thousands of Florida voters were “disenfranchised” in the 2000 election. This is simply not true. Two separate investigations by civil rights groups found absolutely NO harassment of Black voters nor any attempts to throw out their votes. What was found was that more ballots in heavily African American precincts were spoiled by the voter. The only real problems found were that some Haitian Americans did not have ballots that they could read and some Hispanic voters were abused by Democratic poll workers in Democratic precincts. There were also problems with the list of felons that were not allowed to vote. Contrary to the Democratic screeching, the vast majority of those on that list were White, not Black or Hispanic. The present hysteria that the Democrats are attempting to create is a pre-emptive strike to create the same chaos in Florida--and other close states--that Americans witnessed in 2000. In short, it is a pre-election attempt to steal the election. Note to Democrats: Not allowing the dead to vote is not ''disenfranchisement'' even if those dead voters are African American.

The greatest lie told by John Kerry is that he is “looking out for the middle class.” Many Democrats alive makes this statement and in the forty years that they had control of the Congress, they did very little for the middle class. Lyndon Johnson’s ''War on Poverty' created millions more poor and dependant Americans. Johnson never would have passed the Civil Rights Bills had the Republicans not worked overtime to get them passed despite the likes of Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd--both Democrats who were adamantly against all Civil Rights Bills. In Kerry’s twenty years in the Senate, he did little to help the middle class. All he managed to do was raise our taxes to help create his vision of a socialistic state. Kerry has rarely ''mingled'' with the middle class and apparently has little desire to do so. Kerry does know that he needs the votes of the middle class, so he will pander to them shamelessly to get what he needs. My guess is that after ''slumming'' Kerry will promptly return to one of his estates, take a shower, and have his butler make him a special peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and try to put this unpleasant election experience out of his mind.

About the Writer: Barbara J. Stock is a registered nurse who enjoys writing about politics and current events. She has a website at http://www.republicanandproud.com/. Barbara J. receives e-mail at [email protected].
GunnyL said:
You never saw the t-shirt?

"I May be Fat, but You're Ugly and I can Lose Weight."
I always thought it was "You may not like my hair, but I can wear a hat. You're just fat; there ain't no hat for that."
red states rule said:
What truth?

His war record? His stay in Cambodia during Christmas? His "swift boat" ewperience?

Which truth? His truth or the real truth?

And where was your hero Bush during Vietnam? Oh, that's right, hiding behinds daddy's influence....:eek:
Dr Grump said:
And where was your hero Bush during Vietnam? Oh, that's right, hiding behinds daddy's influence....:eek:

Pres Bush was flying a jet, (not an easy thing to do) while John "I served in Viet nam" was putting a Band Aid on his self inflicted scratch (and put himself in for a Purple Heart)
red states rule said:
Pres Bush was flying a jet, (not an easy thing to do) while John "I served in Viet nam" was putting a Band Aid on his self inflicted scratch (and put himself in for a Purple Heart)

Where was he flying his jet? Oh that's right, Stateside...and don't forget his he scored 25/100 for his aptitude test, so he was a great pilot!! Two things re Kerry 1) It was three purple hearts, 2) At least he went...:salute:
red states rule said:
Pres Bush was flying a jet, (not an easy thing to do) while John "I served in Viet nam" was putting a Band Aid on his self inflicted scratch (and put himself in for a Purple Heart)

Really, how long was his deployment in Vietnam?

Seriously though, Kerry wasn't the war hero he and his party made him out to be, but at least he had the balls to go to war.
CharlestonChad said:
Really, how long was his deployment in Vietnam?

Seriously though, Kerry wasn't the war hero he and his party made him out to be, but at least he had the balls to go to war.

So anyone serving/served in the National Guard is not serving/served their country?

Remember the half ass salute when he gave his acceptance speech - and bellowed "I am John Kerry and I am reporting for duty"? That was the only part of his boring speech I enjoyed.
Dr Grump said:
Where was he flying his jet? Oh that's right, Stateside...and don't forget his he scored 25/100 for his aptitude test, so he was a great pilot!! Two things re Kerry 1) It was three purple hearts, 2) At least he went...:salute:

Link please on the aptitude - flying a jet is not easy

three scratchs - self inflicted - so not count as a war wound
Dr Grump said:
Where was he flying his jet? Oh that's right, Stateside...and don't forget his he scored 25/100 for his aptitude test, so he was a great pilot!! Two things re Kerry 1) It was three purple hearts, 2) At least he went...:salute:

And let's not forget, he lost his flight certification because he couldn't manage to pass a drug test. ;)
jillian said:
And let's not forget, he lost his flight certification because he couldn't manage to pass a drug test. ;)

Hey Jilly, we did have an election on all this?

As Warner Wolf would say - "If you took John "I served in Viet Nam" Kerry and 19 states - you lost!"

Get over it girl - you picked a loser and you blew another election

Now keep it up and go with the Red Queen Hillary
lol I love John Kerry threads, he is so easy to tear apart.

Kerry handed us the election, lets hope they pick another boob. :boobies:
theHawk said:
lol I love John Kerry threads, he is so easy to tear apart.

Kerry handed us the election, lets hope they pick another boob. :boobies:
Don't worry, in all likelihood, they will pick an idiot. The left's problem, they are too left. The right's problem, they have too many whackos that appeal to some. Luckily, the right also has a few, that appeal to the center, something the Dems lack.

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