Juan Williams: The Fives'Raving Jackass


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
The ugliest man alive (maybe ever) is becoming increasingly militant on "The Five" after years of being little more than a punching bag. Juan's stock and trade is never answering a question directed to him. He feigns deep-thought, and yelps something like "no, but what I find....blah blah" every time....he's never answered a question. He's there to parrot DNC talking points nothing more. He despises Trump even after begging him for a pic of the two of them....total phony, window-dressing negro who's trying to appear fierce for some reason. Gutfeld (who regularly steals my work here at USMB) at one point threatened to have him thrown off the set as if the midget has that power. NPR fired Williams for admitting being afraid of urban blacks yet he ate that and remains a rabid comic book commie. I hate him. He's the only character who can make me yell at the monitor...I regularly threaten his life in my mind. :eusa_eh:

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"Juan Williams at @FoxNews is so pathetic, and yet when he met me in the Fox Building lobby, he couldn’t have been nicer as he asked me to take a picture of him and me for his family," the president wrote. "Yet he is always nasty and wrong!"

I kind of wonder if he actually believes some of the stuff he says on the 5. Of course he has a part to play as the program's token liberal. If he didn't spout off democrat talking points, the 5 would have to find a different token -- Maybe Bob Beckel again.
I thought that Mr. Williams had been fired from NPR because he said that he felt nervous whenever he saw people from a certain religion aboard an airplane.


I assume that the gentleman has that job because (a) it needs a token conservative and (b) it needs at least one person of color as a regular panel member.
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I kind of wonder if he actually believes some of the stuff he says on the 5. Of course he has a part to play as the program's token liberal. If he didn't spout off democrat talking points, the 5 would have to find a different token -- Maybe Bob Beckel again.

Beckel or the snappy dresser who sat in Jesse Watters' seat while sending pics of his pecker to women on the panel. :laughing0301:
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I thought that Mr. Williams had been fired from NPR because he said that he felt nervous whenever he saw people from a certain religion aboard an airplane.


I assume that the gentleman has that job because (a) it needs a token conservative and (b) it needs at least one person of color as a regular panel member.

"conservative on the panel"? He's so left-wing they should make him wear a beret and smoke a stogey on the air. Could be right about ragheads flying on an airliner. I guess it was Jesse Jackson who said he crosses the street at night when approaching blacks walking toward him. Poor Jesse....another total fraud.
"conservative on the panel"? He's so left-wing they should make him wear a beret and smoke a stogey on the air. Could be right about ragheads flying on an airliner. I guess it was Jesse Jackson who said he crosses the street at night when approaching blacks walking toward him. Poor Jesse....another total fraud.

YES, I meant the token liberal! Thanks!
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Hideously ugly man wearing world's ugliest tie.... :omg:

you have no feelings about millions of unborn children being killed ? you have no feelings for millions of unborn black children being killed .......coward ! you are for sale to the highest political bidder !the democrat party has bought you !
Look, jerk, since I don't believe in having abortions, I don't have them.

Nor do I put myself in a position where that becomes an option.

But I'm not going to project my personal beliefs unto others.

As a Christian, I believe that's a matter between the individual and God.
Look, jerk, since I don't believe in having abortions, I don't have them.

Nor do I put myself in a position where that becomes an option.

But I'm not going to project my personal beliefs unto others.

As a Christian, I believe that's a matter between the individual and God.
ok then do you believe killing an unborn child is wrong commie
ok then do you believe killing an unborn child is wrong commie
I thought I just stipulated that above?

Why do you people get so bent outta shape over this, especially when you are pro-death penalty death-cult lovers?
innocent unborn are not 1st degree murderers ! dont try to make that equation .
Too many of those "murderers" have been found to be innocent, and yet they were killed.

That's unacceptable.

Vengeance belongs to God, not to some biased & prejudiced man w/a vendetta.
Too many of those "murderers" have been found to be innocent, and yet they were killed.

That's unacceptable.

Vengeance belongs to God, not to some biased & prejudiced man w/a vendetta.
sadly a few were innocent but most werent ....and your stance on the death penalty is debatable but fair ..... the killing of the unborn should disturb you also ..
you have no feelings about millions of unborn children being killed ? you have no feelings for millions of unborn black children being killed .......coward ! you are for sale to the highest political bidder !the democrat party has bought you !
Look, jerk, since I don't believe in having abortions, I don't have them.

Nor do I put myself in a position where that becomes an option.

But I'm not going to project my personal beliefs unto others.

As a Christian, I believe that's a matter between the individual and God.

funny, as a Christian you should know thou shalt not murder.

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