John Stewart on Donald Trump: Can a Man-Baby Run For President?

he is the result of decades of hysterical rhetoric and hate from right wing radio.

I suggest you look up the meaning of 'hysterical' and stop using words you don't understand. But you're right about the hate. We hate traitors to the Constitution who give aid to terrorist groups and crap on real Americans and American law. We hate politicians and AMINOs who are trying to destroy our country. We are proud to hate these things. All real Americans should.

I know you hate those things -- you are full of hate. Hate fills every fiber of your being. You are consumed by hate.

Nice to hear him articulate my thoughts about why Trump has done fairly well, he is the result of decades of hysterical rhetoric and hate from right wing radio. He's the perfect embodiment of every single rightist blowhards ideal candidate.

Jon Stewart, the midget mouth piece of the leftard clown posse. I bet it didn't take much to fill his size 7 shoes when he left the "Daily Show". He is the last person I would look to for political commentary. I know a thousand times more than he does.

You must be a professor in a political college because even me, who is currently active in his local political community and has taken college level politics courses...doesn't even pretend to have as good a grasp on politics as Stewart does. Just because you put things in a humorous manner doesn't mean you are an idiot. A lot of comedians are actually really damn smart and knowledgeable.

Dennis Miller was a big time liberal that went ultra -conservative and is an extremely intelligent man but not even he has a real clue as to what is going on because he hasn't done the research that I have. My IQ has been tested at 129 so I know that there are many that rate higher but what I have done is the reading, research and listening to those that know more than me and have done the heavy lifting and they are respected and accredited researchers. I am always open to learning and enlightening myself. I have spent thousands of hours educating myself on how things really's what I do each and every day.

Your IQ has been tested at 129...this is the realize that pretty much everybody here is going to claim the same thing right? Unless you can post pictures from your IQ test administered by your psychologist that is a pretty damn empty statement here.

You also say that you are always open to learning and enlightening yourself but, and I quote, "[Jon Stewart] is the last person I would look to for political commentary." Does that sound like an open person? You don't even entertain the idea of listening to him to get an idea of what the opposing arguments are (assuming you are a conservative from your rhetoric here)...that is pretty much the opposite of somebody being open and seeking enlightenment. It doesn't matter if you spend 1,000 hrs doing research if all you do is go to something like Brietbart as a sole media source. If you actually were to get an idea of the political landscape you would have to consume content from both the left and right sides. However, by refusing to at least consider something like this clip from Stewart, who is being interviewed by David Axelrod, the founder and director of the University of Chicago Institute of Politics, shows a blatant unwillingness to step outside of your biased viewpoint to even address points that may be made against your beliefs.

Nice to hear him articulate my thoughts about why Trump has done fairly well, he is the result of decades of hysterical rhetoric and hate from right wing radio. He's the perfect embodiment of every single rightist blowhards ideal candidate.

Jon Stewart, the midget mouth piece of the leftard clown posse. I bet it didn't take much to fill his size 7 shoes when he left the "Daily Show". He is the last person I would look to for political commentary. I know a thousand times more than he does.

You must be a professor in a political college because even me, who is currently active in his local political community and has taken college level politics courses...doesn't even pretend to have as good a grasp on politics as Stewart does. Just because you put things in a humorous manner doesn't mean you are an idiot. A lot of comedians are actually really damn smart and knowledgeable.

Dennis Miller was a big time liberal that went ultra -conservative and is an extremely intelligent man but not even he has a real clue as to what is going on because he hasn't done the research that I have. My IQ has been tested at 129 so I know that there are many that rate higher but what I have done is the reading, research and listening to those that know more than me and have done the heavy lifting and they are respected and accredited researchers. I am always open to learning and enlightening myself. I have spent thousands of hours educating myself on how things really's what I do each and every day.

Your IQ has been tested at 129...this is the realize that pretty much everybody here is going to claim the same thing right? Unless you can post pictures from your IQ test administered by your psychologist that is a pretty damn empty statement here.

You also say that you are always open to learning and enlightening yourself but, and I quote, "[Jon Stewart] is the last person I would look to for political commentary." Does that sound like an open person? You don't even entertain the idea of listening to him to get an idea of what the opposing arguments are (assuming you are a conservative from your rhetoric here)...that is pretty much the opposite of somebody being open and seeking enlightenment. It doesn't matter if you spend 1,000 hrs doing research if all you do is go to something like Brietbart as a sole media source. If you actually were to get an idea of the political landscape you would have to consume content from both the left and right sides. However, by refusing to at least consider something like this clip from Stewart, who is being interviewed by David Axelrod, the founder and director of the University of Chicago Institute of Politics, shows a blatant unwillingness to step outside of your biased viewpoint to even address points that may be made against your beliefs.

Personally, I don't think an IQ score of 129 is all that high. It's probably the median and puts me in the middle of the pack but what does separate me from the pack is my desire to learn and discern information. Jon Stewart is a "lightweight" when it comes to what is ailing this country thus there is nothing that I can take from his fool fueled rants. His liberal ideology isn't based on "what is" because he subscribes to the Fabian socialist agenda much like Dennis Miller subscribes to the neocon agenda of the scorched earth agenda and neither one of them benefit the average Johnny Lunchpail. I attack every issue from every angle possible so that I can defend what I claim and it has no political bent because at the end of the day, they are simply different sides of the same coin.....get it now????
He said nothing about the larger absurdity of Hillary running for president nor anything about the ineptitude of Obama that allowed for the pro-Trump backlash to foment and nothing about the domination of main stream news by democrats prompting the success of conservative talk radio, especially omitting that his own Comedy Central network never prefaces itself as the left wing, pro-democrat propaganda entity that it is.
IOW, he was completely dishonest.
So, what else is new?
Look people, it's Jon Stewart. He's a comedian, nothing more. He knows nothing and is qualified to speak on nothing.

Nice to hear him articulate my thoughts about why Trump has done fairly well, he is the result of decades of hysterical rhetoric and hate from right wing radio. He's the perfect embodiment of every single rightist blowhards ideal candidate.

Why not? You voted for a man child twice.
He said nothing about the larger absurdity of Hillary running for president nor anything about the ineptitude of Obama that allowed for the pro-Trump backlash to foment and nothing about the domination of main stream news by democrats prompting the success of conservative talk radio, especially omitting that his own Comedy Central network never prefaces itself as the left wing, pro-democrat propaganda entity that it is.
IOW, he was completely dishonest.
So, what else is new?

Actually, he did.

What does it say that our Progressives get their political thoughts from lowbrow, unfunny "comedians "
He said nothing about the larger absurdity of Hillary running for president nor anything about the ineptitude of Obama that allowed for the pro-Trump backlash to foment and nothing about the domination of main stream news by democrats prompting the success of conservative talk radio, especially omitting that his own Comedy Central network never prefaces itself as the left wing, pro-democrat propaganda entity that it is.
IOW, he was completely dishonest.
So, what else is new?

Actually, he did.

No, he didn't. First off, that's a different video from the one I posted about and if you think referring to Hillary appearing on his show as being "really cool" is the same as commenting on the absurdity of her even running for president then you're as dishonest as Liebowitz.

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