Judicial Arrogance


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1 .Sometimes, I agree with Hillary:

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
ā€” Hillary Rodham Clinton

2.If only Liberals, Democrats, would do just that.
Instead, call someone a ā€˜judge,ā€™ and, for the Left, that means ā€˜God.ā€™
And, of course, you canā€™t question what god does.

3.And, speaking of God, see what judges have done to the Founders concept of religion as per the Constitution.

ā€œOf the two religion clauses- the one forbidding an establishment of religion and the other guaranteeing its free exercise- it is the establishment clause that has suffered the most abuse. Both the text and the history of its adoption show conclusively that what was to be place beyond Congressā€™s power was the establishment of churchesā€¦.

The anti-establishment clause manifested no hostility to organized religion as such nor any intention to forbid Congress from aiding religion generally.ā€
Robert Bork, ā€œA Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Valuesā€

4. The major blame for the attack on religion goes to Franklin Rooseveltā€™s very first pick for the Supreme
Court, KKKer Hugo Black.

"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the ā€œeternal separation of Church and State.ā€... Separation was a crucial part of the KKKā€™s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansmanā€™s Creed..." Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"]

5. ā€œā€¦in Everson, however, the Court vigorously embraced the idea of separation of church and state and retailed a gross misunderstanding of the purpose of the First Amendmentā€™s Establishment Clause. Crucial particulars of the Courtā€™s opinion, written for the majority by Justice Hugo Black, were illogical and factually incorrect.

An establishment of religion is a declaration by a government, in a law, of a preference for one particular religion, which the law names. This declaration of a preference is substantial and not just nominal, because the establishment law grants the preferred religion some substantial benefit that government alone can confer. The establishment law confers the benefit on the identified religion only;ā€¦

No establishment of religion exists when a government treats the members of every faith equally, tolerates free, public expression of any religious faith, and enacts no establishment law bestowing a substantial governmental benefit on one religion to the exclusion of all others.ā€
Understanding the First Amendmentā€™s Religion Clauses

What we have seen from judges is an undeserved antagonism toward religion.
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"An establishment of religion is a declaration... of a preference for one particular religion, ..."

Pop quiz!

Which recent President advanced, praised, shielded from blame, and stood up for, and defended only one 'alleged' religion....and it wasn't the one that was instrumental in founding America???????


Who said

the 'future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'
ā€œI will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.ā€
'Islam has been Woven into the Fabric of our Country Since its Founding'

"...my Muslim faith...."

"...the Muslim community has to think about how WE make sure that....."

Does using the 'bully pulpit' count as establishing a religion????

6. A careful reading of Supreme Court decisions that reflect on religion, on can only conclude that the Justice imagine that they are saving America from some take-over by religion....


The republic did quite well, for nearly 2 centuries, without the Supreme Courtā€™s muddled and fallacious interpretation of the first amendmentā€™s perspective on religion, in Everson.

The religion of our Founders never represented a peril of any sort, yet that was the way it was treated by the courts.

Bork describes the period before Everson, in this way:
ā€œVibrant religion there was, but no hint of theocracy or religious war. Now, under the tutelage of the Court and the American Civil Liberties Union, religious symbols and speech must everywhere be suppressed.

ā€¦so antagonistic to religion because religionā€¦stands in the way of the moral relativism to which the Court seems dedicated.ā€
Robert Bork, ā€œA Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Valuesā€

"Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name Of Jesus To Comply With White House Request"
Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name Of Jesus To Comply With White House Request
I usually enjoy your posts but have to point out an important point - NOWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES IT CALL FOR "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!" Nowhere!!!!!
I usually enjoy your posts but have to point out an important point - NOWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES IT CALL FOR "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!" Nowhere!!!!!

I believe that was the point made in the OP....here:

4. The major blame for the attack on religion goes to Franklin Rooseveltā€™s very first pick for the Supreme
Court, KKKer Hugo Black.

"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the ā€œeternal separation of Church and State.ā€... Separation was a crucial part of the KKKā€™s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansmanā€™s Creed..." Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"]

5. ā€œā€¦in Everson, however, the Court vigorously embraced the idea of separation of church and state and retailed a gross misunderstanding of the purpose of the First Amendmentā€™s Establishment Clause. Crucial particulars of the Courtā€™s opinion, written for the majority by Justice Hugo Black, were illogical and factually incorrect.

An establishment of religion is a declaration by a government, in a law, of a preference for one particular religion, which the law names. This declaration of a preference is substantial and not just nominal, because the establishment law grants the preferred religion some substantial benefit that government alone can confer. The establishment law confers the benefit on the identified religion only;ā€¦

No establishment of religion exists when a government treats the members of every faith equally, tolerates free, public expression of any religious faith, and enacts no establishment law bestowing a substantial governmental benefit on one religion to the exclusion of all others.ā€
Understanding the First Amendmentā€™s Religion Clauses

I hope you'll stay tuned for more on that point.
"An establishment of religion is a declaration... of a preference for one particular religion, ..."

Pop quiz!

Which recent President advanced, praised, shielded from blame, and stood up for, and defended only one 'alleged' religion....and it wasn't the one that was instrumental in founding America???????


Who said

the 'future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'
ā€œI will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.ā€
'Islam has been Woven into the Fabric of our Country Since its Founding'

Does using the 'bully pulpit' count as establishing a religion????
'alleged' religion? The beliefs of a billion people don't qualify it as a religion?

As for the rest, it is apparent Islam is under attack in this country. If there is any doubt this post expresses it perfectly. Change the Islamic references to Jewish ones and this could have been said by any number of past presidents.
1 .Sometimes, I agree with Hillary:

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
ā€” Hillary Rodham Clinton

2.If only Liberals, Democrats, would do just that.
Instead, call someone a ā€˜judge,ā€™ and, for the Left, that means ā€˜God.ā€™
And, of course, you canā€™t question what god does.

3.And, speaking of God, see what judges have done to the Founders concept of religion as per the Constitution.

ā€œOf the two religion clauses- the one forbidding an establishment of religion and the other guaranteeing its free exercise- it is the establishment clause that has suffered the most abuse. Both the text and the history of its adoption show conclusively that what was to be place beyond Congressā€™s power was the establishment of churchesā€¦.

The anti-establishment clause manifested no hostility to organized religion as such nor any intention to forbid Congress from aiding religion generally.ā€
Robert Bork, ā€œA Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Valuesā€

4. The major blame for the attack on religion goes to Franklin Rooseveltā€™s very first pick for the Supreme
Court, KKKer Hugo Black.

"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the ā€œeternal separation of Church and State.ā€... Separation was a crucial part of the KKKā€™s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansmanā€™s Creed..." Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"]

5. ā€œā€¦in Everson, however, the Court vigorously embraced the idea of separation of church and state and retailed a gross misunderstanding of the purpose of the First Amendmentā€™s Establishment Clause. Crucial particulars of the Courtā€™s opinion, written for the majority by Justice Hugo Black, were illogical and factually incorrect.

An establishment of religion is a declaration by a government, in a law, of a preference for one particular religion, which the law names. This declaration of a preference is substantial and not just nominal, because the establishment law grants the preferred religion some substantial benefit that government alone can confer. The establishment law confers the benefit on the identified religion only;ā€¦

No establishment of religion exists when a government treats the members of every faith equally, tolerates free, public expression of any religious faith, and enacts no establishment law bestowing a substantial governmental benefit on one religion to the exclusion of all others.ā€
Understanding the First Amendmentā€™s Religion Clauses

What we have seen from judges is an undeserved antagonism toward religion.
What attacks are you ranting about? Keeping prayer or the 10 commandments out of courts and public schools? That sounds like exactly the establishment of a particular religion suite the Constitution forbids.
"An establishment of religion is a declaration... of a preference for one particular religion, ..."

Pop quiz!

Which recent President advanced, praised, shielded from blame, and stood up for, and defended only one 'alleged' religion....and it wasn't the one that was instrumental in founding America???????


Who said

the 'future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'
ā€œI will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.ā€
'Islam has been Woven into the Fabric of our Country Since its Founding'

Does using the 'bully pulpit' count as establishing a religion????
'alleged' religion? The beliefs of a billion people don't qualify it as a religion?

As for the rest, it is apparent Islam is under attack in this country. If there is any doubt this post expresses it perfectly. Change the Islamic references to Jewish ones and this could have been said by any number of past presidents.

'alleged' religion?


a. Admiral James ā€œAceā€ Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, ".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, youā€™re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy ā€“ let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.ā€

ā€œItā€™s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,ā€ said the admiral. ā€œItā€™s anti-American, anti-Western, itā€™s pro-Islamic, itā€™s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!ā€
Admiral Lyons on Obamaā€™s Strategy: ā€˜Itā€™s Anti-American ... Pro-Islamic, Itā€™s Pro-Iranian, and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood!ā€™

b. Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam. Bill Donohue

c. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

"An establishment of religion is a declaration... of a preference for one particular religion, ..."

Pop quiz!

Which recent President advanced, praised, shielded from blame, and stood up for, and defended only one 'alleged' religion....and it wasn't the one that was instrumental in founding America???????


Who said

the 'future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'
ā€œI will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.ā€
'Islam has been Woven into the Fabric of our Country Since its Founding'

Does using the 'bully pulpit' count as establishing a religion????
'alleged' religion? The beliefs of a billion people don't qualify it as a religion?

As for the rest, it is apparent Islam is under attack in this country. If there is any doubt this post expresses it perfectly. Change the Islamic references to Jewish ones and this could have been said by any number of past presidents.

"...it is apparent Islam is under attack in this country."

First, your English lesson for the day:
  1. clearly visible or understood; obvious.
It is far from 'apparent.'

Second....the facts:

"The most common motive animating hate crimes in 2016ā€”and throughout the past decadeā€”was anti-black bias. That accounted for 2,114 incidents last year. Another 888 incidents were deemed to be based on anti-white bias, 448 incidents on anti-Hispanic bias, and 381 incidents on anti-Islamic bias.

Crimes motivated by animosity toward Jewish people and gay men were also high in the 2016 crime data (again, a longstanding trend). About 830 incidents were categorized as anti-Jewish hate crimes and 765 as incidents motivated by bias against gay men."
Hate Crimes in 2016: New FBI Numbers Show Little Change

Third? Then, there's this.....America is under attack.

"When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. Now there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.

.... the vast majority of the terror plots and all of the successful attacks since 9/11 have involved homegrown terroristsā€”that is, terrorists who radicalized and plotted here in the U.S.
The threat has morphed and the U.S. must now do more to counter homegrown and lone wolf Islamist terrorists.

Obamaā€™s comment obscures the truth that in his eight years in office, as shown by the sharp increase in the number of Islamist plots and successful attacks, the homeland has been less safe.
Claiming victory while the U.S. is in the most active period of terrorist activity since 9/11 is not only pushing a false narrative, but it risks diverting our attention from what needs to be done to defend the U.S. homeland."
Obamaā€™s Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth

Sooooo.....can we agree that you are either a liar or a dunce?
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7.While not being fully aware of it themselves, modern liberals are the creators of a moral anarchy, and a tyrannical egalitarianism, and the ā€˜mother hens,ā€™ or, better, the ā€˜shock troops,ā€™ of this debased system are the so-called ā€˜intellectuals.ā€™

These intellectuals are critical, usually hostile, to bourgeois society and culture.
Where have todayā€™s judges and Justices come from, politically speaking?

Note the themes of the Port Huron Statement (The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.): utopia; remaking human nature; anti-capitalism; dissent as the path to an authentic identity.
See Bork, ā€œSlouching Toward Gomorrah,ā€ ch 5

8. One SDS member gave this prescription, exemplifies the principles of the modern Democrat Party:

ā€œfour-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.ā€ Todd Gitlin, ā€œThe Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,ā€ p. 109-110

And, of course, ā€œagainst anti-Communismā€ means pro-Communism and anti-religion.

Note how closely it corresponds to the Liberal and Court agenda of the past few decades.

And how it presages the destruction of America, like the scorpion who begs the frog for a ride across the stream....and then stings him, killing them both.
That's Liberals.
"An establishment of religion is a declaration... of a preference for one particular religion, ..."

Pop quiz!

Which recent President advanced, praised, shielded from blame, and stood up for, and defended only one 'alleged' religion....and it wasn't the one that was instrumental in founding America???????


Who said

the 'future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam'
ā€œI will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.ā€
'Islam has been Woven into the Fabric of our Country Since its Founding'

Does using the 'bully pulpit' count as establishing a religion????
'alleged' religion? The beliefs of a billion people don't qualify it as a religion?

As for the rest, it is apparent Islam is under attack in this country. If there is any doubt this post expresses it perfectly. Change the Islamic references to Jewish ones and this could have been said by any number of past presidents.

'alleged' religion?


a. Admiral James ā€œAceā€ Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, ".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, youā€™re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy ā€“ let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.ā€

ā€œItā€™s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,ā€ said the admiral. ā€œItā€™s anti-American, anti-Western, itā€™s pro-Islamic, itā€™s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!ā€
Admiral Lyons on Obamaā€™s Strategy: ā€˜Itā€™s Anti-American ... Pro-Islamic, Itā€™s Pro-Iranian, and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood!ā€™

b. Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam. Bill Donohue

c. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage
I see you get your theology from soldiers and pundits. Not very impressive, I'm as qualified on the subject as they are. Fail.
The unrest of the sixties was born in June of 1962 at the AFT-CIO camp at Port Huron, Michigan.
No, the unrest of the 60's had two fathers. It was born when we realized our leaders were sending us off to fight a war we didn't support and had no say in. It was born when we watched dogs attacking peaceful marchers trying to secure their Constitutional rights.
9. In the early 19th century, ā€œAlexis de Tocqueville studied America and Americans, writing ā€œDemocracy in Americaā€ (1835), one of the most influential books of the 19th century. ā€¦. a valuable explanation of America to Europeans and of Americans to themselves.

Tocqueville was impressed by much of what he saw in American life, admiring the stability of its economy and wondering at the popularity of its churches.ā€ Alexis de Tocqueville - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

10.Remember, Tocqueville came from the nation that gave the world the French Revolution, the aim of which was to replace religion and morality with reason and scienceā€¦.

The French Revolution, under Robespierre interpreted violence as the ā€˜languageā€™ that explained to the masses the ideals of the revolution. ā€œIf the spring of popular government in times of peace is virtue, the springs of popular government in revolution are at once virtue and terrorā€¦.Terror is nothing other than justice.ā€
Robespierre speech, February 5, 1794.

For the first time in history terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence in order to achieve a higher political goal. Unlike the later meaning of 'terrorists' as people who use violence against a government, the terrorists of the French Revolution were the government. The Terror was legal, having been voted for by the Convention.
Robespierre and the Terror | History Today

"If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."
French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

Bolsheviks claimed descent: ā€œHistorians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their ownā€¦ā€ Bolshevik Festivals, 1917ā€“1920

And, the same resonates in the intentions of Americaā€™ Left: the elites, the intellectualsā€¦ā€¦the judges: coerce and terrorize the populace into a view of morality far different from that of our Founders.
And, the same resonates in the intentions of Americaā€™ Left: the elites, the intellectualsā€¦ā€¦the judges: coerce and terrorize the populace into a view of morality far different from that of our Founders.
I think the 'judges' merely reflect the morality of the culture just as the Dred Scott decision reflected the morality of its culture. The fact that our culture is different from that of our Founders is hardly surprising and certainly not a negative.
And, the same resonates in the intentions of Americaā€™ Left: the elites, the intellectualsā€¦ā€¦the judges: coerce and terrorize the populace into a view of morality far different from that of our Founders.
I think the 'judges' merely reflect the morality of the culture just as the Dred Scott decision reflected the morality of its culture. The fact that our culture is different from that of our Founders is hardly surprising and certainly not a negative.

Nothing could be further from the truth......which is why the avi 'a lie #1216' is far more accurate than the one you use.

"...'judges' merely reflect the morality of the culture..."

Of course they don't .....they do the very opposite.

"We Americans are heading into a 'crisis of foundations' of our own right now. Our judicial elites, with politicians and pundits close behind, are already at work deconstructing our most fundamental institutions ā€” marriage, the family, religion, equality under the law."
Column on the human sciences

This bathroom sign is a pictorial representation of that fact:


And here is a statement that shows the origin.....

"Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie."
Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, chapter 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family.
See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
Read more: The Abolition of the Family

At times, it is actually astounding how little you government school grads, know.
Who says you can't question what God does?

I does it....If he or she, maybe an It, doesn't like it tough pastrami...
"...'judges' merely reflect the morality of the culture..."

Of course they don't .....they do the very opposite.
Untrue, at least on one major issue, gay marriage, SCOTUS did reflect current US culture. You may choose to ignore facts that don't fit your narrative but...
Only 2 states don't support it

Pleeeeezzzzze try to stop lying.

"Judge overturns California's ban on same-sex marriage
(CNN) -- A federal judge in California on Wednesday struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage, ruling that voter-approved Proposition 8 violates the U.S. Constitution -- handing supporters of gay rights a major victory in a case that both sides say is sure to wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court."
Judge overturns California's ban on same-sex marriage - CNN.com

ā€œThe tendency of elite domination, moreover, is to press America ever more steadily towards the cultural left.

The complaint here is not that old virtues are eroding and new values rising. Morality inevitably evolvesā€¦.What is objectionable is that, in too many instances, a natural evolution of the moral balance is blocked and a minority morality forced upon us by judicial decrees.ā€
Robert Bork, ā€œA Country I Do Not Recognize: The Legal Assault on American Values,ā€ xi
"...it is apparent Islam is under attack in this country."

It is far from 'apparent.'
Yet here is a thread devoted to attacking Islam? You may feel the attack is justified but it is an attack on Islam nonetheless.

"ISIS knifeman, 20, who killed one and injured four in rampage near Paris opera house a decade after arriving as a refugee from Chechnya
  • Armed police swooped on Paris as a terrorist rampaged through part of the city while shouting 'Allah Akbar'
  • Assailant, who was born in Chechnya, 'slashed at the throats of innocent bystanders' in the Opera district
  • He killed one man, aged 29, after stabbing him close to the city's historic Opera House yesterday afternoon
  • Four others were injured as the killer, who ISIS have claimed was one of their 'soldiers', was targeted by police
  • Police have now detained the killer's parents, who are also from Chechnya, after the savage slaughter in Paris"
Pictured: ISIS knifeman who killed one in Paris arrived in France as refugee | Daily Mail Online
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"List of Islamist terrorist attacks"
List of Islamist terrorist attacks - Wikipedia

"450 of 452 suicide attacks in 2015 were by Muslim extremists, study shows"
450 of 452 suicide attacks in 2015 were by Muslim extremists, study shows

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