Just Another Peaceful Protest By The Usual Suspects


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012

Here is the salient point. Sounds exactly like a BLM or Antifa rally, which means that the DNC was behind it.....

extremely aggressive" and said they were yelling at police and "trying to incite a reaction or response.
There are times when I think the time for armed resistance is right now,

This girl is -- What would you guess? 5'2" tops?

And some scumbag muzzie decides to just murder her for no apparent reason. Just -- Murder. That's all these people know -- Murder.

They are the dimocraps of the MidEast. Absolutely no question about it. Look at who the dimocrap FILTH are taking up for. And the ones that aren't?? They're liars. All of them, all dimocrap FILTH, in their black hearts, are terrorists. They identify with this, they sympathize with it.

They admire it.

At least the Israelis are doing something about it. They're killing the FUCK out of these scumbags. Another 2 or 3 Million should do it.

Israel warned Hamas, and they warned them, and they warned them again -- Fuck Around. Find Out.

Well, now those murdering scum are finding out.

And folks -- They ain't gonna quit any time soon. Nobody respects Sponge-Brains-Shits-Pants. They're not going to stop because that walking, breathing piece of SHIT wants them to. No way, No how. And, they shouldn't

Fuck Around.

Find Out.
Your Cult has done a tremendous job of keeping honest information from you cultists.
They are spectacular at that.
Meaning you believe the liars at "Faux Not News" when they lie to you to keep their ratings and profits up. Amirite?

Here is the salient point. Sounds exactly like a BLM or Antifa rally, which means that the DNC was behind it.....

extremely aggressive" and said they were yelling at police and "trying to incite a reaction or response.
another death, caused by radical pro-hamas demafascsit....this death is on the hands of the rhetoric caused by the folks like the Squad and those that support them
Sure, sure, but the Rabid Right Echo Chamber makes sure you get the same lies.

The only echo chamber that is real world is the Democrat Media Bubble Cult.
You are so totally removed from reality it is impossible to have a realistic hope of communicating with you people.
The only echo chamber that is real world is the Democrat Media Bubble Cult.
You are so totally removed from reality it is impossible to have a realistic hope of communicating with you people.
If you believe this lie, you're the hopeless one!

"which means that the DNC was behind it"

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