John Kerry: "U.S. Will Not Be Intimidated By Islamic Extremists"; ISIS Responds "Ha Ha Ha Ha"

So the far left Kerry disagrees with the far left Obama..

That is not news! WE all know that Obama is the worst leader ever, well except to the far left..
Americans Will Never Be Intimidated Far Right Reactionary Extremists.

We know they are jokes.

OK, superman, don your fucking cape, swing over there, and take care of the situation. As a matter of fact, why aren't you there now? I mean there are many dumb fucks volunteering for ISIS, surely a dumb fuck like you can volunteer for the Iraqi army. Are those wingding ISIS people that much braver than you? Are you just a big wind and nothing more?
Kerry has ISIS shaking in their boots.

True story........ :cool:

Fellow, let give you and the rest of the Sunni's a bit of advice. You people let this continue, and you will make enemies where you did not need to, and they will destroy you. You create a situation where the western powers, and I include Russia, decide they have to take you out, consider Dresden. That is what happens when the Western nations completely decide to take down an enemy.
How long will north east educated liberal politicians continue to assume that their oratory skills can cover their incompetence?
Whitehall, you are drinking.

We witness the collapse of the far right and libertarian wings of the GOP to influence the party's policies anymore.

Thank heavens.

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