Judasim and the "Pie in the Sky"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Les Moonves - Wikipedia

It pains me to write this, but what the hell, it's an anonymous forum so here goes.

The (Roman Catholic) Second Vatican Council, as I saw it, defined a legitimate religion as one that (a) believed in a supreme being, (b) believed in an eternal soul, and (c) believed that in some way, after death, a virtuous life would be rewarded and an evil life would be punished. This last belief is sometimes cynically referred to as the "pie in the sky."

Putting it another way, any true religion believes that one's conduct in life MATTERS. Virtue will ultimately be rewarded and evil punished. Psychologically, this belief is one of the main justifications for the very existence of religion. In life, virtue is often NOT rewarded in any meaningful way, and bad people often go to their graves fat, dumb, and happy. The Pie in the Sky rectifies this perceived injustice.

Judaism has always been "weak" as regards the Pie in the Sky. I do not believe that there is any definitive jewish teaching regarding the afterlife, and there is nothing definitively describing rewards and punishments ("heaven & hell").

And while Jewish teachings encourage altruism in many aspects, they are not formulated as commands or imperatives (or at least not taken as such).

So it is with much regret that i bring my lifelong observation that jews are often at Ground Zero in areas where immorality rears its ugly head. Look at a listing of "slum landlords," and jewish names abound. In the days when pornography was nearly outlawed, the profiteers in this sordid business were almost all jews. As the common culture (in film) broke taboo after taboo, the trailbreakers were all jews. The businesses that exploit the poor, ignorant masses...pawn shops, ghetto jewelers, payday lenders, furniture "rental" stores...are all dominated by jewish businessmen. Not strictly illegal, but far from moral.

Today one notes that ethnic jews are walking away from their faith in droves, utterly rejecting its teachings on homosexualty, marriage, and abortion. Many Reform jews freely admit to being either atheist or agnostic.

In Israel, judaism seems to have devolved into such a self-centered incestuous cult in which nothing but the tiny clique matters.

Outside Israel, even among the truly faithful - orthodox and conservative congregations - judaism does not seem to result in a great deal of altruistic activity, save from a few ultra-rich jews who throw crumbs about, largely for their own glorification (M. Bloomberg).

Does virtue ultimately matter?

The subject of the above link is called a philanthropist by some, but obviously is a morally hollow fellow. Before knowing for certain i would have bet a thousand dollars that he was a jew.

So my thesis is as follows: the failure of judaism to embrace the Pie in the Sky has caused it to fail as a religion. For most of its adherents.
Les Moonves - Wikipedia

So my thesis is as follows: the failure of judaism to embrace the Pie in the Sky has caused it to fail as a religion. For most of its adherents.
I doubt you experienced anything like pain writing that. Maybe you’ll make up for it in the next life? As to any claim a particular religion has ‘failed’, I wonder how you measure the success or failure of any belief system. On this earth or on the other side?
As to the failure of the Roman kind, don’t push those of us who’ve experienced it personally to list the sins of the clergy and religious ‘authorities’. It may also be a good idea to avoid the old biblical apoligists trick of blaming Satan. It doesn’t wash.
the failure of judaism to embrace the Pie in the Sky has caused it to fail as a religion.

What a failure, it's only 3,500 years old.

P.S. Your rent is late ... again.
the failure of judaism to embrace the Pie in the Sky has caused it to fail as a religion.

What a failure, it's only 3,500 years old.

P.S. Your rent is late ... again.
Can I be rude enough to draw attention to the elephant in the room? Judaism, is as fractured as Christianity. Any analysis, criticism or promulgation of either avoiding this fact will fall into the trap of making very rash generalisations. However, that’s not to say we should avoid the study of, and/or criticism of so called holy books in their many translations. Additionally we have to face the multiple, often unjustifiable interpretations of these tomes that many delude themselves to be ‘God’s Word’.
Putting aside for now the vain presumption our species might ever understand whatever ‘language’ a creator of everything may speak in, we need to face up to the fact these tomes are the product of human authorship even if one accepts the claim of ‘divine inspiration’ (whatever that might be) .
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So it is with much regret that i bring my lifelong observation that jews are often at Ground Zero in areas where immorality rears its ugly head. Look at a listing of "slum landlords," and jewish names abound. In the days when pornography was nearly outlawed, the profiteers in this sordid business were almost all jews. As the common culture (in film) broke taboo after taboo, the trailbreakers were all jews. The businesses that exploit the poor, ignorant masses...pawn shops, ghetto jewelers, payday lenders, furniture "rental" stores...are all dominated by jewish businessmen. Not strictly illegal, but far from moral.
You need to read some history. For many centuries Christian governments forbad Jews being involved in many forms of gainful employment forcing them to survive on the periphery of whatever economic system operated. However, I'm puzzled as to where you get the evidence your criticisms apply almost exclusively to the international Jewish community today.
As to history of the Jews, specifically in relation to Rome, you should read The Christian Holocaust: A critical study of organised religion. by Mark Mason.
You may be in for a shock.
There are many superior religions to the Abrahamic ones. Don’t box yourselves in.
How do you recognise a ‘superior religion’?
One that brings you more comfort or happiness or whatever. If you don’t shop around, you’ll never know.
Considerable ‘shoping around’ over many decades has taught me I have no need of religion of any kind to achieve a state of comfort and happiness. Not that personal comfort and happiness should be our only aim. The comfort and happiness of all humanity, although an impossible aim, should be part and parcel of even a secular view of the world.
the failure of judaism to embrace the Pie in the Sky has caused it to fail as a religion.

What a failure, it's only 3,500 years old.

P.S. Your rent is late ... again.
What a failure, it's only 3,500 years old.

and still pretentiously caring about something besides themselves ... they've done a lot more than just the palestinians throughout history the op does make a point - is any religion ever brought to justice.
the failure of judaism to embrace the Pie in the Sky has caused it to fail as a religion.

What a failure, it's only 3,500 years old.

P.S. Your rent is late ... again.
What a failure, it's only 3,500 years old.

and still pretentiously caring about something besides themselves ... they've done a lot more than just the palestinians throughout history the op does make a point - is any religion ever brought to justice.
Not fully but there’s partial justice being dished out to a number of religious organisations across the planet for turning a blind eye towards pedophiles they’ve protected for far too long.
Les Moonves - Wikipedia

It pains me to write this, but what the hell, it's an anonymous forum so here goes.

The (Roman Catholic) Second Vatican Council, as I saw it, defined a legitimate religion as one that (a) believed in a supreme being, (b) believed in an eternal soul, and (c) believed that in some way, after death, a virtuous life would be rewarded and an evil life would be punished. This last belief is sometimes cynically referred to as the "pie in the sky."

Putting it another way, any true religion believes that one's conduct in life MATTERS. Virtue will ultimately be rewarded and evil punished. Psychologically, this belief is one of the main justifications for the very existence of religion. In life, virtue is often NOT rewarded in any meaningful way, and bad people often go to their graves fat, dumb, and happy. The Pie in the Sky rectifies this perceived injustice.

Judaism has always been "weak" as regards the Pie in the Sky. I do not believe that there is any definitive jewish teaching regarding the afterlife, and there is nothing definitively describing rewards and punishments ("heaven & hell").

And while Jewish teachings encourage altruism in many aspects, they are not formulated as commands or imperatives (or at least not taken as such).

So it is with much regret that i bring my lifelong observation that jews are often at Ground Zero in areas where immorality rears its ugly head. Look at a listing of "slum landlords," and jewish names abound. In the days when pornography was nearly outlawed, the profiteers in this sordid business were almost all jews. As the common culture (in film) broke taboo after taboo, the trailbreakers were all jews. The businesses that exploit the poor, ignorant masses...pawn shops, ghetto jewelers, payday lenders, furniture "rental" stores...are all dominated by jewish businessmen. Not strictly illegal, but far from moral.

Today one notes that ethnic jews are walking away from their faith in droves, utterly rejecting its teachings on homosexualty, marriage, and abortion. Many Reform jews freely admit to being either atheist or agnostic.

In Israel, judaism seems to have devolved into such a self-centered incestuous cult in which nothing but the tiny clique matters.

Outside Israel, even among the truly faithful - orthodox and conservative congregations - judaism does not seem to result in a great deal of altruistic activity, save from a few ultra-rich jews who throw crumbs about, largely for their own glorification (M. Bloomberg).

Does virtue ultimately matter?

The subject of the above link is called a philanthropist by some, but obviously is a morally hollow fellow. Before knowing for certain i would have bet a thousand dollars that he was a jew.

So my thesis is as follows: the failure of judaism to embrace the Pie in the Sky has caused it to fail as a religion. For most of its adherents.
Everything you said about Judaism is wrong and through your lack of knowledge of Judaism, probably just a selective observation of a small sample of Jews and not Judaism.
Judaism is what brought you the teachings of Resurrection that got bastardized by Roman plagiarizing the Baal death scene in creating it's Jesus death scene.
In Judaism yes death is no more rememberance, however as I'll explain later*, they teach resurrection as the only way to be rewarded for creating that perfected world to come and even science proves Judaic philosophy through Bohm and Kohns theorems in that you are punished or rewarded by your acts through cause and affect and inter connectivity.
Thus children paying the price for their father's sins in the Tanakh are science fact and historically proven.
One recent example of this fact is seen in how the kids of Nazis Germany's elders suffer immigration problems today, because they so misstreated immigrants in the past, that today they feel obligated to do the opposite at their own demise and suffering. so rhe sons suffer at the acts of their fathers as a Biblical teaching is seen true through history.
that the only path to eternity and justice for those who lived right would be to HaShev (return/place back) into LIFE to see how their works lead to a perfected place in LIFE. HENCE heaven (olam habah) means time to come (future perfected). In other words they taught a message of life and reward in life while greek death cultcand Egyptian underworld teachings in Christianity taught a message of deathvthat therefore lead society to death (over 50 million murdered in thousands of wars over the messengers of death).

*little known fact : the Rabbi in the OT who taught the resurrection concept was Rabbi Yohoshua ben Channiah and he predicted the exact bone used in the process as the only bone we get the best entact DNA from in cloning.
It's my opinion that this predated Rabbi was used as a minute portion of the created Jesus image because the NT mentions Jesus going to Channa (to see his father) which could actually be seeing Channa his father not town*, a story confused by passing it down the line or plagiarized as many OT stories were done in creating his image.
*evidence they mix people names with towns is seen in Matthew in falacious placement of Jesus into Micah 5 where "Bethlehem Ephrata" is a person out of the lineage, even the word clan is used and has nothing to do with the town Bethlehem.
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If one is forced to be virtuous they aren’t virtuous. You people miss the point of free will.
To blame the failing of man on religion not only shows ignorance it shows bias.
Arguing that diversity is a weakness ignores how objective truth is discovered and shows ignorance of how the process works. Rather than diversity being a weakness, it is in reality a strength.
Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

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