Journalist beaten and arrested

What did this man do wrong, all he did was exercise his 1st amendment right to the freedom of the press, in no circumstance should a man be beaten by the police, and then charged with resisting arrest when he did nothing to provoke an arrest. Also if his wife is not allowed to leave her house or she will be arrested? That action is illegal and unconstitutional, what has come to America :(
Dey must have some kind of 'pull' with the terrorists to get him released...

Qatar, Fending Off Allegations of Supporting Terrorists, Secures Release of US Journalist
August 24, 2014 – Qatar, which has been accused of supporting terrorists in Syria, Iraq and the Gaza Strip, used its contacts in Syria to secure the release Sunday of an American journalist kidnapped in 2012 and held by the al-Qaeda-affiliated group Al Nusrah.
The small Gulf state’s involvement in the freeing of Peter Theo Curtis, who was handed to U.N. peacekeepers on the Golan Heights, comes at a time when it has been fending off allegations of support for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL), whose brutal killing of U.S. journalist James Foley sent shockwaves around the world last week. In a statement welcoming his release Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. during his captivity had “reached out to more than two dozen countries asking for urgent help from anyone who might have tools, influence, or leverage to help secure Theo’s release and the release of any Americans held hostage in Syria.”

Kerry did mention Qatar by name, but the official Qatar News Agency in Doha confirmed its involvement in the release. “On directives of H.H. the Emir, the competent bodies in the State of Qatar exerted relentless efforts to release the American journalist out of Qatar’s belief in the principles of humanity and its keenness on the lives of individuals and their right to freedom and dignity,” it quoted a foreign ministry statement as saying. The U.N. confirmed that Curtis, 45, had been handed over to its peacekeepers on Sunday evening local time. “After receiving a medical check-up, Mr. Curtis was handed over to representatives of his government.”


In this image made from undated video, a man believed to be Peter Theo Curtis, a U.S. citizen held hostage by an al-Qaeda linked group in Syria, delivers a statement. The U.S. government said on Sunday, Aug. 24, 2014 that Curtis had been released.

Al-Nusrah and ISIS were formerly allied in the campaign against the Assad regime but split last year over what appeared to be a power grab by ISIS leader Ibrahim al-Badri, also known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, prompting al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri to disavow ISIS. Qatar, together with Saudi Arabia and Turkey, have been leading supporters of the anti-Assad rebellion, and allegations have long been made that that sponsorship is not limited to the mainstream Free Syria Army, but also stretches to jihadists among the rebels.

In a speech last March, the Treasury Department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, David Cohen – without mentioning either ISIS or Al-Nusrah by name – said: “Press reports indicate that the Qatari government is also supporting extremist groups operating in Syria. To say the least, this threatens to aggravate an already volatile situation.” Last Wednesday State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said the U.S. had no information that Qatar, Saudi Arabia or Turkey were supporting ISIS in any way. She said the U.S. was working with some governments in the region “where we believe there are private citizens funding ISIL to get them to clamp down even further to cut off those sources of funding.”

In recent months allegations of Qatari and Saudi funding have come from, among others, then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and the former head of Britain’s MI6 foreign intelligence agency, who charged that they were at the least turning a blind eye to “substantial and sustained funding” for ISIS originating in their countries. The most recent allegation came from a German government minister, Gerd Mueller, who suggested in comments broadcast last week that Qatar was financing ISIS. Qatar protested and the German foreign ministry subsequently expressed regret for any “misunderstandings,” said it had no evidence supporting the funding claims, and assured Qatar of the importance of relations between the two countries.

What did this man do wrong, all he did was exercise his 1st amendment right to the freedom of the press, in no circumstance should a man be beaten by the police, and then charged with resisting arrest when he did nothing to provoke an arrest.

He lives in the United States of Policia
Obama's United States of Policia. This one's on your hands, you damn dirty Liberal Ape.
This quote made a lot of sense to me.

You’ve got a situation where sometimes there’s no good guys,” said Ken White, a former federal prosecutor in Los Angeles who writes about and practices First Amendment law. ...

But Mr. White and others say that before a judge can take the step of banning speech, libel must be proved at trial, or at least over a litigation process more involved than a quick succession of hearings, with the only evidence presented by the plaintiffs.
The link was to Al Jazeera. I didn't click on it because I didn't want my internet device to explode.
Did it rag on a perceived conservative?
Actually, Al Jazeera is as fair and balanced, as unprejudiced, as any other news network around the world. They present full, thoughtful, broadminded news coverage. You should check it out, with an open mind, if you are capable of that.
People need to go to jail for this. It is unacceptable that a judge and police think that they have the right to remove an individuals freedom of speech before the trial. That is simply asinine.
What did this man do wrong, all he did was exercise his 1st amendment right to the freedom of the press, in no circumstance should a man be beaten by the police, and then charged with resisting arrest when he did nothing to provoke an arrest.

He lives in the United States of Policia
Obama's United States of Policia. This one's on your hands, you damn dirty Liberal Ape.
You do realize that this was a LEFT WING blogger reporting against a REPUBLICAN, right?

It is certainly hard to claim it is Obama's influence that caused such a thing.

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