Judicial Watch Sues CIA & DOJ; FOIA Request Forces Their Hand


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Judicial Watch Sues CIA, DOJ and Treasury for Records Related to Intelligence Leaks Regarding Investigation of General Flynn - Judicial Watch

"Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the agencies failed to respond to a January 25, 2017, FOIA request...

“President Trump is on to something. The Obama-connected wiretapping and illegal leaks of classified material concerning President Trump and General Flynn are a scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch aims to get to the truth about these crimes and we hope the Trump administration stands with us in the fight for transparency.”

The investigation resulted in no criminal charges....and no documents after a FOIA Request was made.

No evidence of anything.

No evidence of Russian 'hacking the election', no evidence of any criminal act by Trump, no criminal act by Flynn, no criminal act by Sessions...

...and no explanations, documents, or details on their 'investigation'.

Hopefully this law suit will help bring to light what Obama and his administration was 'investigating' while they were wite-tapping him and collecting data on Trump and his team in the middle of the election.

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