JUDAS! Mr Trump has adopted Low Energy Jeb's immigration policy! Senator Cruz told you so!


scarberries says that, and you believe it? don't be so gullible. the presstitutes are under no oath in a court, they have no religious convictions, no concerns about eternal damnation for committing the sin of bearing false witness; there is absolutely nothing binding them to truth, so there is absolutely no honor in them, no word, just the empty void where a soul should be. so all they do is abuse the eyes and ears of others as literal f***-holes, to molest at will for whatever pleasures they get from stirring up conflicts where no conflicts ought to exist. that's why we call political correctness cultural marxism, you see? trump knows this and so trump exploits them. it's easy to exploit guilty people, they're too afraid of being called out so they tend to go along with it. yes, america is truly getting the screw job that america deserves in this election.
He's decided to say fuck you to his cult, because he knows they'll obediently vote for him no matter what he says or does at this point.
He's decided to say fuck you to his cult, because he knows they'll obediently vote for him no matter what he says or does at this point.

Not unlike how feminists support the Clintons, no matter how many women get destroyed in the process, eh?

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