Judge Orders Biden To Reimplement Key Trump Border Policy As Biden’s Border Catastrophe Worsens

In the following we find a recurring and serious problem with the judiciary, and one more salient point as to what a huge mistake Democrat voters made.

1. "Judge orders Biden administration to resume 'remain in Mexico' policy
The Biden administration must resume the "remain in Mexico" border policy first authorized under former President Donald Trump, a federal judge in Texas ruled Friday.

District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ordered officials to "enforce and implement" the policy, also known as the Migrant Protection Protocol. The court ruled that the administration violated federal procedural law when it first suspended the border policy back in January and later on when it fully rescinded the policy on June 1. The judge concluded that the policy must stay in place until it can be lawfully suspended.

"Defendants are ordered to enforce and implement MPP in good faith until such time as it has been lawfully rescinded in compliance with the [Administrative Procedures Act] and until such a time as the federal government has sufficient detention capacity to detain all aliens subject to mandatory detention," Kacsmaryk wrote Friday in his order for the lawsuit, which was brought by the states of Texas and Missouri."

2. Where does the Constitution authorize unelected judges to overrule and dictate to elected officials, including the President of the United States???

3. But.....we see in the ruling, more proof of how much better Trump was at governing for American than Democrats.

Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Refugees Allowed To ...

Sep 26, 2019The new cap, which marks the third time the Trump administration has dwindled the refugee limit, would also be a more than 80% decline compared with the last year of the Obama administration, when...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80% - Washington ...

Border chief: Wall cuts illegal crossings 80%

Feb 27, 2020Democrats eye Trump censure as Senate acquittal all but assured "We've seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch," Mr. Morgan told...

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy - Forbes

A Review Of Trump Immigration Policy

Aug 26, 2020For FY 2020, the Trump administration established an annual ceiling for refugees 84% lower than the final year of the Obama administration (from 110,000 down to 18,000). As of July 17, 2020, only...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded ...

Illegal immigrant crossings fall 78% and once overcrowded cells are empty

First is daily apprehensions, a number that hit 4,600 at the height of the latest crisis in May. That has now dropped to 1,300. What's more, he said, the 21-daily average is below 1,000, a 78% cut....

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to ...

Illegal immigration dropped 80 percent in El Paso due to border wall, border chief says

Illegal immigration in one area of Texas has dropped more than 80 percent thanks to the new border wall system that includes multiple layers of fencing, roads, lights, and extra personnel, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan told Congress on Thursday.

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands ...

Illegal crossings lowest in years as border wall expands

Trump said the expanded border wall is helping slow illegal immigration into the United States. He noted that the last two months have seen the lowest number of illegal crossings in years, while illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 percent.

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 ...

Trump Further Reduces Obama's Refugee Inflow to U.S. by 80 Percent

Oct 1, 2020President Trump is further reducing the inflow of refugees to the United States, cutting their resettlement by 80 percent compared to former President Obama's last year in office.
The dark side of "stay in Mexico": huge numbers of migrants assaulted, raped, murdered, kidnapped and trafficked. That border area is amongst the most lawless in Mexico. No wonder Trumpsters supported it.

Lawlessness has consequences. They left their home country with the intent of breaking our laws, they can live with the circumstances their decisions create.

The dark side of "stay in Mexico": huge numbers of migrants assaulted, raped, murdered, kidnapped and trafficked. That border area is amongst the most lawless in Mexico. No wonder Trumpsters supported it.
Maybe they should apply legally and avoid staying in Mexico? Just sayin'.
That is, I am sure, one way of looking at it and supporting a policy that is both inhumane and based on a sense of retribution. People who are seeking asylum are seeking asylum because they are fleeing a situation that is violent and inhumane. Willfully putting them into the same situation is pretty wrong imo. (disclaimer - that is not to say all meet the criteria for asylum, but until they have a hearing to determine it, they deserve to be treated as asylum seekers not criminals.)

You are a joke. You are intentionally manipulating the meaning of asylum. What you just described in no way constitutes a basis for asylum under the law. The situation in Cuba with the political dissidents being erased is the proper application of the legal term asylum. And those are the people being denied asylum by this administration.
Hilarious. Going to start another insurrection by ignoring Federal judges and taking fascist control?
He’s a lower federal judge. Appeals court judges get the case next. Learn civics

and no one caused an insurrection except for Donald and his cultists
That is, I am sure, one way of looking at it and supporting a policy that is both inhumane and based on a sense of retribution. People who are seeking asylum are seeking asylum because they are fleeing a situation that is violent and inhumane. Willfully putting them into the same situation is pretty wrong imo. (disclaimer - that is not to say all meet the criteria for asylum, but until they have a hearing to determine it, they deserve to be treated as asylum seekers not criminals.)

Trump took care of that. If you want to apply for asylum, do so in your own country at a US embassy. If you end up at our border trying to apply for asylum, you will remain behind our border until your court date. If you were offered asylum anywhere along the way to the US and declined it, that's automatic rejection for an asylum claim here.

That's how a real President handles a problem like this.
That is, I am sure, one way of looking at it and supporting a policy that is both inhumane and based on a sense of retribution. People who are seeking asylum are seeking asylum because they are fleeing a situation that is violent and inhumane. Willfully putting them into the same situation is pretty wrong imo. (disclaimer - that is not to say all meet the criteria for asylum, but until they have a hearing to determine it, they deserve to be treated as asylum seekers not criminals.)

Very few will show up to court, then warrants are issued for the ones that don't. xiden has no intention of arresting the people with warrants and the illegals know it. As Trump proved, if the illegals know they won't be released in the US, most won't come.

The situation in Cuba with the political dissidents being erased is the proper application of the legal term asylum. And those are the people being denied asylum by this administration.

And those people are known for being conservative voters, that's why they won't let them in. As for the invaders from over 100 countries that flew to Mexico to sneak in our border, they're fine, especially if they have some new covid variant that will kill a few hundred thousand Americans.
Any bets on whether or not the Xiden admin follows the judge's order?
Totally agree Trump had it right, and Xiden is a disaster.
If he refuses, we may be at a real tipping point. He will have precipitated a "Constitutional crisis" whether the Left decide to ignore it or not. Our co-equal branches system has always been carefully balanced and is upheld by nothing more than a willingness of the members of those branches to play by the same set of rules. If they each begin ignoring the authority of the others, the official train wreck is accomplished. Yes indeed, the Left is pulling out ALL the stops in their efforts to crash the country before they can be removed from power again.
they deserve to be treated as asylum seekers not criminals.)
By your standards, every person charged with rape, murder etc. deserves to allowed to run free in America to do it again. Before you claim false equivalence, keep in mind, these illegals have violated immigration law and should be detained or returned to the country they came from.
If he refuses, we may be at a real tipping point. He will have precipitated a "Constitutional crisis" whether the Left decide to ignore it or not. Our co-equal branches system has always been carefully balanced and is upheld by nothing more than a willingness of the members of those branches to play by the same set of rules. If they each begin ignoring the authority of the others, the official train wreck is accomplished. Yes indeed, the Left is pulling out ALL the stops in their efforts to crash the country before they can be removed from power again.
I have never voted party line in 50 years, but after what I have observed from the left over the past 13 years, I will NEVER vote democrat again.
He’s a lower federal judge. Appeals court judges get the case next. Learn civics

and no one caused an insurrection except for Donald and his cultists

I can't recall anyone being charged with insurrection here.

Seems like political theater to me.

Speaking as a casual observer, it seems to me that you'd soil your bloomers if you ever saw a real insurrection, princess.

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