Judaism in its Own Words

Nice try by you to misapply that claim of a fallacy.

Tell you what you imbecile. Don’t quote others. Quote Jesus. Find me a specific quote where Jesus ever endorsed violence or torture. But you won’t. Because you can’t. And you can’t because that’s not something Jesus taught.

You asshole.
John 2: 15
Nice try by you to misapply that claim of a fallacy.

Tell you what you imbecile. Don’t quote others. Quote Jesus. Find me a specific quote where Jesus ever endorsed violence or torture. But you won’t. Because you can’t. And you can’t because that’s not something Jesus taught.

You asshole.
Matthew 10:34
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Again, YOU LIE. Communism is perfect for your religion of atheism as it is made up of extreme atheists. Just look at its players in history and on this board. You were a moderate liberal who is BECOMING MORE EXTREME LIBERALIST. This means you need to die in more ways than one -- both religion and politics.

  • Marxist–Leninist atheism has deep roots in the philosophy of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Frederick Engel, Ludwig Feuerbach and G.W.F. Hegel.
  • Marx rejected all religious beliefs ignoring all of the contributions of religion, claiming them to be irrelevant and unimportant to humanity and its future. In the introduction to his A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Marx wrote, “Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” Considering that the Catholic Church created universities, hospitals, social work centers and laid the foundations of modern science including producing the current paradigms in all of the major branches of science, Marx’s words come as not only hollow and petty but severally ignorant.
  • All communist leaders of the 20th and 21st centuries admitted to and celebrated their atheism.
  • Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of American Atheists, dragged her two young sons to the Soviet embassy in Paris in 1960 for the chance to abandon Christian-inspired America to live in the atheist hell that communism had created in that country.
  • When communists took over countries, they declared them to be “liberated” from religion. Albania was the first to declare a thoroughly “atheistic country.”
  • China, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cambodia and North Korea, all communist countries, keep a tight control of religions with the intention of destroying those beliefs. All communist regimes have disparaged religion and hope to eradicate it and those who believe in them.
  • The constitution of officially atheist China promises “freedom of religious belief,” but the “Chinese Patriotic Catholic Church” doesn’t officially recognize the authority of the pope, despite what they say officially.
  • China's President Xi Jinping, at the opening session of the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Oct. 18, 2017, reminded his atheist cadres that the CCP must act as “unyielding Marxist atheists ... and bear in mind the party's tenets.” Bizarrely, he used a religious phrase when he admonished them urging them to “consolidate their faith.” This should serve as proof that communism is a religion made for atheists. William Nee, China researcher for Amnesty International, pointed out that obligatory Marxist atheism has been conspicuously absent from party decrees over the past two or three decades. However, this is no longer the case. “It’s significant when that message is being reinforced by the highest levels,” he explained."'
You can rant and rage about communism all you want. I don't care but you seem to care way more than is healthy.
I find it a stretch to believe something written 1,000+ years after the destruction of the Temple.
the writings are contemporary to the times---believe it or not. Do you actually imagine that the "palestinian talmud" was written last week?. I find it a stretch to believe the writings of the entirely unknown character called "JOHN" in the New Testament----seems to be a person quoting Jesus who
never met him. As to "LUKE" ---nice guy but what
did he know?
Matthew 10:34
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
it seems to me that those lines can be INTERPRETED
in many ways unrelated to an actual SWORD
the writings are contemporary to the times---believe it or not. Do you actually imagine that the "palestinian talmud" was written last week?.
No, the 4th century. Still several hundred years after the Temple was destroyed.

I find it a stretch to believe the writings of the entirely unknown character called "JOHN" in the New Testament----seems to be a person quoting Jesus who
never met him. As to "LUKE" ---nice guy but what
did he know?
None of the Gospels make any claim as to their authors. The names are a later tradition and it seems likely that none of the authors ever met Jesus. It may be they never even met anyone who had met Jesus. They likely wrote down the oral traditions that were being told and retold for decades. It is also probable that Jesus was illiterate and never committed anything to print.
No, the 4th century. Still several hundred years after the Temple was destroyed.

None of the Gospels make any claim as to their authors. The names are a later tradition and it seems likely that none of the authors ever met Jesus. It may be they never even met anyone who had met Jesus. They likely wrote down the oral traditions that were being told and retold for decades. It is also probable that Jesus was illiterate and never committed anything to print.
nope---the Jerusalem talmud----as talmud goes was a work in progress for a long time and consisted
of stuff pre and post destruction of the Temple. An
interesting factoid---HILLEL (one of the talmud makers) died at about the time that Jesus is said
to have been born. I doubt that Jesus was illiterate. Pharisees of his day had a remarkably high level of
literacy HOWEVER nothing he wrote, if anything,
seems to be extant. I BELIEVE the lines in the NT
which recount an episode---Jesus drops into a
synagogue and is asked to read
it seems to me that those lines can be INTERPRETED
in many ways unrelated to an actual SWORD
You're certainly welcome to interpret anything you wish but there is a school of thought that Jesus was a Jewish zealot trying to foment a rebellion against the Romans. I'm not sure I'm in that school. We do know Jesus was an apocalypticist and, like Paul and John the Baptist, expected God's judgement of the world to come in his lifetime and it was not going to be peaceful.
nope---the Jerusalem talmud----as talmud goes was a work in progress for a long time and consisted
of stuff pre and post destruction of the Temple. An
interesting factoid---HILLEL (one of the talmud makers) died at about the time that Jesus is said
to have been born.
I believe you are right about this.

I doubt that Jesus was illiterate. Pharisees of his day had a remarkably high level of
literacy HOWEVER nothing he wrote, if anything,
seems to be extant. I BELIEVE the lines in the NT
which recount an episode---Jesus drops into a
synagogue and is asked to read
It's unclear but believe you are wrong about this. Jesus is reputed to have been a common laborer so his education was probably limited:

The Gospels present conflicting evidence on the subject. In a story in both Mark and Matthew Jesus is rejected as a synagogue teacher in Nazareth by the people from his home town because they know that he isn’t qualified for the task. Their rejection hinges on the fact that he (or in Matthew’s version, his father Joseph) was a carpenter and, thus, wasn’t from the educated class that would have learned these skills.

In Luke 4:16-20, which is based on the Gospel of Mark, Luke sharpens the portrait of Jesus as educated reader. A scroll is handed to Jesus; Jesus is able to locate the specific passage, reads it, and returns the scroll. In other words, Luke is making the point that Jesus can do more than simply repeat a story he knows verbatim (anyone who remembers learning to read or has taught their own child to read knows that this can be done.) He can actually read. Interestingly, Luke makes sure to omit the reference to carpenters, thereby removing evidence that would raise the question "how did he learn to read?"
You Lying scumbag motherfucker. Eat a bag of dicks. Fuck “liberation theology.”

Here is the simple truth. I suspect it will cause you to burn. So read with caution, you shitforbrains fuckwit:

It is the case that EITHER Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek and to love one another and God, or he didn’t teach those things. Pick one you rancid flea fucker.

don't forget - "self determination" ... that's why they crucified him both rome and religion, the journey set by a&e.

you talk tough, backie but like christians when the dust fly's they're where to be seen.
Nice try by you to misapply that claim of a fallacy.

Tell you what you imbecile. Don’t quote others. Quote Jesus. Find me a specific quote where Jesus ever endorsed violence or torture. But you won’t. Because you can’t. And you can’t because that’s not something Jesus taught.

You asshole.

where's hoboboom with the flaming sword - and magic potion.
You're certainly welcome to interpret anything you wish but there is a school of thought that Jesus was a Jewish zealot trying to foment a rebellion against the Romans. I'm not sure I'm in that school. We do know Jesus was an apocalypticist and, like Paul and John the Baptist, expected God's judgement of the world to come in his lifetime and it was not going to be peaceful.
interesting---IMVO--Jesus was not TRYING TO FOMENT----he was already in rebellion against Rome
being a typical Pharisee. I am not convinced that he
was an apocalypse ---but PAUL was
I believe you are right about this.

It's unclear but believe you are wrong about this. Jesus is reputed to have been a common laborer so his education was probably limited:

The Gospels present conflicting evidence on the subject. In a story in both Mark and Matthew Jesus is rejected as a synagogue teacher in Nazareth by the people from his home town because they know that he isn’t qualified for the task. Their rejection hinges on the fact that he (or in Matthew’s version, his father Joseph) was a carpenter and, thus, wasn’t from the educated class that would have learned these skills.

In Luke 4:16-20, which is based on the Gospel of Mark, Luke sharpens the portrait of Jesus as educated reader. A scroll is handed to Jesus; Jesus is able to locate the specific passage, reads it, and returns the scroll. In other words, Luke is making the point that Jesus can do more than simply repeat a story he knows verbatim (anyone who remembers learning to read or has taught their own child to read knows that this can be done.) He can actually read. Interestingly, Luke makes sure to omit the reference to carpenters, thereby removing evidence that would raise the question "how did he learn to read?"
I do not agree---carpenter was NOT indicative of
illiterate laborer. Some of the most influential
scholars have even more common "professions".
There is reasonable information in the NT--that the relatives of Jesus----eg. John (the baptist) had
something to do with the "royals" I do not recall
Jesus being barred from teaching----he seems to be
called "teacher" incessantly.
Matthew 10:34
Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
He is the Lord God and He can bring a sword. That says nothing about what He taught us.

If you thought you were making a point of some kind, have another think. You’re a dope.
don't forget - "self determination" ... that's why they crucified him both rome and religion, the journey set by a&e.

you talk tough, backie but like christians when the dust fly's they're where to be seen.
You talk incoherently beetledick.

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