Judge blocks Trumps EO to end birthright citizenship

You keep pretending to miss the common sense part that must be applied in both scenarios.
The element you’re talking about is why I’d vote that a child of two non citizens should not make that child a citizen. If the issue was up for a vote that’s where I would land. But it’s not up for a vote. We do have a constitution and we have a 14th amendment. Just because I don’t agree with some elements of it doesn’t mean I’m going to lie about it or snub the law like you are doing
Then the judge was paid to do so. the 14A says those born in america AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF are citizens. Birthright citizenship violates the 14A.
Exactly. The only jurisdiction one who entered this country illegally is subject to is deportation for breaking the law. Pretty cut and dried to me. But it takes a Harvard or Yale degree to rewrite it complicated style.
Exactly. The only jurisdiction one who entered this country illegally is subject to is deportation for breaking the law. Pretty cut and dried to me. But it takes a Harvard or Yale degree to rewrite it complicated style.
Teddy, you are babbling again.
Then the judge was paid to do so. the 14A says those born in america AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF are citizens. Birthright citizenship violates the 14A.
The SCOTUS ruled on a case where two undocumented immigrants had a child on US soil. That child was deemed to be a US citizen. The 14th was interpreted by SCOTUS and precedent set. If you want to change it then legislate and change the constitution. But don’t lie about our laws
The SCOTUS ruled on a case where two undocumented immigrants had a child on US soil. That child was deemed to be a US citizen. The 14th was interpreted by SCOTUS and precedent set. If you want to change it then legislate and change the constitution. But don’t lie about our laws
I remember when purple hair people said Roe was case law/precedent…they said it would never be overturned.
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