Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Just ran across this. Maybe someone here can make more sense out of it. But this whole deal shows them lying (about some damn video by an American citizen) and the cover up of it all with Benghazi . It all stinks to high heaven but nothing new for this Corrupted administration. and Hillary was involved in the Nixon case and there wasn't anyone killed in that one

Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video
OCTOBER 20, 2015

State Department documents detail delays and lack of support in hours after attack

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents that raise more questions about the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission at Benghazi, Libya. The documents show the White House contacted YouTube over an Internet video as one of its first moves after the initial attack.

The documents, from the agency’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, were provided to Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on October 16, 2014, (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01733)). The lawsuit seeks “any and all logs, reports, or other records” the Washington-based Diplomatic Security Command Center produced between September 10, 2012, and September 13, 2012, relating to the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.”

The documents detail that only three hours after the initial attack on U.S. personnel in Benghazi, the White House contacted YouTube in an apparent effort to initially blame the assault on an obscure “Pastor John video,” rather than filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula. The administration falsely claimed that Nakoula’s video, “Innocence of Muslims,” provoked the attack. The email also references the involvement of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch, through separate litigation, previously uncovered documents that show Obama White House officials set Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi response):


Sent: September 11, 2012 9:11 PM

To: DSCC_Managment_Team; DSCC_Watch Team

Subject: (S//NF) [REDACTED] Libya

Per Ambassador Mull [Stephen Mull, then Executive Secretary of the State Department] after SVTS [Secure Video Teleconference System] conference:

DOD is looking at various resources.


S [then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton] expected to make statements one of which may confirm KIA, notification of next of kin is pending confirmation. DCM The Hague was to call OPS when completed.

White House is reaching out to U-Tube to advise ramifications of posting of the Pastor Jon video.

(The “Pastor Jon” reference may have been to a rarely viewed video by Oregon-based Pastor Jon Courson entitled God vs. Allah, a low-key exposition of the Biblical book of Kings.)

The documents also include a previously Secret “Attack Timeline,” dated September 12, 2012, which raised additional questions about the Obama administration’s response to the attack. The State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security makes no mention of any spontaneous demonstration or Internet video in describing the Benghazi assault:

At 1549 hrs, DSCC was notified that U.S. Mission Benghazi was under attack. At 1600 hrs, DSCC [Diplomatic Security Command Center] was notified by Regional Security Officer (RSO) Benghazi that armed individuals had entered the compound, and at 1614 hrs RSO Benghazi reported that an armed group had set fire to buildings inside the compound. The US Ambassador was visiting post from Tripoli, and as of 1614 hrs it was suspected that one of the buildings that had been set on fire was the building where the Ambassador was sheltering. [Redacted] Quick Reaction Force (QRF) responded from their off-compound Annex, but was turned back due to heavy hostile fire.

As of 1700 hrs, [REDACTED] QRF and host nation militia (17 February Brigade) have redeployed to the compound. One Assistant RSO (ARSO) suffered injuries from smoke inhalation. This agent was in the Principal Officer’s Residence with U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Information Program Officer (IPO) Sean P. Smith. All three moved to the safe haven when the attack began, but had to relocate to the roof as the building caught on fire. The agent reached the rooftop but lost contact with the other two. The agent reentered the residence and found the IPO killed in action (KIA), and was unable to locate the Ambassador. The agent had given his cell phone to the Ambassador.

The new timeline also confirms prior Judicial Watch disclosures that the State Department received intelligence that Ambassador Stevens may have been alive after the attack:

The QRF and friendly militia forces were unable to locate the Ambassador, and pull back to the off-compound Annex. All classified material on the compound is secured by RSO [REDACTED] personnel. Embassy Tripoli receives a phone call from the injured ARSO’s cell phone (which had been left with the Ambassador) from a male caller saying he is at the hospital with an unresponsive male who matches a physical description of the Ambassador. [REDACTED MATERIAL]. Tripoli charters an airplane and sends it to Benghazi with six personnel onboard as a response team.

The document also raises questions about whether a delay of personnel sent to Benghazi led to additional deaths:

At 2215 hrs, Benghazi ARSO called DSCC to report that the [REDACTED] response team has been on the ground in Benghazi for approximately 60 minutes, but are waiting for the 17 February Brigade to escort them to [REDACTED]. DS Seniors ask ARSO about the identity of the reported white male in the hospital. [REDACTED MATERIAL] hospital for about two hours. Henderson will call him after this call.

The timeline later details that the team did not leave for the airport for another 45 minutes and did not arrive at the Annex until 2313 hrs, nearly two hours after the team first arrived. The timeline then details the second attack, which takes place only 17 minutes after the response team arrives:

  • At 2332 hrs, ARSO reports that they are under mortar attack, with 3 to 4 rounds hitting the Annex. There are [REDACTED] injured and [REDACTED] the need for medical evacuation. The response team is on site and either inside or deployed to the roof. The agents are sheltering in place with 45-minutes to sunrise.
  • At 2349 hrs, DS Special Agent [REDACTED] was reported hit during the mortar attack, which has since ceased. [REDACTED MATERIAL] All other DS agents are accounted for.
a lot more of it at the site and comments:
Judicial Watch: New State Documents Show Quick White House Effort to Link Benghazi to Internet Video

Read more about 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, Obama Administration
The lefties on this forum will defend BOTH claims made by Obama that it was a spontaneous reaction to a video AND that it wasn't. They see no conflict in advancing two opposing narratives at the same time. If Obama does it, they'll do it and think it's normal. :lol:
Holy smokes just ran across this from another site. . this is very long.
I do believe this is a conservative site so read it if you like.

all of this is confusing and complicated to me but: it sure stinks and it smells like lying, obstruction and cover up to me. Nixon resigned for less than this.
I hope they can get to the truth. but Billy Clinton lied right in our face and obstructed justice, was impeached and nothing came of that either. SO might be wishful thinking

Why Hillary’s Upcoming Congressional Testimony is a Total Farce, a Charade To Shield Congress…
Posted on October 18, 2015

Hillary Clinton is scheduled to appear before congress and testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi this week. Everything about this hearing is a total sham.
♦ When we first completed the 11,000 word research paper in 2013 called “The Benghazi Brief”, and against a considerable backlash, we shared an unfortunate reality/prediction. Nothing about what led up to the attack would ever be discussed in public.

♦ In August of 2014, upon completion of the updated Benghazi Brief, we stated that Congressman Trey Gowdy would never be allowed to publicly divulge the back-story of what led to the September 11th, 2012, attacks.

all of it here:
Why Hillary's Upcoming Congressional Testimony is a Total Farce, a Charade To Shield Congress...
The lefties on this forum will defend BOTH claims made by Obama that it was a spontaneous reaction to a video AND that it wasn't. They see no conflict in advancing two opposing narratives at the same time. If Obama does it, they'll do it and think it's normal. :lol:

Thanks, but these left on here has amnesia when it comes to that video/rice appearing on Sunday talk shows for weeks saying it was all about a stupid video...
Almost as fast as the Romney camp using the attack for political gain.

No there, there, nutbags.
I'm not sure how many people read the entire link provided by the OP, but it was quite a read!

The US managed to give weapons to AlQeada and the Taliban, with those weapons used on our very own forces.

Chris Stevens was not an ambassador. We didn't have a Consulate in Benghazi. "Operation Zero Footprint" and Stevens was an agent for the CIA, using the State Dept. to hide their true credentials. Our administration, Barack and Hillary could not send help because it was covert operation going on.

Weapons were being sent to Turkey and then given to the people we were not in a coalition with. There were two faces of Operation Zero Footprint and both parts were incredible failures, in Libya and Syria weaponizing the true threat, ISIS.

While Hillary was at the State Department, a $6 billion contractors account disappeared. No ideas on where the fund ended up.

There was so much information that you must read it yourself to comprehend even psarts od it.

BTW, the investigation on Petraeus was unknown to most in the government, But it was a way to get him out of the loop, because he disagreed with these covert operations.
I would like to change one word in the above post. Instead of "Our administration, Barack and Hillary could not send help because it was covert operation going on."....It should be. "Our administration, Barack and Hillary would not send help because it was covert operation going on."

Naturally, they could have, but didn't for it would undermine the importance of those people and possibly the covert mission, "Operation Zero Footprint."

I'm truly sorry no one read the above links. I would have loved to discuss it.
I would like to change one word in the above post. Instead of "Our administration, Barack and Hillary could not send help because it was covert operation going on."....It should be. "Our administration, Barack and Hillary would not send help because it was covert operation going on."

Naturally, they could have, but didn't for it would undermine the importance of those people and possibly the covert mission, "Operation Zero Footprint."

I'm truly sorry no one read the above links. I would have loved to discuss it.

this whole thing, operation, what EVER we are suppose to call it. STINKS to high heaven. but there were quite a few people Involved. the COVERUP and the fact People were KILLED over it. is what both Hillary should be kicked out of office and Obama should be Impeached. in my book anyway
I would like to change one word in the above post. Instead of "Our administration, Barack and Hillary could not send help because it was covert operation going on."....It should be. "Our administration, Barack and Hillary would not send help because it was covert operation going on."

Naturally, they could have, but didn't for it would undermine the importance of those people and possibly the covert mission, "Operation Zero Footprint."

I'm truly sorry no one read the above links. I would have loved to discuss it.

this whole thing, operation, what EVER we are suppose to call it. STINKS to high heaven. but there were quite a few people Involved. the COVERUP and the fact People were KILLED over it. is what both Hillary should be kicked out of office and Obama should be Impeached. in my book anyway

I do agree. Both parts of the operation were not well thought out and ultimately increased the power of ISIS. You know, the "JV team?"

It just goes to show, that people who are not competent should stay away from POTUS job. One of the people who knew better, was Petraeus and look what happened to him!
I would like to change one word in the above post. Instead of "Our administration, Barack and Hillary could not send help because it was covert operation going on."....It should be. "Our administration, Barack and Hillary would not send help because it was covert operation going on."

Naturally, they could have, but didn't for it would undermine the importance of those people and possibly the covert mission, "Operation Zero Footprint."

I'm truly sorry no one read the above links. I would have loved to discuss it.

this whole thing, operation, what EVER we are suppose to call it. STINKS to high heaven. but there were quite a few people Involved. the COVERUP and the fact People were KILLED over it. is what both Hillary should be kicked out of office and Obama should be Impeached. in my book anyway

I do agree. Both parts of the operation were not well thought out and ultimately increased the power of ISIS. You know, the "JV team?"

It just goes to show, that people who are not competent should stay away from POTUS job. One of the people who knew better, was Petraeus and look what happened to him!

Yes I was disappointed he was involved. and yes they got him on adultery or something like that. as if that means anything to a Democrat. but that all this was going on behind our backs. this government is OUT of control. and for sure we can't take any more of this kind of stuff and is why they need to be KICKED out of power in 2016. And they NEVER get that power again.
Lol look at all these "national security experts" we have on the board. All it takes is reading 2 articles about wild speculation.

Lol we'll never know the truth because something top secret was going on... BUT OBAMA AND HILLARY KILLED THEM AND GAVE AL QAEDA WEAPONS!!!! :mad:

I would like to change one word in the above post. Instead of "Our administration, Barack and Hillary could not send help because it was covert operation going on."....It should be. "Our administration, Barack and Hillary would not send help because it was covert operation going on."

Naturally, they could have, but didn't for it would undermine the importance of those people and possibly the covert mission, "Operation Zero Footprint."

I'm truly sorry no one read the above links. I would have loved to discuss it.

this whole thing, operation, what EVER we are suppose to call it. STINKS to high heaven. but there were quite a few people Involved. the COVERUP and the fact People were KILLED over it. is what both Hillary should be kicked out of office and Obama should be Impeached. in my book anyway

I do agree. Both parts of the operation were not well thought out and ultimately increased the power of ISIS. You know, the "JV team?"

It just goes to show, that people who are not competent should stay away from POTUS job. One of the people who knew better, was Petraeus and look what happened to him!

Yes I was disappointed he was involved. and yes they got him on adultery or something like that. as if that means anything to a Democrat. but that all this was going on behind our backs. this government is OUT of control. and for sure we can't take any more of this kind of stuff and is why they need to be KICKED out of power in 2016. And they NEVER get that power again.

Maybe they meant well, but it ended up as a disaster. It just show how incompetent this administration was.
Another example: While this covert operation was going on, Obama missed 7 days of CIA briefings. From the 4th of September to the 11th. He was fundraising. He could have been impeached for negligence.
Lol look at all these "national security experts" we have on the board. All it takes is reading 2 articles about wild speculation.

Lol we'll never know the truth because something top secret was going on... BUT OBAMA AND HILLARY KILLED THEM AND GAVE AL QAEDA WEAPONS!!!! :mad:

Do you ever bother to read and become informed? Or is your task just lashing out at people who are informed?
Lol look at all these "national security experts" we have on the board. All it takes is reading 2 articles about wild speculation.

Lol we'll never know the truth because something top secret was going on... BUT OBAMA AND HILLARY KILLED THEM AND GAVE AL QAEDA WEAPONS!!!! :mad:

Do you ever bother to read and become informed? Or is your task just lashing out at people who are informed?
Reading an opinion article about someone's wild and rampant speculation doesn't make you informed. I've read articles arguing that the U.S. never landed on the moon. That doesn't mean I'm informed about the moon landing.
Lol look at all these "national security experts" we have on the board. All it takes is reading 2 articles about wild speculation.

Lol we'll never know the truth because something top secret was going on... BUT OBAMA AND HILLARY KILLED THEM AND GAVE AL QAEDA WEAPONS!!!! :mad:

Do you ever bother to read and become informed? Or is your task just lashing out at people who are informed?
Reading an opinion article about someone's wild and rampant speculation doesn't make you informed. I've read articles arguing that the U.S. never landed on the moon. That doesn't mean I'm informed about the moon landing.
How do you know what it is? You never bothered to peek at it!
Lol look at all these "national security experts" we have on the board. All it takes is reading 2 articles about wild speculation.

Lol we'll never know the truth because something top secret was going on... BUT OBAMA AND HILLARY KILLED THEM AND GAVE AL QAEDA WEAPONS!!!! :mad:

Do you ever bother to read and become informed? Or is your task just lashing out at people who are informed?
Reading an opinion article about someone's wild and rampant speculation doesn't make you informed. I've read articles arguing that the U.S. never landed on the moon. That doesn't mean I'm informed about the moon landing.
How do you know what it is? You never bothered to peek at it!
I've peeked at dozens of "Judicial Watch" articles over the years. It's always the same thing. They find a smidgen of truth and then blow it up into a wild fantasy where Democrats always end up being supervillains.
This is awesome. Staph and Jacky joining forces to create the ultimate team of stupid.

The two of you should rub your heads together.....you might just eek out a thought that hasn't been planted there by some RW nutbag website.

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