Judge Throws Out Another nunes Lawsuit

Lots of deficiencies. "Nunes’ complaint 'includes many rote statements of law and conclusory allegations which fall short of meeting' a legal standards determined by the Supreme Court,” O’Grady wrote."

That's one deficiency. Ever occur to you that the judge was really just seeing weaknesses in the case structure making it vulnerable to its defendants and rejected it so that Nunes could go back and redo it better so that it stands up better against Fusion?

I didn't even consider such a thing for a second.

It is not the role or function of the judge to instruct the plaintiff on the deficiencies of his/her filings. That's what law school is for. It is the function of the judge to rule on the validity of the arguments, and whether or not the plaintiff has a case. Furthermore, there was nothing instructive in the ruling. All it says is in plain speak "You don't have a basis for a case here. We're done!"

You speak of theory, I speak of practice. Judges are human. I used to teach/tutor logic (Boolean algebra) and various other things to people. Its rather common to be handed a flawed argument and give it back to the person pointing out its holes so that the student can go back and correct it. In fact, that is the very best way to learn. Not saying that's the case here or was INTENTIONAL, but either way, the judge did Nunes a favor because there is nothing stopping Nunes now from correcting the deficiencies and resubmitting the suit.
The complaints did not meet the standard of law to be heard. That is not something that can be "corrected", without inventing a time machine and changing factual events in the past. .
Lots of deficiencies. "Nunes’ complaint 'includes many rote statements of law and conclusory allegations which fall short of meeting' a legal standards determined by the Supreme Court,” O’Grady wrote."

That's one deficiency. Ever occur to you that the judge was really just seeing weaknesses in the case structure making it vulnerable to its defendants and rejected it so that Nunes could go back and redo it better so that it stands up better against Fusion?

I didn't even consider such a thing for a second.

It is not the role or function of the judge to instruct the plaintiff on the deficiencies of his/her filings. That's what law school is for. It is the function of the judge to rule on the validity of the arguments, and whether or not the plaintiff has a case. Furthermore, there was nothing instructive in the ruling. All it says is in plain speak "You don't have a basis for a case here. We're done!"

You speak of theory, I speak of practice. Judges are human. I used to teach/tutor logic (Boolean algebra) and various other things to people. Its rather common to be handed a flawed argument and give it back to the person pointing out its holes so that the student can go back and correct it. In fact, that is the very best way to learn. Not saying that's the case here or was INTENTIONAL, but either way, the judge did Nunes a favor because there is nothing stopping Nunes now from correcting the deficiencies and resubmitting the suit.
Nothing except the fact that he has no case... spin and hyperbole don’t go very far in court where facts and evidence are required.
Lots of deficiencies. "Nunes’ complaint 'includes many rote statements of law and conclusory allegations which fall short of meeting' a legal standards determined by the Supreme Court,” O’Grady wrote."

That's one deficiency. Ever occur to you that the judge was really just seeing weaknesses in the case structure making it vulnerable to its defendants and rejected it so that Nunes could go back and redo it better so that it stands up better against Fusion?

I didn't even consider such a thing for a second.

It is not the role or function of the judge to instruct the plaintiff on the deficiencies of his/her filings. That's what law school is for. It is the function of the judge to rule on the validity of the arguments, and whether or not the plaintiff has a case. Furthermore, there was nothing instructive in the ruling. All it says is in plain speak "You don't have a basis for a case here. We're done!"

You speak of theory, I speak of practice. Judges are human. I used to teach/tutor logic (Boolean algebra) and various other things to people. Its rather common to be handed a flawed argument and give it back to the person pointing out its holes so that the student can go back and correct it. In fact, that is the very best way to learn. Not saying that's the case here or was INTENTIONAL, but either way, the judge did Nunes a favor because there is nothing stopping Nunes now from correcting the deficiencies and resubmitting the suit.
Nothing except the fact that he has no case... spin and hyperbole don’t go very far in court where facts and evidence are required.

I don;'t know the details other than the fact that members of our government and certain political figures involved in the 2016 election were actively working with Fusion and foreign governments where money exchanged hands in an effort to create a fraudulent document in an effort to try to find, use and convict Trump of things he wasn't actually doing.

How is that not abuse of power? Corrupt and conspiracy to influence an election? Then there is the FISA court swindle.

So, there is a case---- if Nunes fails to or is unable to make a compelling one, either he's incompetent or institutionalized deep state corruption wins again by burying the proof.

But THANK YOU Devin for trying.
Nunes will appeal...and win :banana:

Just another leftist judge that president Trump will replace!

You are just too lazy to read the article. Most of you far right radical extremist russian trolls are just too lazy to read the information given you.

If you had read the article you would know he can't appeal.

You would also know the judge is a republican bush boy appointed conservative judge.

The only thing he can do is refile the lawsuit and start over. The judge said he can do that if he cleans up his lawsuit to not violate Supreme Court rulings.

We will have to wait and see if he does that.

How's the weather in moscow today comrade?
Nunes will appeal...and win :banana:

Just another leftist judge that president Trump will replace!
An Obama judge ....
Seems they all still report to the old Boss.


Just stop lying. I swear if you people couldn't lie you wouldn't have anything to say.

The judge is a conservative republican bush boy appointed judge.

Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 1.17.01 PM.png
This is the one against Fusion GPS that the far right radical extremists were all excited about when it was first filed.

I guess they aren't too excited that it ended up the same way most of these frivolous lawsuits end up.

That Clinton-appointed judge will pay a price for obstruction of justice.

Another lying far right conservative radical extremist and probably a russian troll.

If you people couldn't lie you wouldn't have anything to say.

The judge was appointed by the conservative republican bush boy.

Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 1.17.01 PM.png
Lots of deficiencies. "Nunes’ complaint 'includes many rote statements of law and conclusory allegations which fall short of meeting' a legal standards determined by the Supreme Court,” O’Grady wrote."

That's one deficiency. Ever occur to you that the judge was really just seeing weaknesses in the case structure making it vulnerable to its defendants and rejected it so that Nunes could go back and redo it better so that it stands up better against Fusion?

I didn't even consider such a thing for a second.

It is not the role or function of the judge to instruct the plaintiff on the deficiencies of his/her filings. That's what law school is for. It is the function of the judge to rule on the validity of the arguments, and whether or not the plaintiff has a case. Furthermore, there was nothing instructive in the ruling. All it says is in plain speak "You don't have a basis for a case here. We're done!"

You speak of theory, I speak of practice. Judges are human. I used to teach/tutor logic (Boolean algebra) and various other things to people. Its rather common to be handed a flawed argument and give it back to the person pointing out its holes so that the student can go back and correct it. In fact, that is the very best way to learn. Not saying that's the case here or was INTENTIONAL, but either way, the judge did Nunes a favor because there is nothing stopping Nunes now from correcting the deficiencies and resubmitting the suit.
Nothing except the fact that he has no case... spin and hyperbole don’t go very far in court where facts and evidence are required.

I don;'t know the details other than the fact that members of our government and certain political figures involved in the 2016 election were actively working with Fusion and foreign governments where money exchanged hands in an effort to create a fraudulent document in an effort to try to find, use and convict Trump of things he wasn't actually doing.

How is that not abuse of power? Corrupt and conspiracy to influence an election? Then there is the FISA court swindle.

So, there is a case---- if Nunes fails to or is unable to make a compelling one, either he's incompetent or institutionalized deep state corruption wins again by burying the proof.

But THANK YOU Devin for trying.
What you just laid out is a narrative I’ve heard pushed in right wing media but that’s not how the facts are at face value.

opposition research was conducted which resulted in the infamous dossier. That’s not illegal, oppo research happens all the time.

The dossier was given to the FBI because it implicated questionable behavior. Trump was informed. Elements were followed up on and led to an investigation, based on corroborated evidence and factors that had nothing to do with the dossier. Trumps own FBI director testified many times to the legitimacy of the investigation. There have been two IGs who investigated how the investigations were conducted. Many missteps were found but nothing criminal. That’s it, that’s where we are at.

Nunes is a political puppet and a pot stirrer. This lawsuit gave him talking points to use on his grandstand. That’s it.
Nunes will appeal...and win :banana:

Just another leftist judge that president Trump will replace!
An Obama judge ....
Seems they all still report to the old Boss.


Yes but, the judge was appointed by GW Bush. o_O Seems that the main problems were some deficiency in his legal argument. Let's wait and see if Nunes can appeal.

Lots of deficiencies. "Nunes’ complaint 'includes many rote statements of law and conclusory allegations which fall short of meeting' a legal standards determined by the Supreme Court,” O’Grady wrote." The judge dismissed the case without even hearing oral arguments.

Nunes in September filed the lawsuit alleging Fusion GPS and Campaign for Accountability engaged in a “joint and systematic effort to intimidate, harass, threaten, influence, interfere with, impede, and ultimately to derail” his work as House Intelligence Committee chairman. Nunes used that position to investigate the origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election.

Like Trump, Nunes is a litigious asshole who is attacking anyone who criticizes him or publishes the truth about him. He sued a local farmer who publically objected to Nunes calling himself a "farmer" on his campaign information. Nunes withdrew that suit on his own volition, which as proof positive that he is lying about being a farmer, and can't prove his claims.
This is the one against Fusion GPS that the far right radical extremists were all excited about when it was first filed.

I guess they aren't too excited that it ended up the same way most of these frivolous lawsuits end up.

Actually, it’s not far right extremists – radical or otherwise.

This nonsense is part and parcel of fundamental rightwing dogma.

And yes, these lawsuits are as frivolous as the ‘investigations’ conducted by House Republicans.

Hmm....after reviewing the info the lawsuit appears to have been ill advised. It's a sticks and stones kerfluffle that no judge should have to waste his time with. I wouldn't say the same for the impending Nunes V WAPO litigation however. That one has some legs I think.


You had me there for a moment. Your first sentence displayed an ability to make a well reasoned argument - a first for you. But then you immediately reverted to partisan hack status.

None of Nunes laws suits have any "legs". Any more than any of Donald Trump's libel suits have ever been successful.

Why Donald Trump Has Never Won a Libel Case

Donald Trump Withdraws Bill Maher Lawsuit
This is the one against Fusion GPS that the far right radical extremists were all excited about when it was first filed.

I guess they aren't too excited that it ended up the same way most of these frivolous lawsuits end up.

That Clinton-appointed judge will pay a price for obstruction of justice.

Threatening judges are we now Miss Russia? That Bush appointed judge had better not pay any price when a treasonous crook like Nunes use the judicial system to threaten and abuse others.
None of Nunes laws suits have any "legs". Any more than any of Donald Trump's libel suits have ever been successful.

It may not have been a "LIBEL" lawsuit...but stormy daniels had to pay the man with the golden schlong $300,000 :auiqs.jpg:

And her pro-boner lawyer just got sent up the river for the duration :iyfyus.jpg:
None of Nunes laws suits have any "legs". Any more than any of Donald Trump's libel suits have ever been successful.

It may not have been a "LIBEL" lawsuit...but stormy daniels had to pay the man with the golden schlong $300,000 :auiqs.jpg:

And her pro-boner lawyer just got sent up the river for the duration :iyfyus.jpg:

It was a breach of contract suit, not libel. Trump has over 3000 suits, not all of them are losers, just most of them.
You are just too lazy to read the article. Most of you far right radical extremist russian trolls are just too lazy to read the information given you.
And your sweeping generalities are just as lazy and partisan as well.

....and had you read your own article it says:
"O’Grady, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, wrote that Nunes had 30 days to file an amended complaint that could meet the required legal standard."
opposition research was conducted which resulted in the infamous dossier. That’s not illegal, oppo research happens all the time.
Except when a Republican is involved. The DNC and Hillary involved foreign governments and money exchanged hands. It was all intended to keep Trump from winning (influence an election). Obama had to know about it. Lies were told, laws were broken. Result: People like you say it's all just business as usual.

Trump looks into and asks a leader to help tell what he knows about suspected crimes. No money exchanged hands. Months later, the person central to it jumps into the race. Many unanswered questions. NO investigation whatsoever of those questions and the matter gets buried. But Trump gets impeached for inquiring.
opposition research was conducted which resulted in the infamous dossier. That’s not illegal, oppo research happens all the time.
Except when a Republican is involved. The DNC and Hillary involved foreign governments and money exchanged hands. It was all intended to keep Trump from winning (influence an election). Obama had to know about it. Lies were told, laws were broken. Result: People like you say it's all just business as usual.

Trump looks into and asks a leader to help tell what he knows about suspected crimes. No money exchanged hands. Months later, the person central to it jumps into the race. Many unanswered questions. NO investigation whatsoever of those questions and the matter gets buried. But Trump gets impeached for inquiring.
Are you talking about Steele? Yes all of this is well known. It is and has beenknown by the DOJ and if your claims are evidence of crimes then Barr could easily indict those involved. But he hasn’t. He hasn’t because your narrative is bullshit. You only have two options... Throw Barr under the bus and clump him in as another deep state conspirator or you can face reality and admit your rhetoric is nothing but hot air
"O’Grady, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush, wrote that Nunes had 30 days to file an amended complaint that could meet the required legal standard."
He had 3 years to get it right the first time.

Nunes the corrupt freak suing someone? What a joke.

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