June 6, 1944. If the Invasion Had Failed

Define failed.
Bottled up all the beaches for longer than occurred? Potentially. BUT, that keeps Wallied forces closer to supply from shore and all that delicious airpower, that was absolutely chewing up German formations.

Bottled up and defeated by German armor. Nope nope nope. An armored formation did push into the British/Canadian line but was annihilated. An SS armored division, planned to take an hour to get there, took DAYS due to Wallied aircover. By the time it made it to the lines it was just a shell.

Here's the other side. Bottle up Normandy for a bit - ok. But the clock is ticking on the invasion of the South of France as well. Good Ole Truscott appears and suddenly all those German formations are now flanked. Normandy breaks and the Wallies conceivably bag far more troops in the kessel vs. what happened at Falaise.
On June 5, 1944, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower composed this message to be issued to the press in the event the D-Day invasion failed. Thanks to one of his clerks who rescued it out of the trashcan we know of its existence.

”Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops… If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone."

That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is leadership.

Imagine Joe Biden giving that speech. He would have blamed everything on Churchill and the "greedy corporations" that manufactured the ships, tanks, and planes.
Imagine Joe Biden giving that speech. He would have blamed everything on Churchill and the "greedy corporations" that manufactured the ships, tanks, and planes.

Biden would have formed a strong alliance with Churchill
Nobody would align with Trump, he is not trustworthy

Trump would have treated Hitler like he treats Putin
Define failed.
Bottled up all the beaches for longer than occurred? Potentially. BUT, that keeps Wallied forces closer to supply from shore and all that delicious airpower, that was absolutely chewing up German formations.

Bottled up and defeated by German armor. Nope nope nope. An armored formation did push into the British/Canadian line but was annihilated. An SS armored division, planned to take an hour to get there, took DAYS due to Wallied aircover. By the time it made it to the lines it was just a shell.

Here's the other side. Bottle up Normandy for a bit - ok. But the clock is ticking on the invasion of the South of France as well. Good Ole Truscott appears and suddenly all those German formations are now flanked. Normandy breaks and the Wallies conceivably bag far more troops in the kessel vs. what happened at Falaise.
2 weeks prior to the invasion Rommel suspected Normandy and requested the Panzers be moved to the beaches. Thankfully Hitler still thought he had air supremacy and could move the tanks to wherever the invasion occurred and told Rommel no. That was the turning point.
I don’t think so

By 1944, Germany was in full retreat
Stalin was in an unconditional surrender mood, plus we were continuing to supply him

Stalin was a pragmatist, and a failed Western invasion would have given him pause.

What would 20-30 extra divisions have done to stave off the disaster of Operation Bagration and the eventual destruction of Army Group Centre?
Now we have President Potatohead blaming all his disasters on "MEGA Trump", White Supremacists and FOX News.
2 weeks prior to the invasion Rommel suspected Normandy and requested the Panzers be moved to the beaches. Thankfully Hitler still thought he had air supremacy and could move the tanks to wherever the invasion occurred and told Rommel no. That was the turning point.
Had they been moved right to the beaches they would have been pounded into small shiny bits by the multiple battleships, cruisers, and destroyers arrayed to do just that, and the thousands upon thousands of sorties of JABOs and heavies. Remember the allies carpetbombed right behind the dunes with flights of heavies right before.

Interviews from German survivors in bunkers behind the beaches talk about the waves and waves of aircraft that hit them with rockets and newfangled napalm.
He and his unit landed weeks later at le havre, which had been bombed heavily to fool the Germans. He said the locals were not happy, as many civilians were killed.
If I am not mistaken, the number of french civilians killed as a result of allied bombing was 50 thousand
If I am not mistaken, the number of french civilians killed as a result of allied bombing was 50 thousand
I don’t know the number killed in Le Havre by allied bombing. 50k seems high. However I recall my father saying the town was extensively destroyed. Bodies were everywhere.
Perhaps the first nukes would of been deployed against Germany instead of Japan.
Looking at the nukes through the eyes of our SJW class, they'd tell you that NO WAY would we have dropped those devices on anyone white. Idiots. The Germans were despised. The Japanese weren't even considered to be human.
Biden would have formed a strong alliance with Churchill
Nobody would align with Trump, he is not trustworthy

Trump would have treated Hitler like he treats Putin
5 nations signed historic peace agreements under Trump.
Had they been moved right to the beaches they would have been pounded into small shiny bits by the multiple battleships, cruisers, and destroyers arrayed to do just that, and the thousands upon thousands of sorties of JABOs and heavies. Remember the allies carpetbombed right behind the dunes with flights of heavies right before.

Interviews from German survivors in bunkers behind the beaches talk about the waves and waves of aircraft that hit them with rockets and newfangled napalm.
the aerial and naval bombardments were wildly inaccurate, bombing way too far inland because the bad weather made everyone afraid of friendly fire as the landing craft moved inland. The 30 minute bombardment only succeeded in killing cows and waking up the Germans to let them know we arrived. Panzers would have been hidden from the air and decimated the invasion forces who had little armor.

Inland from the beach was the perfect defensive geography of the hedgerows were we counted our gains in yards instead of the miles predicted. Normandy invasion was not over until August when we focused a massive assault to break thru the German defenses.
2 weeks prior to the invasion Rommel suspected Normandy and requested the Panzers be moved to the beaches. Thankfully Hitler still thought he had air supremacy and could move the tanks to wherever the invasion occurred and told Rommel no. That was the turning point.
If the panzers had been moved to the beaches, they would have been destroyed by a combination of allied airpower and naval gunfire. Rommel had never fought under a hostile sky or against guns that he couldn't flank and destroy. That's pretty hard to do with tanks when the guns are mile or so offshore.
So Trump negotiated peace with countries that were not at war
With 5 nations that refused to even recognize the existence of each other are now peaceful friends with tourists traveling between them.

And the first ever President to walk into North Korea that lowered the risk of nuclear war dramatically.

God Bless President Trump and his diplomatic skills.
Looking at the nukes through the eyes of our SJW class, they'd tell you that NO WAY would we have dropped those devices on anyone white. Idiots. The Germans were despised. The Japanese weren't even considered to be human.
And in many movies during the 40s and 50, the villains were often Germans.
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