Jon Stewart's Message To Those People Who Use Him To Attack A.H.C.A.

Why does anyone listen to Stewart regarding issues?

He's a mediocre comedian nothing more.
He's a hack, posing as a comedian. Problem is, he's not funny.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Political Comedy - Fake News | Comedy Central.

As always, Jon Stewart has a very direct succent message to those who use his comments regard the Affordable Health Care Act....."Go Fuck Yourself".

Click on segment with people in choir robes.

Doesn't stewy uses other peoples cherry picked words against them?

Stewart is the typical whiny liberal

His jokes are so special I guess no one can repeat them... so he gets vulgar and throws a temper tantrum

are we suppose to care about this?

the op seems to think it's some stop the press shit and should be in the politic forum
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I would not insult my ass by wiping it with the image of Jon Stewart on the toilet paper.

This punk does not even know how to spell his own name.

This punk can not get a point across without shouting , yelling and screaming and without using foul language. I suppose that is his appeal to those who never passed grade 5, or chose not to rise above that level.
Want to bet he is the leading comedian of the millenials? Which bids bad news for the TeaPs.
If you watch FixedLies your not getting news at all.

Thank you for the DNC talking points I will give them all the consideration they warrant.

"Thank you for the DNC talking points" is your stock answer; I wonder, in a past life were you Charlie McCarthy?

Since saying Fox news isn't real news is a talking point and has been for a long time now I will continue to point it out since you and your fellow liberals love to repeat them I can't help but wonder if your were a parrot in a past life.

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