John McCain: Trump Should Consider Preemptive Strike On North Korea

With all due respects to the senator from Arizona you almost gotta laugh at the oxymoron of a "preemptive strike" as a "last option".
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
why not just sneak Micheal Moore and Al Sharpton into Korea, near the missile sites,,and just let them fart for about 24 hours,,and that alone should stop the missiles from taking off
The title is misleading, I saw an interview on CNN earlier in which he seemed to downplay and even scoff at the possibility of Trump attacking N Korea. He stated the fact that Seoul has millions of citizens within range of strike from N Korea and it places great risk to S Korea. To my pleasant surprise, he then stated that attacks need to be a last resort. Which I agree with.

The rest of the world needs to understand what is at risk also. If they don't want to deal with some of these International threats, it shows just how much they are willing to see global threats exist as long as the primary threat is America. Especially China that happily wants to oppress their own citizens and let everyone else worry about world peace. Disgusting if you ask me.
a pearl haba type attack is our best hope,,,and it would make the one that Bush caused in 1943?,,,look like a hamster fight
I agree we need to keep a close reign on N. Korea. He is poised to strike Seoul in an instant. He could hit Tokyo. The guy is trying very hard and itching for a fight. He wants to hit us. ITMT, I think we have been cyber attacking his rockets and have knocked his last three out of the air. :D
I agree we need to keep a close reign on N. Korea. He is poised to strike Seoul in an instant. He could hit Tokyo. The guy is trying very hard and itching for a fight. He wants to hit us. ITMT, I think we have been cyber attacking his rockets and have knocked his last three out of the air. :D
To do what?
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
More than likely the tens of millions that will be killed should an attack be launched at NK.

There is no sane reason to attack NK at this time. It will only make the situation worse.
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
More than likely the tens of millions that will be killed should an attack be launched at NK.

There is no sane reason to attack NK at this time. It will only make the situation worse.

Well once started it would have to be finished. But once started mountains of dead will be seen. I honestly don't think drumpf cares if 1 dies or 2 million. It won't be him or his offspring so it doesn't register.

Make no mistake though, South Korea will be devastated in numerous ways, and Japan may also be bombed or hit with missiles.
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
More than likely the tens of millions that will be killed should an attack be launched at NK.

There is no sane reason to attack NK at this time. It will only make the situation worse.

Well once started it would have to be finished. But once started mountains of dead will be seen. I honestly don't think drumpf cares if 1 dies or 2 million. It won't be him or his offspring so it doesn't register.

Make no mistake though, South Korea will be devastated in numerous ways, and Japan may also be bombed or hit with missiles.
They'll be collateral damage in the quest for peace.
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
More than likely the tens of millions that will be killed should an attack be launched at NK.

There is no sane reason to attack NK at this time. It will only make the situation worse.

Well once started it would have to be finished. But once started mountains of dead will be seen. I honestly don't think drumpf cares if 1 dies or 2 million. It won't be him or his offspring so it doesn't register.

Make no mistake though, South Korea will be devastated in numerous ways, and Japan may also be bombed or hit with missiles.
They'll be collateral damage in the quest for peace.

"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength."
- George Orwell - From the book '1984'
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
More than likely the tens of millions that will be killed should an attack be launched at NK.

There is no sane reason to attack NK at this time. It will only make the situation worse.

Well once started it would have to be finished. But once started mountains of dead will be seen. I honestly don't think drumpf cares if 1 dies or 2 million. It won't be him or his offspring so it doesn't register.

Make no mistake though, South Korea will be devastated in numerous ways, and Japan may also be bombed or hit with missiles.
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
More than likely the tens of millions that will be killed should an attack be launched at NK.

There is no sane reason to attack NK at this time. It will only make the situation worse.

Well once started it would have to be finished. But once started mountains of dead will be seen. I honestly don't think drumpf cares if 1 dies or 2 million. It won't be him or his offspring so it doesn't register.

Make no mistake though, South Korea will be devastated in numerous ways, and Japan may also be bombed or hit with missiles.

Do we need to get EdwardBaiamonte involved? We may need to audit the "results" of capitalism versus socialism, in modern times.
Where in all this bluster the last month is South Korea's voice. If ANY war starts they are going to lose millions of people without question. This will be an unbelievably bloody conflict. North Korea has a 5 million man army and another 5 million reserves. Any way you want to cut it the death toll for South Korea will be horrendous, not to mention the death toll in American military lives. And there is no guarantee that China will sit it out. They could just as easily send 500,000 troops across NK's northern border if the US and it's allies started getting close to the Chinese border.

This is a gigantic shit sandwich from any angle whether we do something or do nothing. But this talk as if it's just a 'we'll finish this up and have tea afterwards' is bullshit.
What are you afraid of?
More than likely the tens of millions that will be killed should an attack be launched at NK.

There is no sane reason to attack NK at this time. It will only make the situation worse.

Well once started it would have to be finished. But once started mountains of dead will be seen. I honestly don't think drumpf cares if 1 dies or 2 million. It won't be him or his offspring so it doesn't register.

Make no mistake though, South Korea will be devastated in numerous ways, and Japan may also be bombed or hit with missiles.
They'll be collateral damage in the quest for peace.

"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength."
- George Orwell - From the book '1984'
Seems to work for the right wing.

They have nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.

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