Climate Change Is Not As Serious Of A Problem As It Used To Be

Just because a survey says fewer Americans see climate change as a serious problem does not mean that climate change is not a serious problem


there is no evidence of a developing climate crisis as most of the world climate regions are still the same since 1950 while my eastern Washington region has NEVER changed in the last 12,000 years do you know what the Koppen Climate Classification is about?

We're helping out sea life. This is wonderful!!

"Scientists have discovered that coastal critters and plants like crabs, anemones and seaweed have found a way to survive in the open ocean by colonizing rafts of floating plastic debris. An accumulation of trash known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is acting as a new type of ecosystem, ferrying species hundreds of miles from their usual coastal habitat into the high seas.

In the work published this month in Nature Communications, researchers found that marine species like barnacles, brittle stars and shrimp-like crustaceans called isopods living among the garbage patch that floats roughly halfway between the coast of California and Hawaii. The species appear to be thriving on rubbish rafts despite harsh conditions of the open ocean, where there’s often little food and shelter."

are we back to that so quick??

Good point ...

Have we finished with forever chemicals yet? ... you know, just because Covid isn't synthetic doesn't mean we can't make synthetic viruses ... and if we can't now ...

... it's just a matter of time before we will ...
Good point ...

Have we finished with forever chemicals yet? ... you know, just because Covid isn't synthetic doesn't mean we can't make synthetic viruses ... and if we can't now ...

... it's just a matter of time before we will ...
I was talking about the ice age not the chemicals,,

but your point is valid
The Earth is 4.5 Billion Years old so the climate is changing. But I’m just not convinced that guys driving combustion engines in Texas is causing detriment according to the climate change alarmists. These are the same people that turn a blind eye to the use of Coal in China continues to grow.
They even brag about China. China per Democrats is doing fine.
When I was in the 7th grade (around 1965) there came a time for students to come up with science projects. You know models of erupting volcanoes and such. Well, there was this one kid who transferred in from California who's entire project was about recycling and watersheds. The poor guy was ostracized for the rest of the time he was there.
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And Country folks manage to own most of the guns.
way back when my mom had an uncle up in nebraska that when you walked in the house rifles were standing along the wall all the way around the inside of the house,, I swear there wasnt room to stand a broom up anywhere,,

I never saw the pistol collection in his downstairs workshop,,

he was a gunsmith,,

he is long dead so I have no idea where they all went,, but they are somewhere,,
way back when my mom had an uncle up in nebraska that when you walked in the house rifles were standing along the wall all the way around the inside of the house,, I swear there wasnt room to stand a broom up anywhere,,

I never saw the pistol collection in his downstairs workshop,,

he was a gunsmith,,

he is long dead so I have no idea where they all went,, but they are somewhere,,
Mom and Dad were loyal Democrats and they owned a mess of guns. I inherited his guns. I later sold them to buyers.
All kinds of Americans now believe that Climate Change is not as serious of a problem as it used to be, including those on the left.

I wonder what AOC will think now? In 2019 she said the world was going to end in 12 years due to Climate Change. Do we still only have 7 years left or isn't it as serious of a problem as she stated?
I suspect her views on the matter have not changed.
Or, has Biden destroyed the country so badly that Climate Change has moved much further down the list of priorities?
Biden has not destroyed the country. Look at some accurate numbers and find out who has been lying to you.
That's my guess.
A poor one.
Making ends meet in Biden's world has now become the number one priority
Unemployment is down, inflation is generally under control - and much better than anywhere else on the planet. Things that are up - like rents, gasoline and home prices are things that the president has virtually no control over.
along with decreasing crime
Murder, violent crime and property crime have all plummeted since the pandemic. A majority of Americans, though, have believed lies they have been fed by Trump and the RNC and believe that crime increased in 2023. It did not. Check the actual numbers.
the invasion on our Southern border
The invasion on the Southern Border would be long over if Trump and the RNC had not decided that they couldn't possibly fix it with a bill for which Biden and Democrats might get some credit. When Trump told his peons in Congress to kill Senator Lankford's bipartisan national security supplemental bill, republicans nationwide lost the ability to voice complaints about Democratic efforts on immigration reform. That would include you.
and trying to stave off a nuclear WWIII
Life's a bitch and then you die. Ukraine deserves our help. Caving to blatant Russian aggression would make me ashamed to be an American. That you disagree disgusts me.
Biden has made all of these things more of a problem than Climate Change.
Biden has done nothing but solve problems. And none of those issues have made global warming go away.
I think you're suffering from BDS.
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View attachment 943869

I suspect her views on the matter have not changed.

Biden has not destroyed the country. Look at some accurate numbers and find out who has been lying to you.

A poor one.

Unemployment is down, inflation is generally under control - and much better than anywhere else on the planet. Things that are up - like rents, gasoline and home prices are things that the president has virtually no control over.

Murder, violent crime and property crime have all plummeted since the pandemic. A majority of Americans, though, have believed lies they have been fed by Trump and the RNC and believe that crime increased in 2023. It did not. Check the actual numbers.

The invasion on the Southern Border would be long over if Trump and the RNC had not decided that they couldn't possibly fix it with a bill for which Biden and Democrats might get some credit. When Trump told his peons in Congress to kill Senator Lankford's bipartisan national security supplemental bill, republicans nationwide lost the ability to voice complaints about Democratic efforts on immigration reform. That would include you.

Life's a bitch and then you die. Ukraine deserves our help. Caving to blatant Russian aggression would make me ashamed to be an American. That you disagree disgusts me.

Biden has done nothing but solve problems. And none of those issues have made global warming go away.

I think you're suffering from BDS?
imagine if people were told the truth and not all these lies being pushed by the radical elites,,
Just because a survey says fewer Americans see climate change as a serious problem does not mean that climate change is not a serious problem

Unemployment is down, inflation is generally under control - and much better than anywhere else on the planet. Things that are up - like rents, gasoline and home prices are things that the president has virtually no control over.
How the hell can you excuse Biden for things he is to be blamed for yet credit him for things he did not control?

Biden did not cause more employment. Inflation is not under control.
We do not live in other nations, we suffer here in the USA.
Biden was quick to land blows against oil. That courts stopped him is no credit to Biden. Biden is not in charge of Home prices. But he is in charge of using Government as a bludgeon against Americans.

Biden had HR2 to solve the Border problem but he told Schumer fuck that. HR2 was a one solution bill and the only one Biden signed was mainly to fund Ukraine and pretend he funded Israel.

I also like Ukraine so maybe you have an explanation.

Why did Biden try to run that war by holding back from Ukraine needed weapons to defeat Russia? He was not elected the President of Ukraine nor of Israel.

there is no evidence of a developing climate crisis as most of the world climate regions are still the same since 1950
That is simply a lie.
while my eastern Washington region has NEVER changed in the last 12,000 years
You're up half a degree in the last 30 years, the least warming in any of the 50 states. Are you taking personal credit?
That is simply a lie.

You're up half a degree in the last 30 years, the least warming in any of the 50 states. Are you taking personal credit?
Will you please remove that Kick me sign you use?
Washington only warmed .5 degree and you want to blame SunsetTommy?

Observed and Projected Changes in Idaho’s ClimateJohn T. Abatzoglou1, Adrienne M. Marshall2, Grant L. Harley31Associate Professor, Department of Management of Complex Systems, College of Engineering, University ofCalifornia, Merced2Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines 3Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Geological Sciences, College of Science, University of IdahoRecommend citation: Abatzoglou, J. T., Marshall, A. M., Harley, G. L. 2021. Observed and Projected Changes inIdaho’s Climate. Idaho Climate-Economy Impacts Assessment. James A. & Louise McClure Center for PublicPolicy Research, University of Idaho. Boise, ID.Current climatic setting of IdahoIdaho’s climate varies substantially from the dry rangelands of southern Idaho to the temperatewet forests of the panhandle. The mid-latitude setting of Idaho and topographic patterns bothupwind and within the state dictate much of the seasonal and geographic variability in climate.Mid-latitude storms from the Pacific Ocean deliver semi-frequent widespread precipitationduring the cool season (November-May), while the poleward retraction of the jet stream insummer leads to generally drier conditions. Large mountain barriers both west (Cascades) andeast (Rockies) of Idaho limit both the intrusion of maritime airmasses that moderate temperaturesand the intrusion of cold continental airmasses that promote extreme cold air outbreaks.Substantial geographic variability in temperature and precipitation is evident across the state.The warmest average annual temperatures are found at lower elevations, including near Lewiston(ca. 745 ft above sea level) and the broader Treasure Valley near Boise (Figure 1a). Locations inthe Treasure Valley experience several days per year of temperatures exceeding 100˚F, withSwan Falls averaging upwards of 20 such days per year during the period 1981-2010. The lengthof the freeze-free season (the period between the last day in spring with sub-freezingtemperatures and the first day in autumn with sub-freezing temperatures) tops more than 200days in Lewiston. By contrast, the high-elevation mountain peaks and valleys in central Idaho arehome to the state’s coldest temperatures. The weather station in Stanley, Idaho is frequently thecoldest reporting station in the contiguous U.S. during summer and averages nearly 300 days peryear of below-freezing temperatures.Precipitation differences are very pronounced across the state (Figure 1b). Portions ofsouthwestern Idaho near Bruneau received an average of 7 inches of precipitation a year during1981-2010, while the higher-elevation western slopes of the Bitterroot Range in north-centralIdaho averaged more than 70 inches of precipitation a year. Nearly the entire extent of the SnakeRiver Plain, which comprises almost all of the state’s agricultural lands and a vast majority of thepopulation, receives less than 14 inches of precipitation a year on average. Thus, much of thewater used for irrigation is dependent on water that falls in mountain headwaters and is delivereddownstream. Approximately three-quarters of Idaho’s annual precipitation is received fromNovember-May as a result of Pacific storms. Precipitation and cloud cover are more plentiful inthe northern half of the state than in southern Idaho as moisture-laden airmasses from the Pacificpass through the Cascade Range via the Columbia River Gorge. Summers (June-August) are2generally dry. However, thunderstorm activity tied with the strong surface heating and moisturepulses, including from the North American monsoon, can produce local intense precipitation inparts of the state. This is most evident in eastern Idaho, which experiences a more continentalclimate receiving less precipitation directly from Pacific storms in winter and relatively moreprecipitation in the spring and summer, with convective activity.Much of the winter precipitation that falls as snow in Idaho’s mountains is stored seasonally assnowpack. The amount of water stored in mountain snowpack (called snow water equivalent;SWE) on April 1 (Figure 1c), a date that often serves as a bellwether for seasonal wateravailability, averaged approximately 36 million acre-feet over the late 20th century (data fromhydrologic simulations, Figure 1c). Idaho’s dry, warm summers necessitate water storage tosustain water for multiple needs. Snow delays the release of mountain moisture and serves as anatural reservoir, with snowmelt in the spring and early summer providing a buffer tocompensate for the seasonal mismatch in water demands (Li et al., 2017).
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Horseshit....Globalclimatecoolerwarmering consistently ranks on the lowest rungs of issues that people care about.

You warmer cultist freaks are losing.
This bitching by Democrats really only got footing due to Al Gore. He turned climate into politics. At that time he owned a mansion, a jet and flew all over the place warning the world. Is that man still predicting doom?
We do have one unfolding disaster ... with the amount of people being killed in these mass shooting events it's pretty clear marksmanship has decayed to nothing ... what's the point of owning a gun if you can't hit anything with it? ...

Practice people, c'mon, I shouldn't have to mother you over the internet ...
We do have one unfolding disaster ... with the amount of people being killed in these mass shooting events it's pretty clear marksmanship has decayed to nothing ... what's the point of owning a gun if you can't hit anything with it? ...

Practice people, c'mon, I shouldn't have to mother you over the internet ...
Do you ever read any Democrat seeking more protection for those who get shot? They focus not on the killers, they focus on his tools.

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