John Nolte makes valid points about Donnie Yens defense of China, the totalitarian state....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte has some very good points about the attacks on Donnie Yen.......the Chinese Actor in the new John Wick movie who defended his home country of China, a place where they are committing genocide against Chinese muslims....

While Iā€™m no fan of the Chinese Nazis who run that country, Iā€™m also no fan of blacklisting people in this country over their political views.

Maybe Yen is sincere in his affection for Chinaā€™s Nazis. I hope not, but if he is, that should not cost him work in America. You should have the right to hold appalling political views in this country.

But did anyone who launched or signed that petition take into account that 1) they are acting like Chinaā€™s censors or 2) that the 59-year-old might have family back home he doesnā€™t want to see hurt?

Put yourself in his position. We have all kinds of people in this country who are afraid to say a man cannot magically transform into a woman. Imagine what itā€™s like living in the concentration camp called China.

Yen is also no hypocrite on the issue of free speech. Hereā€™s what he said in the same Variety interview about Quentin Tarantinoā€™s depiction of Bruce Lee in his masterpiece Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019):

Yen finds it hard to watch his cultural heritage bastardized in American films. He bristles at Quentin Tarantinoā€™s depiction of martial arts legend Bruce Lee in ā€œOnce Upon a Time in Hollywood.ā€
ā€œEverybody is entitled to their opinions,ā€ Yen explains. ā€œQuentin Tarantino is a very renowned filmmaker, and heā€™s entitled to his status. And Iā€™m entitled to state my own view. Obviously, he was making fun of Bruce. It was cartoonish.ā€

And I love Bruce Lee but I also loved Tarantino lampooning Bruce Leeā€™s well-established ego. No one is above satire, including The Mighty Bruce Lee. Still, Yen is entitled to his opinion. Tarantino is entitled to his opinion. Iā€™m entitled to my opinion. Thatā€™s how this is supposed to work in America, and it should work without 115,361 bullies taking to the Internet to blacklist you.

Oh, and what a great way to show Mr. Yen how superior American democracy is to Chinaā€”you know, by punishing him over his political opinions.

Great job, yā€™all.

Way to hold up American ideals.

John Nolte has some very good points about the attacks on Donnie Yen.......the Chinese Actor in the new John Wick movie who defended his home country of China, a place where they are committing genocide against Chinese muslims....

While Iā€™m no fan of the Chinese Nazis who run that country, Iā€™m also no fan of blacklisting people in this country over their political views.

Maybe Yen is sincere in his affection for Chinaā€™s Nazis. I hope not, but if he is, that should not cost him work in America. You should have the right to hold appalling political views in this country.

But did anyone who launched or signed that petition take into account that 1) they are acting like Chinaā€™s censors or 2) that the 59-year-old might have family back home he doesnā€™t want to see hurt?

Put yourself in his position. We have all kinds of people in this country who are afraid to say a man cannot magically transform into a woman. Imagine what itā€™s like living in the concentration camp called China.

Yen is also no hypocrite on the issue of free speech. Hereā€™s what he said in the same Variety interview about Quentin Tarantinoā€™s depiction of Bruce Lee in his masterpiece Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019):


And I love Bruce Lee but I also loved Tarantino lampooning Bruce Leeā€™s well-established ego. No one is above satire, including The Mighty Bruce Lee. Still, Yen is entitled to his opinion. Tarantino is entitled to his opinion. Iā€™m entitled to my opinion. Thatā€™s how this is supposed to work in America, and it should work without 115,361 bullies taking to the Internet to blacklist you.

Oh, and what a great way to show Mr. Yen how superior American democracy is to Chinaā€”you know, by punishing him over his political opinions.

Great job, yā€™all.

Way to hold up American ideals.

John Wick 4 was one of the funniest movies ever
There ars some nations in the West not unlike China at all and they receive a free pass (*cough, cough, Canada). There are even shills who come on here and defend such nations and the regulars on this board show admiration, not really interested in truth. Some of us will post fact and Americans will debunk it or excuse it. It is pretty diffcult to.criticize China alone when there are some fairly rabid, fascist impulses being expressed by so many on here and they defend the indefensible. It's far worse now than 10 years ago and that scares me. It's pushed me away froom todays "conservatism" are losing your libertarians. How does this bode for the future? Some are getting played by "culture wars", probably promoted by Americas enemies to harm U.S liberty
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Number 1 was over the top.and unbelievable. Difficult for me to suspend my reality with action films nowadays,.especially if they defy logic and sound principles. For it's intended audience it seems to have hit a HR.
There ars some nations in the West not unlike China at all and they receive a free pass (*cough, cough, Canada). There are even shills who come on here and defend such nations and the regulars on this board show admiration, not really interested in truth. Some of us will post fact and Americans will debunk it or excuse it. It is pretty diffcult to.criticize China alone when there are some fairly rabid, fascist impulses being expressed by so many on here and they defend the indefensible. It's far worse now than 10 years ago and that scares me. It's pushed me away froom todays "conservatism" are losing your libertarians. How does this bode for the future? Some are getting played by cultures, probably promoted by Americas enemies to harm liberty
The US media and government criticizing foreign nations on human rights, is the height of hypocrisy. However it is standard practice and easily dupes American statists on the left and right. This form of war propaganda is as old as the hills and happens whenever the MIC and Washingtonā€™s neolibs want another war.

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