Just 2 Weeks Ago Liberals Here Said Immigrant Vetting was "Comprehensive" and "Extensive"

Just two weeks ago, when Obama proposed allowing 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, liberals here insisted that our immigrant vetting was "comprehensive" and "extensive" and that therefore it was irrational and bigoted to oppose letting the Syrian refugees come in. Team Obama said the same thing, of course.

Then came the San Bernardino Muslim terrorist attack, and one of the jihadists was a female Muslim who passed two of these supposedly "extensive" and "comprehensive" screenings, one done by the State Department and the other done by Homeland Security, and both of which included personal interviews and background checks.

And come to find out that Farook's father knew that Farook supported ISIS. Yet he said nothing to authorities. Why not? Perhaps because Daddy Farook, even after living here for many years, told his son that he needed to be patient about getting rid of Israel and that Israel would be gone in two years because Russia, China, and America "don't want Jews there anymore"! Are you kidding me? The father should be deported for failing to inform authorities that his son supported ISIS and for advocating the destruction of Israel (which is a standard position among jihadists--and among some American liberals).

San Bernardino Gunman’s Father: Son Admitted to ISIS Support, Israel Obsession
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.

And you can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that the vetting for refugees involves more than two personal interviews and more than two background checks, which is the vetting that Farook's wife passed.

Nor can you be stupid enough to believe that the refugee screening process is substantially different from the multiyear, multi-interrogation, multi-background check process used to screen Gitmo detainees, at least 15% of whom have returned to jihad after undergoing this process.

Whether it's for refugees or asylum seekers or regular immigrants or spouse visas or for releasing Gitmo detainees, clearly our vetting processes are not nearly secure enough.
Lots of out-of-work kabuki actors in Japan who could do a more convincing job of protecting the American Homeland. Cheaper, too.
Obviously Obabble and Ben think both processes are adequate to deal with the threat.

Or perhaps they believe that freedom is more important than a temporary false sense of security.
A Muslims freedom ( with benefits I have to fund) will never be as important as my families permanent security.

There's no such thing as "permanent security" - and what if there's a "Muslim" in your family?
Well we see what Muslims think of their own family members who choose to forsake them and the religion, so what is your point? Even India Indians don't want there family members marrying outside their race while considering themselves Americans here, but I ask what's wrong with Americans ?

All these different people can have their religions and beliefs, but if an American practices any such things, then they are condemned to hell for it, and it is hollared all over the world that the Americans don't play fair or right. Unbelievable what the left has done to this nation over the years.
This goes down as one of the dumb threads...

I think my IQ drop a point just reading the OP

That's your liberal programming starting to fry. I see the approach from the left is to pretend that the vetting process for refugees is vastly different from the one that was used for Tashfeen Malik. Really? Her vetting included two personal interviews and two background checks, done by two different agencies. I seriously doubt that the current refugee vetting process is substantially different.

And how about the Tsarnaev brothers? They passed the vetting for asylum seekers (and were originally screened as refugees).

Is the refugee vetting process better than the multi-year, multi-interrogation, multi-background-check process that the military and the FBI have been using at Gitmo to screen detainees for release? So far, about 10-20% of those detainees have returned to jihad.
This goes down as one of the dumb threads...

I think my IQ drop a point just reading the OP
It's as if many on the right are going out of their way just to be stupid.

Obama lies, and lies, and lies about everything important, and now you want us to believe him when he says he has it under control. (paraphrasing) How crazy are you? Are you that much of a lefty you are willing to believe a man who constantly misleads you?

If you want to believe him after all of his lies, fine by me, just don't try to bring the rest of us into your illogical fantasy.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Again, Tashfeen Malik was screened twice, by two different agencies, and was interviewed twice in the process and underwent two separate background checks.

And how about all the repeat jihadists who escaped detection among the Gitmo detainees, after undergoing a multiyear, multi-interrogation, multi-review-board vetting process, including polygraphs?
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Right the vetting process for legal immigrants is supposed to tougher. Further they have access to homes families and friends not available to refuges fleeing fronm a war zone.


The vetting process for a spousal visa is nothing compared to the vetting process for refugees.

There is literally no way to enter this country that is harder than applying for and receiving refugee status.
My wife was Investigated as a spouse from a foreign Country marrying an American it was a lot more then 48 hours it included interviews investigation of the subject and their background and a security check as well as investigating if they had committed any crimes which might bar entrance to the US. It took 3 months to complete.
I edited the OP to address the dodge about regular immigrant vs. refugee screening, etc. Again, the vetting process used by the military and the FBI at Gitmo took at least 1 year and involved multiple background checks, multiple interrogations, review boards, and even polygraphs, yet 10-20% of those "vetted" detainees returned to jihad after being released.

If we have missed 10-20% of future repeat terrorists with the prolonged, extensive vetting process used at Gitmo, how in the world can we hope to properly screen 10,000 Syrian refugees?
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?

Giving out spousal visas?

No, I think we should continue doing that.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?

Giving out spousal visas?

No, I think we should continue doing that.

Even after San Bernardino?
Obviously we have reason to be scared of the women. And I figure it's only a matter of time before they strap a kid up with a suicide vest.
Oh well,at least they appear to be killing democrats for the most part.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?

Giving out spousal visas?

No, I think we should continue doing that.

Even after San Bernardino?
Obviously we have reason to be scared of the women. And I figure it's only a matter of time before they strap a kid up with a suicide vest.
Oh well,at least they appear to be killing democrats for the most part.

Yeah, even after San Bernadino.

Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that we don't think a single tragic event is reason enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Think about all the arguments you guys use in support of guns every time there's a mass shooting - and try to apply it to this situation.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?

Giving out spousal visas?

No, I think we should continue doing that.

Even after San Bernardino?
Obviously we have reason to be scared of the women. And I figure it's only a matter of time before they strap a kid up with a suicide vest.
Oh well,at least they appear to be killing democrats for the most part.

Yeah, even after San Bernadino.

Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that we don't think a single tragic event is reason enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Think about all the arguments you guys use in support of guns every time there's a mass shooting - and try to apply it to this situation.

This is not the first time this has happened.
Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.

Nothing makes sense. Where they stay for 19 months? laying in the dirt? Do we have staff of 100K over there in the dirt talking to them? does Syria have personal files? They just walked 1000 miles pushing strollers thru dirt but they look fresh? What the heck is really going on? There is no Vetting? there can't be vetting, there are not resources.

I may not be a wordsmith or a PHD, but something does not look right. Where do you hold 1mil people for 19 months? I may have reached the limits of my knowledge but common sense say HUH?
Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?

Giving out spousal visas?

No, I think we should continue doing that.

Even after San Bernardino?
Obviously we have reason to be scared of the women. And I figure it's only a matter of time before they strap a kid up with a suicide vest.
Oh well,at least they appear to be killing democrats for the most part.

Yeah, even after San Bernadino.

Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that we don't think a single tragic event is reason enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Think about all the arguments you guys use in support of guns every time there's a mass shooting - and try to apply it to this situation.

This is not the first time this has happened.

I'm not aware of any other terrorist attack in this country being carried out by someone in the country on a spousal visa. Do you have a link?

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