July 6, 2018: Government drops charges against all inauguration protesters

Drop Dead Fred

Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2020
I support holding the left and the right to the same legal standards. So, either reinstate these charges against left wing rioters, or drop the charges against the right wing rioters from January 6.

Government drops charges against all inauguration protesters​

July 6, 2018

Photo caption: Police and demonstrators clash in downtown Washington, D.C. after a limo was set on fire following the inauguration of President Donald Trump on Jan. 20.

"Federal prosecutors on Friday moved to drop charges against the last 39 people accused of participating in a violent protest on the day of President Donald Trump's inauguration."

"The motion to dismiss charges by the U.S. attorney's office seemingly ends an 18-month saga that started with the Justice Department attempting to convict more than 190 people."

"More than 200 people were arrested after the protest, during which several store windows were broken and a parked limo set ablaze. Two group trials ended in defeats for the U.S. Attorney's Office, which was hindered by the fact that most protesters wore similar black clothing and covered their faces."


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