John Kerry: The betrayal


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The administration is siding with Hamas and letting them call all the shots by just rubber stamping their agenda. I didn't expect anything else from this regime. Israel is being told to back off, but there are no restrictions being placed on the real villains here. Hamas is nothing more than a terrorist organization and before this administration took over, we used to fight against everything they stand for. Fuck them. They use women and children as shields and have no respect for anyone or anything but their extreme agenda. The ceasefire proposal is just aimed at Israel, but allows Hamas to carry out the radical's age-old plan to wipe Israel off the map.

When The Times of Israel’s Avi Issacharoff first reported the content of John Kerry’s ceasefire proposal on Friday afternoon, I wondered if something had gotten lost in translation. It seemed inconceivable that the American secretary of state would have drafted an initiative that, as a priority, did not require the dismantling of Hamas’s rocket arsenal and network of tunnels dug under the Israeli border. Yet the reported text did not address these issues at all, nor call for the demilitarization of Gaza.

It seemed inconceivable that the secretary’s initiative would specify the need to address Hamas’s demands for a lifting of the siege of Gaza, as though Hamas were a legitimate injured party acting in the interests of the people of Gaza — rather than the terror group that violently seized control of the Strip in 2007, diverted Gaza’s resources to its war effort against Israel, and could be relied upon to exploit any lifting of the “siege” in order to import yet more devastating weaponry with which to kill Israelis.

Israel and the US are meant to be allies; the US is meant to be committed to the protection of Israel in this most ruthless of neighborhoods; together, the US and Israel are meant to be trying to marginalize the murderous Islamic extremism that threatens the free world. Yet here was the top US diplomat appearing to accommodate a vicious terrorist organization bent on Israel’s destruction, with a formula that would leave Hamas better equipped to achieve that goal.

John Kerry: The betrayal | The Times of Israel
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No liberals coming to defend. I'm sure all I'll get is a bashing of the source (even though there are likely several sources discussing the actual cease fire agreement. The dutiful liberal-controlled media will probably just mention the cease fire and bash Israel for not immediately backing down. That seems to be their only angle when covering this mess.

Hamas is a terrorist organization and everything they have done is aimed at annihilating Israel. Why the hell do we want to help them destroy our ally? Hamas is evil, pure evil, and always has been. I am sick of them being presented as victims who did nothing to ask for the retaliation they are receiving. If they want Israel to stop, they just need to leave them alone. Period. Kerry and the rest of the Obama administration seems determined to aid Hamas in their destruction of Israel. Obama has consistently sided with Muslims and other radicals when it comes to foreign policy. How can any intelligent person deny that?
Obamashhitforbrains and kerry are exactly why the founders wrote the constitution, especially the 2nd amendment. Those two bozos are the enemy within. The libtards will be here to defend them they can't help it, their mental disease allows them to be stupid.
I don't see Kerry calling for Israel to dismantle its rocket arsenal.

As much as I dislike the Obama circus, it's a bit refreshing when Israel isn't given carte blanche to write its own ticket.
I'm a liberal. Thanks. I'm not a Kerry fan.

First of all, our foreign policy has not changed in over a 100 years. Our domestic policies swing but not our foreign policy. In fact, that has been a vocal complaint about this administration from other countries. So, we can go back and actually look at instances of betrayal from a long list. So, what does Kerry do differently and why does he piss everybody off?

He's arrogant. He wants to storm right in and solve the immediate problem and storm right out and say, "I fixed it." That only works for short term and as long as you have a bunch of people that are obedient and willing to say, "Thank you, Mr. Kerry." It's the cater to all sides for future elections. AKA as "Thanks, Dad, for letting me have the car tonight." When it's rejected, then he has the mad-do-you-know-who-I-am face followed by the thinly veiled condescending threats/predictions. Completely oblivious to the reaction of those lower on the totem pole peeps-because in his world those peeps are only to be used as tools. We saw that with the release of prisoners during the peace talks.

I am not a fan of Netanyahu and Abbas has zero interest in the Palestinian people and is simply trying to maintain relevance. Khaled Mashal is a thug and Hamas extorts money and murders the Palestinians and is dead set on the destruction of Israel not because the upper ranks believe that it is possible but because it's profitable.

He either lacks insight or has insight and intentionally doesn't give a damn.
I'm a liberal. Thanks. I'm not a Kerry fan.

First of all, our foreign policy has not changed in over a 100 years. Our domestic policies swing but not our foreign policy. In fact, that has been a vocal complaint about this administration from other countries. So, we can go back and actually look at instances of betrayal from a long list. So, what does Kerry do differently and why does he piss everybody off?

He's arrogant. He wants to storm right in and solve the immediate problem and storm right out and say, "I fixed it." That only works for short term and as long as you have a bunch of people that are obedient and willing to say, "Thank you, Mr. Kerry." It's the cater to all sides for future elections. AKA as "Thanks, Dad, for letting me have the car tonight." When it's rejected, then he has the mad-do-you-know-who-I-am face followed by the thinly veiled condescending threats/predictions. Completely oblivious to the reaction of those lower on the totem pole peeps-because in his world those peeps are only to be used as tools. We saw that with the release of prisoners during the peace talks.

I am not a fan of Netanyahu and Abbas has zero interest in the Palestinian people and is simply trying to maintain relevance. Khaled Mashal is a thug and Hamas extorts money and murders the Palestinians and is dead set on the destruction of Israel not because the upper ranks believe that it is possible but because it's profitable.

He either lacks insight or has insight and intentionally doesn't give a damn.

since when in the last 100 years is it 'American policy' to side with terrorists against our western allies....?

Kerry's 'cease fire' proposal amounts to nothing more than Israel surrendering to Hamas....

this is shocking any way you look at it....definitely a 'change' in policy....
Obama told them early on that all they had to do to have him push the Pales was to stop building settlements, and in response they personally insulted the VP of America and the potus' chief of staff. Israel offers no positive towards America's interests in the region. Hamas are a bunch of terrorists, but Israel's military operation detracts from out interests in containing Russia and Iran.
Kerry’s initiative stipulates the following terms:

1. A one-week, temporary cease-fire, starting Sunday, during which Israel Defense Forces troops will not leave the Gaza Strip entirely and will CONTINUE to locate and destroy Hamas tunnels.

2. During this cease-fire, Israel and Hamas will begin negotiations on a more permanent arrangement, with Egyptian mediation. The Palestinian Authority will participate in these talks.

3. The United States, the UN secretary-general and the European Union will provide guarantees to both sides that the negotiations will deal with the issues important to them - for Israel, disarming Gaza of its rockets and tunnels, and for Hamas, ending the blockade of Gaza and repairing the damage the Strip has suffered.

The Terms of Kerry's Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Proposal - Update: Israel Rejects Kerry Proposal - Little Green Footballs
I'm a liberal. Thanks. I'm not a Kerry fan.

First of all, our foreign policy has not changed in over a 100 years. Our domestic policies swing but not our foreign policy. In fact, that has been a vocal complaint about this administration from other countries. So, we can go back and actually look at instances of betrayal from a long list. So, what does Kerry do differently and why does he piss everybody off?

He's arrogant. He wants to storm right in and solve the immediate problem and storm right out and say, "I fixed it." That only works for short term and as long as you have a bunch of people that are obedient and willing to say, "Thank you, Mr. Kerry." It's the cater to all sides for future elections. AKA as "Thanks, Dad, for letting me have the car tonight." When it's rejected, then he has the mad-do-you-know-who-I-am face followed by the thinly veiled condescending threats/predictions. Completely oblivious to the reaction of those lower on the totem pole peeps-because in his world those peeps are only to be used as tools. We saw that with the release of prisoners during the peace talks.

I am not a fan of Netanyahu and Abbas has zero interest in the Palestinian people and is simply trying to maintain relevance. Khaled Mashal is a thug and Hamas extorts money and murders the Palestinians and is dead set on the destruction of Israel not because the upper ranks believe that it is possible but because it's profitable.

He either lacks insight or has insight and intentionally doesn't give a damn.

since when in the last 100 years is it 'American policy' to side with terrorists against our western allies....?

Kerry's 'cease fire' proposal amounts to nothing more than Israel surrendering to Hamas....

this is shocking any way you look at it....definitely a 'change' in policy....

The US operates in the US interests only. We change terrorist organizations when it's convenient. KLA, anyone? Hamas is merely a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The US has had no problem working with the Muslim Brotherhood in the past when it has been convenient.

Put your Machiavellian hat on.

People have a tendency to think that Israel controls US policy and that only works for conspiracy theorists. The US gets really ticked off when Israel doesn't do what is wanted. That is becoming less and less by the way.

The Middle East is a chess game played by two primary players. Once upon a time it was the British versus the Russian Empire. It was referred to as the Great Game. Then US v the Soviet Union/Russia. So, when you look at periods like the US backing Israel and then Soviets backing Egypt you find things like the promise of weapons deliberately slowed down or not delivered on both sides. You can find the same issues between other nation states. The US supports the Saudis that has traditionally been vocal of their hatred of Israel. In fact, the US armed Saudis to the teeth. They armed Iran before that. Sold weapons to Iraq and Iran during the Iraq-Iran war. Supported Iraq which has traditionally hated Israel. Spent beaucoup cash trying to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan with the Peshawar 7 (or 8).

Proxy wars.

And then there is China.

So, there are all of these nation states with leaders that often operate like.........mid management.
Then there are all of these people at the bottom and if mid management gets a real independent streak then any of the disgruntled people at the bottom can be called upon to change mid management who will be more "open" to someones interests.

Like Venezuela.

Edited for: The point is that the US operates in its own interests. Not Israels.
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The US's interest is a two state solution with the Palestinians not being a pawn in Hezobollah or Iran's propaganda machine.

If anyone really thinks Israel can totally demilitarize Gaza and Hamas, without international support in terms akin to an embargo on Iran and all other actors like that on Iran's nuke program, they're on crack. And there's no way to get any intl consensus without a real sense of a separate state on the west bank, and that is unacceptable to Israel. And they're similarly on crack if they really think Iran and Hezbollah have any interest in a two state system.

So Kerry's left over there trying to accommodate Israel's real interest of not getting rocketed against the view of Hamas that Israel used the deaths of the three teenagers to rearrest hundreds of Hamas guys who were released in the last cease fire, along with racheting down on border crossing. And that is what initially led to Hamas racheting up the rocket attacks.
Hamas is a terrorist organization that has made no bones about total destruction of Israel. Kerry has repeatedly made bad moves. Telling Israel to eat shit because it's a problem.
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Hamas is a terrorist organization that has made no bones about total destruction of Israel. Kerry has repeatedly made bad moves. Telling Israel to eat shit because it's a problem.

There are no good actors, but perhaps less bad, but perhaps not. Our interests are not furthered by attacks in and from gaza. Fck em both, imo. Obama and Kerry decided to stay engaged. Even Israel acknowledged that because it initially racheted it up on Hamas, that any cease fire had to let Hamas save some face, despite it's military impotence. Now, Israel has an impression that it's winning, and iit can do permanent damage to Hamas.

As for Israel, it's still a theocratic republic that operates on the Talmud giving it title to land that intl law does not. That's a terrorist too.

Perhaps Obama and Kerry should have just let Israel kill thousands and seen how that played out, but then again, we really do want to keep an intl coalition on Iran, since we've actually made some progress there, and THAT IS ACTUALLY AN ISSUE THAT AFFECTS US.
Hamas is a terrorist organization that has made no bones about total destruction of Israel. Kerry has repeatedly made bad moves. Telling Israel to eat shit because it's a problem.

There are no good actors, but perhaps less bad, but perhaps not. Our interests are not furthered by attacks in and from gaza. Fck em both, imo. Obama and Kerry decided to stay engaged. Even Israel acknowledged that because it initially racheted it up on Hamas, that any cease fire had to let Hamas save some face, despite it's military impotence. Now, Israel has an impression that it's winning, and iit can do permanent damage to Hamas.

As for Israel, it's still a theocratic republic that operates on the Talmud giving it title to land that intl law does not. That's a terrorist too.

Perhaps Obama and Kerry should have just let Israel kill thousands and seen how that played out, but then again, we really do want to keep an intl coalition on Iran, since we've actually made some progress there, and THAT IS ACTUALLY AN ISSUE THAT AFFECTS US.

Israel is not a terrorist. It's a nation-state. You don't have to like it but there it is. Hamas is a terrorist organization that pulled a coup in Gaza after the elections and has done nothing but murder it's own citizens and extort money from them and jack with Israel.

Your indifference is noted.
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No liberals coming to defend. I'm sure all I'll get is a bashing of the source (even though there are likely several sources discussing the actual cease fire agreement. The dutiful liberal-controlled media will probably just mention the cease fire and bash Israel for not immediately backing down. That seems to be their only angle when covering this mess.

Hamas is a terrorist organization and everything they have done is aimed at annihilating Israel. Why the hell do we want to help them destroy our ally? Hamas is evil, pure evil, and always has been. I am sick of them being presented as victims who did nothing to ask for the retaliation they are receiving. If they want Israel to stop, they just need to leave them alone. Period. Kerry and the rest of the Obama administration seems determined to aid Hamas in their destruction of Israel. Obama has consistently sided with Muslims and other radicals when it comes to foreign policy. How can any intelligent person deny that?

defend what, the 4$ billion $$ ? a year we hand over to Israel
you really believe that any nation that operates as policy, that it may appropriate land that is not within its legal borders on the basis of religious belief, is NOT a terrorist state? Really? Putins got a better title to the Ukraine.
US fuming over Israeli criticism of Kerry

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration pushed back strongly Monday at a torrent of Israeli criticism over Secretary of State John Kerry's latest bid to secure a cease-fire with Hamas, accusing some in Israel of launching a "misinformation campaign" against the top American diplomat.

"It's simply not the way partners and allies treat each other," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

Her comments were echoed by the White House, where National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the U.S. was "dismayed" by mischaracterizations of Kerry's efforts. Israeli media reports have cast Kerry as seeking a cease-fire that is more favorable to Hamas and being dismissive of key Israeli concerns.

US fuming over Israeli criticism of Kerry

Allies should communicate to avoid this criticism. It appears that US unilaterally made a bid for a sustainable cease fire without consulting Israel on its own demands, the demilitarization of Gaza.

It's unfathomable that Kerry has attempted to bring in two Hamas supporters into the mix, Qatar and Turkey during negotiations.

The White House and Kerry are inept. But we all knew that.
He served in vietnam.

4 months. 3 purple hearts without spending a day in the hospital. (3 purple hearts was an automatic ticket home). Came home threw his medals over the White House fence, accused fellow servicemen of committing atrocities and been a hero to the commies ever since. Oh and don't forget he accused GI's of terrorizing Iraqi women and children. The commie coward piece of shit.

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