Jon Stewart rips GOP Sandy vote

There is literally no excuse for the 67 who voted against the smaller $9 billion dollar bill.

Literally no excuse except that they're selfish assholes.
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I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

You know how I know you didn't watch the clip?

You know how I know your choosing to ignore the real issue and focus on typical partisan B.S.?

Explain voting against the smaller pork free bill and then we can discuss anything you want.
$17B in "community development funds"
from the original bill, not the smaller one in question
The largest portion of the package is a $17 billion infusion into the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Fund, which is traditionally used to fund grants for low-income areas. The funding would go directly to state and larger city governments — the legislation specifies that HUD allocate at least a third of the money within the first two months after it’s passed — and can’t be used for projects eligible for funding from FEMA or the Army Corps of Engineers. It stresses that at least 50 percent of the money should be used to benefit low- and moderate-income individuals, while also granting the HUD Secretary the ability to reduce or eliminate that requirement if he finds a “compelling need.”

Before receiving the funds, state and cities must submit plans for the money and receive approval from HUD, detailing how they will address “long-term recovery and restoration of infrastructure and housing and economic revitalization in the most impacted and distressed areas,” according to the legislation."
What exactly is in the Sandy aid bill? | The New York World
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Asshole Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan Votes Against Sandy Relief - Paul Ryan Is Not A Serious Person, Part The Infinity - Esquire

Among these were Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan, the 2012 Republican vice presidential candidate, who said in a statement it "would be irresponsible to raise an insolvent program's debt ceiling without making the necessary reforms."
Of course, back in 2008, when severe flooding devastated certain portions of the Midwest, including Ryan's own congressional district, the zombie Ayes had it, baby, and he made sure that his embattled constituents knew where they could find those sweet government checks.

This summer's extreme weather and widespread flooding has wrought considerable damage throughout the Midwest and the nation," said Ryan. "I have been inspired by the support and compassion demonstrated by Wisconsinites who have reached out to help their neighbors in need. To supplement this tremendous community support, I have worked to help secure additional assistance from the federal government. With the deadline for disaster claims approaching, I stand ready to assist those with any lingering questions on how to seek assistance."*

Thank god the American people knew better than to vote for this asshole
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I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what pork was in the 9 billion dollar package, which is what Stewart was referring to...

Which you would know if had bothered to watch the segment you were arguing with.
Oh, so Sandy relief money funneled to community organizers in NJ and NY.....shocking.

In a few months FOX News will have the stories about SEIU getting "Sandy" funds and liberals will defend it or ignore like typical scum.
I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

What stuff that had nothing to do with Sandy was in the bill?

Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill is a $60 Billion Dollar Pork Laden Disgrace « Ellis or Else

The Pork Filled and Expensive Non-Relief Sandy Relief Bill
I don't care what a liberal comedian thinks.

He doesn't really care how much pork was in the damned thing ether.

Yes. It was 9.7 million ..... This is about 60 billion in relief and you are seriously bitching about about 9.7 million!? Seriously.
Just because you are dumb as shit, it is not our responsibility to feed you information that has been discussed here, on FOXNews, etc.

Oh, you don't follow FOX News.....

What "Pork" did FoxNews uncover in the 9 Billion dollar bill that Stewart was referring to?
Talk about GOP assholes

Mississippi Rep. Palazzo to tour Sandy destruction | Nation / World News - The News Tribune

U.S. Rep. Steven Palazzo will tour disaster areas in New Jersey and the northeast with colleagues today to find out more about Hurricane Sandy relief and show his support for those efforts.

Palazzo voted Friday against a bill that provided $9.7 billion for the National Flood Insurance Program to pay claims, a move that baffled some of his South Mississippi constituents who have benefitted from federal disaster relief after hurricanes, most notably Katrina in 2005.
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I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

What stuff that had nothing to do with Sandy was in the bill?

Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill is a $60 Billion Dollar Pork Laden Disgrace « Ellis or Else

The Pork Filled and Expensive Non-Relief Sandy Relief Bill

Maybe you have difficulty reading

We are talking about the $9 billion bill voted on by the House. Where is the pork?
I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what pork was in the 9 billion dollar package, which is what Stewart was referring to...

Which you would know if had bothered to watch the segment you were arguing with.

He was not talking about the 9 billion dollar scaled down package the House voted on but the 60 billion dollar one passed by the Senate with the pork in it perhaps you did not read this part of the article.

Jon Stewart used his first show of 2013 to tear into House Republicans for the rather notable opposition to the Hurricane Sandy relief bill passed in the Senate. Stewart called them “assholes” and their reasoning “bullshit,” as well as mocking the idea that there was so much pork in the bill many Republicans couldn’t bring themselves to vote for it.
Oh yeah, all the pork was removed from the previous Senate bill.......riiiiiiight, idiot.

Just because you are dumb as shit, it is not our responsibility to feed you information that has been discussed here, on FOXNews, etc.

Oh, you don't follow FOX News.....

What "Pork" did FoxNews uncover in the 9 Billion dollar bill that Stewart was referring to?

Maybe you have difficulty reading

We are talking about the $9 billion bill voted on by the House. Where is the pork?

This is the first paragraph from the article you linked it is talking about the bill passed by the Senate that was the 60 billion one with the pork not the 9 billion scaled down one the house passed you seem to be the one with the reading difficulty.

Jon Stewart used his first show of 2013 to tear into House Republicans for the rather notable opposition to the Hurricane Sandy relief bill passed in the Senate. Stewart called them “assholes” and their reasoning “bullshit,” as well as mocking the idea that there was so much pork in the bill many Republicans couldn’t bring themselves to vote for it.
Paul Ryan wanted to be our Vice President and voted against aid to hurricane victims?

What a Douchebag

Considering Ryan’s ‘reform’ plan with regard to Medicare, where seniors would be given ‘vouchers’ to try to buy health insurance they can’t afford, that he voted against Sandy relief should come as no surprise.
sandy "relief" pork is of course of no consequence to libtards. They would have tripled it if they could have.

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