Joy Reid tells America that "Republicans are dangerous!"

I'll never vote republican again, that's how much I despise republicans. Even if there is no one good for Democrats I'll vote Democrat. The republicans are a sad bunch.
You proved that when you voted last year. The shit sandwich that you installed in the WH in 2020 speaks volumes.
Are you even capable of staying on topic? Of having a cogent conversation?
Republicans are so dangerous they threw a red wave through BLUE VIRGINIA. Joy Reid is an idiot who called them racist when they elected a black woman and a Hispanic man to Lt. Gov and Atty Gen posts, respectively. ON TOPIC!
Joy Reid OUT at MSNBC!!! She was said to be 'unmanageable'. Another said, 'she has not been truthful'.

I thank Ms. R. for my first chuckle of the day.

Actually, robbers, sucker punchers, looters, rapists & murderers are "dangerous."

She's not only female, she's black!

She is a pig, nothing more. Now she is an out of work pig.
Most of them are the anti Christ. You degrade Soros, but Adelson is A OK and as long as they are republican donors they are A OK.
Sheri loves Soros donating to all the left wing judges and lawyers who believe in no bail, light jail sentences, free “ gift 🎁 card” if it’s under $1,000 smash and grab , etc
Sheri loves Soros donating to all the left wing judges and lawyers who believe in no bail, light jail sentences, free “ gift 🎁 card” if it’s under $1,000 smash and grab , etc
The right wingers love the Citizen United and they make a lot more money off citizens united that the democrats.
You keep surprising me with what a low grade human you are.
Why?? are you another anti Semite??

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