Just 2 Weeks Ago Liberals Here Said Immigrant Vetting was "Comprehensive" and "Extensive"


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Just two weeks ago, when Obama proposed allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, liberals here insisted that our immigrant vetting was "comprehensive" and "extensive" and that therefore it was irrational and bigoted to oppose letting the Syrian refugees come in. Team Obama said the same thing, of course.

Then came the San Bernardino Muslim terrorist attack, and one of the jihadists was a female Muslim who passed two of these supposedly "extensive" and "comprehensive" screenings, one done by the State Department and the other done by Homeland Security, and both of which included personal interviews and background checks. Is the refugee vetting process substantially different from the one she underwent? I doubt it.

Or, how about the Tsarnaev brothers? They were vetted as asylum seekers after initially being viewed as refugees. Obviously, that screening failed us horribly.

Or, how about the vetting process used by the military and FBI at Gitmo to screen detainees for release? It has involved multiple interviews, multiple background checks, review boards, and even polygraphs. Yet, so far 10-20% of those detainees have returned to jihad. So clearly we are simply unable to identify all future jihadists with our current screening processes.

And, getting back to San Bernardino, come to find out that Farook's father knew that Farook supported ISIS. Yet he said nothing to authorities. Why not? Perhaps because Daddy Farook, even after living here for many years, told his son that he needed to be patient about getting rid of Israel and that Israel would be gone in two years because Russia, China, and America "don't want Jews there anymore"! Are you kidding me? The father should be deported for failing to inform authorities that his son supported ISIS and for advocating the destruction of Israel (which is a standard position among jihadists--and among some American liberals).

San Bernardino Gunman’s Father: Son Admitted to ISIS Support, Israel Obsession
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Just two weeks ago, when Obama proposed allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, liberals here insisted that our immigrant vetting was "comprehensive" and "extensive" and that therefore it was irrational and bigoted to oppose letting the Syrian refugees come in. Team Obama said the same thing, of course.

Then came the San Bernardino Muslim terrorist attack, and one of the jihadists was a female Muslim who passed two of these supposedly "extensive" and "comprehensive" screenings, one done by the State Department and the other done by Homeland Security, and both of which included personal interviews and background checks.

And come to find out that Farook's father knew that Farook supported ISIS. Yet he said nothing to authorities. Why not? Perhaps because Daddy Farook, even after living here for many years, told his son that he needed to be patient about getting rid of Israel and that Israel would be gone in two years because Russia, China, and America "don't want Jews there anymore"! Are you kidding me? The father should be deported for failing to inform authorities that his son supported ISIS and for advocating the destruction of Israel (which is a standard position among jihadists--and among some American liberals).

San Bernardino Gunman’s Father: Son Admitted to ISIS Support, Israel Obsession

You are making to much sense. Your thread has been sent to Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing-NOTHING) Shultz for her and her crew to come up with political spin for it. The lefties on here won't arrive until they get their marching orders on what to say from either Florida, or Washington DC, and when they get here, they will all say exactly, the same, thing, lololol!
Just two weeks ago, when Obama proposed allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, liberals here insisted that our immigrant vetting was "comprehensive" and "extensive" and that therefore it was irrational and bigoted to oppose letting the Syrian refugees come in. Team Obama said the same thing, of course.

Then came the San Bernardino Muslim terrorist attack, and one of the jihadists was a female Muslim who passed two of these supposedly "extensive" and "comprehensive" screenings, one done by the State Department and the other done by Homeland Security, and both of which included personal interviews and background checks.

And come to find out that Farook's father knew that Farook supported ISIS. Yet he said nothing to authorities. Why not? Perhaps because Daddy Farook, even after living here for many years, told his son that he needed to be patient about getting rid of Israel and that Israel would be gone in two years because Russia, China, and America "don't want Jews there anymore"! Are you kidding me? The father should be deported for failing to inform authorities that his son supported ISIS and for advocating the destruction of Israel (which is a standard position among jihadists--and among some American liberals).

San Bernardino Gunman’s Father: Son Admitted to ISIS Support, Israel Obsession
That's what Obabble and his ass pump Ben Rhodes said. Libs here swallow the load without question.
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You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Just two weeks ago, when Obama proposed allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, liberals here insisted that our immigrant vetting was "comprehensive" and "extensive" and that therefore it was irrational and bigoted to oppose letting the Syrian refugees come in. Team Obama said the same thing, of course.

Then came the San Bernardino Muslim terrorist attack, and one of the jihadists was a female Muslim who passed two of these supposedly "extensive" and "comprehensive" screenings, one done by the State Department and the other done by Homeland Security, and both of which included personal interviews and background checks.

And come to find out that Farook's father knew that Farook supported ISIS. Yet he said nothing to authorities. Why not? Perhaps because Daddy Farook, even after living here for many years, told his son that he needed to be patient about getting rid of Israel and that Israel would be gone in two years because Russia, China, and America "don't want Jews there anymore"! Are you kidding me? The father should be deported for failing to inform authorities that his son supported ISIS and for advocating the destruction of Israel (which is a standard position among jihadists--and among some American liberals).

San Bernardino Gunman’s Father: Son Admitted to ISIS Support, Israel Obsession
Who were the posters who made those claims? Was there a thread about it?
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.
Obviously Obabble and Ben think both processes are adequate to deal with the threat.

Or perhaps they believe that freedom is more important than a temporary false sense of security.
A Muslims freedom ( with benefits I have to fund) will never be as important as my families permanent security.

They re on the wrong side of the issue, and they know it. It is exactly why they are so "sensitive" over it. They don't want their gonads hanging with a political meat cleaver hovering over them, so they would appreciate it if all of us would shut up. NOT!

On this forum, it is really not that important, but it is funny watching the lefties try to figure out a way to "get off the hook!"

In real life and in the media, we need to push harder, because the more these clowns tell us we are all wrong, the more Americans want them all out. The citizens overwhelmingly are with us. If it were closer to the election, the lefts candidates would be with us too, lol. (that is because they are as phony as most of the lefty posters are)

Keep poking them, because every thread they make in support of screwing Americans in favor of non Americans, can be brought back, and shared all over the internet. These lefties could actually help, and be the poster children on why Hillary lost, especially if we spread their brilliant words, here, there, and everywhere; along with informing the political persuasion of the people who have the audacity to put it out, where everyone can see it-)
Obviously Obabble and Ben think both processes are adequate to deal with the threat.

Or perhaps they believe that freedom is more important than a temporary false sense of security.
A Muslims freedom ( with benefits I have to fund) will never be as important as my families permanent security.

They re on the wrong side of the issue, and they know it. It is exactly why they are so "sensitive" over it. They don't want their gonads hanging with a political meat cleaver hovering over them, so they would appreciate it if all of us would shut up. NOT!

On this forum, it is really not that important, but it is funny watching the lefties try to figure out a way to "get off the hook!"

In real life and in the media, we need to push harder, because the more these clowns tell us we are all wrong, the more Americans want them all out. The citizens overwhelmingly are with us. If it were closer to the election, the lefts candidates would be with us too, lol. (that is because they are as phony as most of the lefty posters are)

Keep poking them, because every thread they make in support of screwing Americans in favor of non Americans, can be brought back, and shared all over the internet. These lefties could actually help, and be the poster children on why Hillary lost, especially if we spread their brilliant words, here, there, and everywhere; along with informing the readers of the political persuasion of the people who have the audacity to put it out, where everyone can see it-)
Obviously Obabble and Ben think both processes are adequate to deal with the threat.

Or perhaps they believe that freedom is more important than a temporary false sense of security.
A Muslims freedom ( with benefits I have to fund) will never be as important as my families permanent security.

There's no such thing as "permanent security" - and what if there's a "Muslim" in your family?
The bernadio shooter was an American. You think his bitch wife was running the show ? Playa please!
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Right the vetting process for legal immigrants is supposed to tougher. Further they have access to homes families and friends not available to refuges fleeing fronm a war zone.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Right the vetting process for legal immigrants is supposed to tougher. Further they have access to homes families and friends not available to refuges fleeing fronm a war zone.


The vetting process for a spousal visa is nothing compared to the vetting process for refugees.

There is literally no way to enter this country that is harder than applying for and receiving refugee status.
Obviously Obabble and Ben think both processes are adequate to deal with the threat.

Or perhaps they believe that freedom is more important than a temporary false sense of security.
A Muslims freedom ( with benefits I have to fund) will never be as important as my families permanent security.

There's no such thing as "permanent security" - and what if there's a "Muslim" in your family?
There's no such thing as permanent freedom either....let them wait...

If there was a Muslim in the family I would protect her...from the same radicals who want me dead.

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