Jordan’s celebrate after killing 3 Jews

The majority of the Jordanian population are hardline Muslims and per their Quran, are to hate non-believers, especially the Jewish people. The government, however, isn't hardline and don't like Palestinians.
There is a couple of sayings in Islam:
1. From water to water (rather than just "from the river to the sea"). It means conquer ALL lands.
2. First the Saturday people (Jews), then the Sunday people (Christians). Meaning convert, enslave or kill those. In actuality they don't only mean just Christians and Jews, as Islams first contacts outside their religion were pagans, then Jews, then Christians, but also Hindus, Buddhists and other beliefs. If you aren't Muslim, they want you gone, permanently.
If you ask them this, the Quran permits Muslims to "lie" to infidels to protect the religion, however, there are some really hardcore Islamists that won't just admit to it, but be happy to let you know that "you" are on their get rid of, list.

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