"Just get by President..the only way is to grab larger slice of the economic pie..."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama said he remembered what it felt like to be struggling to figure out
“how you lead a good life and raise your kids, not looking to get wildly wealthy…
trying to make ends meet.”
Obama: GOP pushing ?phony scandals? | TheHill

All of the above said.... at a dinner that raised easily $600,000!

Approximately 60 guests attended the fundraiser, Obama’s sixth for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee this year. Tickets ranged from $10,000 per person to $32,400 per couple, and high profile Democratic guests included former Vice President Mondale, Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, and Minnesota Reps. Keith Ellison, Betty McCollum, and Rick Nolan.

How f..king hypocritical!

So here is Obama telling "wildly wealthy" people that the President is telling the middle class not to take the wealth from these wildly wealthy people!
See idiots like the donors and Obama supporters believe in a zero sum game, i.e. that there is a finite pot of gold and only the "wildly wealthy" have
a right to it!

YUP Obama believes the ECONOMIC PIE never gets bigger ONLY the slices get bigger.
In other words for you that still don't comprehend..
Obama and others think there is a limited amount.. which IS NOT!
Obama and others think the ONLY way to get "wildly wealthy" is by taking BIGGER slices of the fixed pie.

Proof Obama and other fixed pie believers are totally wrong.

The gross domestic product (GDP) per person in the United States....

  • GDP in 2005 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
  • 1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
  • 1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 $ 5,556
  • 2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 $42,247
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
Does Obama and other Limited size economic pie believers understand that every single American's gross domestic product share
grew 3,025% over 209 years on 14% a year.
The average family in the USA in has a net worth of $686,586.
The net worth of U.s. households in 2013 was $80.7 trillion.
United States household:117,538,000

U.S. Household Net Worth Hits Record High - WSJ
Now I KNOW some of you supposedly compassionate feeling people that HATE the wealthy "1%" will say yea but the gap is growing bigger between
the 1% and the 99%! That is FALSE!

Everyone has made it a "1%" VS "99%" when it never never was!
There are yes 1% people. NO question.

But there are ALSO 11.8% that make up that "1%ers" "trying to get by on $100,000 to $500,000 a year in income"!
There are 20% of all households that make between $75,000 and up to $500,000!

SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
There are 20% of all households that make between $75,000 and up to $500,000!

What kind of a bullshit stat is that? You might as well say there are 20% of all households that make between $75,000 and a trillion dollars.

Bullshit?? TELL that to the IRS!! Dumb f..k!!!

Down load if you are smart enough this xls document from this site: SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It is a count of returns filed in 2009.
There were 28,180,812 returns of the 140 million filed that showed income of over $75,000 up to $500,000 in reported income DUMMY!!!
NO mention of net worth!
AGAIN in case you can't read spreadsheets...
11.4 million reported $75,000 to $100,000
13.5 million $100,000 to $200,000
3.9 million $200,000 to $500,000!
GEEZ I really love showing you economic and information deficit dummies the FACTS!
AGAIN just to repeat........ that adds up to 28.1 million that make $75,000 to $500,000.
That accounted for 20% of the 140 million returns filed in 2009!
Let's get even bigger you dumb f..k!
Add the 18,694,893 that reported $50,000 to $75,000 and you have 46 million household reporting income from $50,000 to $500,000!
THAT is 33% of all the tax returns dumb f...k!!

GET YOUR facts straight before you spout an opinion DUMMY!!!
There are 20% of all households that make between $75,000 and up to $500,000!

What kind of a bullshit stat is that? You might as well say there are 20% of all households that make between $75,000 and a trillion dollars.

Bullshit?? TELL that to the IRS!! Dumb f..k!!!

Down load if you are smart enough this xls document from this site: SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It is a count of returns filed in 2009.
There were 28,180,812 returns of the 140 million filed that showed income of over $75,000 up to $500,000 in reported income DUMMY!!!
NO mention of net worth!
AGAIN in case you can't read spreadsheets...
11.4 million reported $75,000 to $100,000
13.5 million $100,000 to $200,000
3.9 million $200,000 to $500,000!
GEEZ I really love showing you economic and information deficit dummies the FACTS!
AGAIN just to repeat........ that adds up to 28.1 million that make $75,000 to $500,000.
That accounted for 20% of the 140 million returns filed in 2009!
Let's get even bigger you dumb f..k!
Add the 18,694,893 that reported $50,000 to $75,000 and you have 46 million household reporting income from $50,000 to $500,000!
THAT is 33% of all the tax returns dumb f...k!!

GET YOUR facts straight before you spout an opinion DUMMY!!!

Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.
What kind of a bullshit stat is that? You might as well say there are 20% of all households that make between $75,000 and a trillion dollars.

Bullshit?? TELL that to the IRS!! Dumb f..k!!!

Down load if you are smart enough this xls document from this site: SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It is a count of returns filed in 2009.
There were 28,180,812 returns of the 140 million filed that showed income of over $75,000 up to $500,000 in reported income DUMMY!!!
NO mention of net worth!
AGAIN in case you can't read spreadsheets...
11.4 million reported $75,000 to $100,000
13.5 million $100,000 to $200,000
3.9 million $200,000 to $500,000!
GEEZ I really love showing you economic and information deficit dummies the FACTS!
AGAIN just to repeat........ that adds up to 28.1 million that make $75,000 to $500,000.
That accounted for 20% of the 140 million returns filed in 2009!
Let's get even bigger you dumb f..k!
Add the 18,694,893 that reported $50,000 to $75,000 and you have 46 million household reporting income from $50,000 to $500,000!
THAT is 33% of all the tax returns dumb f...k!!

GET YOUR facts straight before you spout an opinion DUMMY!!!

Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.

WHY should I? YOU make a dumb ass comment "20% of all household" make ... some nonsense stupid comment!
Instead of dealing with the FACTS and real numbers that 33% of all 140 million tax returns made $50,000 to 500,000 a year you can't figure out what a dummy you are!

For the f...king record you dummy..14,000 returns made $5 million to $10 million.. that includes your heroes Clintons, Michael Jordon, Labron James..
why don't you get pissed-face about them?

The average salary of these top ten NBA players is $21,431,778.... ALL CASH!

  1. 1 Kobe Bryant, SG Los Angeles Lakers $30,453,805
  2. 2 Dirk Nowitzki, PF Dallas Mavericks $22,721,381
  3. 3 Amar'e Stoudemire, PF New York Knicks $21,679,893
  4. 4 Joe Johnson, SG Brooklyn Nets $21,466,718
  5. 5 Carmelo Anthony, SF New York Knicks $21,388,953
  6. 6 Dwight Howard, C Houston Rockets $20,513,178
  7. 7 Pau Gasol, C Los Angeles Lakers $19,285,850
  8. 8 Chris Bosh, C Miami Heat $19,067,500
  9. 9 LeBron James, SF Miami Heat $19,067,500
  10. 10 Dwyane Wade, SG Miami Heat $18,673,000

Why are you so pissed at other millionaires YET you do not decry these above!

A controversial, outspoken law professor who frequently bashes Republicans and specializes in poverty issues as a self-proclaimed champion of the poor earns $205,400 per year – for teaching one class per semester.

The University of North Carolina School of Law pays Professor Gene Nichol $205,400 annually for his one class per semester workload. On top of his teaching salary, he receives a $7,500 stipend as director of the law school’s Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity.
Law Prof Who Specializes in Poverty Makes $205,400 ? Teaching One Class Per Semester

According to the Post: BILL CLINTON is one of those 14,000 that make over
An average of $8,333,333 per YEAR!!! What about him??
YOU know what? More power to him! I"M GLAD he does...
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family’s federal financial disclosures.
Bill Clinton Made Over $100 Million on the Speech Circuit | National Review Online

SEE I don't give a f..k how much money anyone makes because I can make how much money I want to make because obviously I'm smarter then you!
Bullshit?? TELL that to the IRS!! Dumb f..k!!!

Down load if you are smart enough this xls document from this site: SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It is a count of returns filed in 2009.
There were 28,180,812 returns of the 140 million filed that showed income of over $75,000 up to $500,000 in reported income DUMMY!!!
NO mention of net worth!
AGAIN in case you can't read spreadsheets...
11.4 million reported $75,000 to $100,000
13.5 million $100,000 to $200,000
3.9 million $200,000 to $500,000!
GEEZ I really love showing you economic and information deficit dummies the FACTS!
AGAIN just to repeat........ that adds up to 28.1 million that make $75,000 to $500,000.
That accounted for 20% of the 140 million returns filed in 2009!
Let's get even bigger you dumb f..k!
Add the 18,694,893 that reported $50,000 to $75,000 and you have 46 million household reporting income from $50,000 to $500,000!
THAT is 33% of all the tax returns dumb f...k!!

GET YOUR facts straight before you spout an opinion DUMMY!!!

Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.

WHY should I? YOU make a dumb ass comment "20% of all household" make ... some nonsense stupid comment!
Instead of dealing with the FACTS and real numbers that 33% of all 140 million tax returns made $50,000 to 500,000 a year you can't figure out what a dummy you are!

For the f...king record you dummy..14,000 returns made $5 million to $10 million.. that includes your heroes Clintons, Michael Jordon, Labron James..
why don't you get pissed-face about them?

The average salary of these top ten NBA players is $21,431,778.... ALL CASH!

  1. 1 Kobe Bryant, SG Los Angeles Lakers $30,453,805
  2. 2 Dirk Nowitzki, PF Dallas Mavericks $22,721,381
  3. 3 Amar'e Stoudemire, PF New York Knicks $21,679,893
  4. 4 Joe Johnson, SG Brooklyn Nets $21,466,718
  5. 5 Carmelo Anthony, SF New York Knicks $21,388,953
  6. 6 Dwight Howard, C Houston Rockets $20,513,178
  7. 7 Pau Gasol, C Los Angeles Lakers $19,285,850
  8. 8 Chris Bosh, C Miami Heat $19,067,500
  9. 9 LeBron James, SF Miami Heat $19,067,500
  10. 10 Dwyane Wade, SG Miami Heat $18,673,000

Why are you so pissed at other millionaires YET you do not decry these above!

A controversial, outspoken law professor who frequently bashes Republicans and specializes in poverty issues as a self-proclaimed champion of the poor earns $205,400 per year – for teaching one class per semester.

The University of North Carolina School of Law pays Professor Gene Nichol $205,400 annually for his one class per semester workload. On top of his teaching salary, he receives a $7,500 stipend as director of the law school’s Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity.
Law Prof Who Specializes in Poverty Makes $205,400 ? Teaching One Class Per Semester

According to the Post: BILL CLINTON is one of those 14,000 that make over
An average of $8,333,333 per YEAR!!! What about him??
YOU know what? More power to him! I"M GLAD he does...
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family’s federal financial disclosures.
Bill Clinton Made Over $100 Million on the Speech Circuit | National Review Online

SEE I don't give a f..k how much money anyone makes because I can make how much money I want to make because obviously I'm smarter then you!

Highly doubtful but if you do make more money than I do, it's only because you're a health insurance parasite.
Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.

WHY should I? YOU make a dumb ass comment "20% of all household" make ... some nonsense stupid comment!
Instead of dealing with the FACTS and real numbers that 33% of all 140 million tax returns made $50,000 to 500,000 a year you can't figure out what a dummy you are!

For the f...king record you dummy..14,000 returns made $5 million to $10 million.. that includes your heroes Clintons, Michael Jordon, Labron James..
why don't you get pissed-face about them?

The average salary of these top ten NBA players is $21,431,778.... ALL CASH!

  1. 1 Kobe Bryant, SG Los Angeles Lakers $30,453,805
  2. 2 Dirk Nowitzki, PF Dallas Mavericks $22,721,381
  3. 3 Amar'e Stoudemire, PF New York Knicks $21,679,893
  4. 4 Joe Johnson, SG Brooklyn Nets $21,466,718
  5. 5 Carmelo Anthony, SF New York Knicks $21,388,953
  6. 6 Dwight Howard, C Houston Rockets $20,513,178
  7. 7 Pau Gasol, C Los Angeles Lakers $19,285,850
  8. 8 Chris Bosh, C Miami Heat $19,067,500
  9. 9 LeBron James, SF Miami Heat $19,067,500
  10. 10 Dwyane Wade, SG Miami Heat $18,673,000

Why are you so pissed at other millionaires YET you do not decry these above!

A controversial, outspoken law professor who frequently bashes Republicans and specializes in poverty issues as a self-proclaimed champion of the poor earns $205,400 per year – for teaching one class per semester.

The University of North Carolina School of Law pays Professor Gene Nichol $205,400 annually for his one class per semester workload. On top of his teaching salary, he receives a $7,500 stipend as director of the law school’s Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity.
Law Prof Who Specializes in Poverty Makes $205,400 ? Teaching One Class Per Semester

According to the Post: BILL CLINTON is one of those 14,000 that make over
An average of $8,333,333 per YEAR!!! What about him??
YOU know what? More power to him! I"M GLAD he does...
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family’s federal financial disclosures.
Bill Clinton Made Over $100 Million on the Speech Circuit | National Review Online

SEE I don't give a f..k how much money anyone makes because I can make how much money I want to make because obviously I'm smarter then you!

Highly doubtful but if you do make more money than I do, it's only because you're a health insurance parasite.

Then anyone that thinks they make more they I do SHOULD BE f...king smart enough to download the IRS tax payer records.
And NOT fall for the phony evil 1% people meme! Anyone who supposedly makes more then I do has to be able to comprehend that the economic pie has
NEVER in American History been a finite size with what YOU think are hogs at the trough trying to eat more!
Instead you idiots can't comprehend the simplest fact that the GDP has grown 3,000% over the 209 years!
And yes a few in your idiotic brain the 1% have had a bigger piece BUT THE F...king PIE is bigger! Idiot!
How many people in the 1800s had internet access? A cell phone? Today the poorest of the poor have free internet and free cell phones!
Don't you comprehend that the growth of America was NEVER a finite figure but an infinite growth!
It is people like you with peas for a brain thinking like the dinosaurs of old I HAVE to grab my piece RATHER then thinking
how can I make the pie bigger??
That to me if you don't comprehend that means YOU don't make more then me because IF YOU comprehend that then you wouldn't have to defend your monetary impecunious state!
Last edited:
WHY should I? YOU make a dumb ass comment "20% of all household" make ... some nonsense stupid comment!
Instead of dealing with the FACTS and real numbers that 33% of all 140 million tax returns made $50,000 to 500,000 a year you can't figure out what a dummy you are!

For the f...king record you dummy..14,000 returns made $5 million to $10 million.. that includes your heroes Clintons, Michael Jordon, Labron James..
why don't you get pissed-face about them?

The average salary of these top ten NBA players is $21,431,778.... ALL CASH!

  1. 1 Kobe Bryant, SG Los Angeles Lakers $30,453,805
  2. 2 Dirk Nowitzki, PF Dallas Mavericks $22,721,381
  3. 3 Amar'e Stoudemire, PF New York Knicks $21,679,893
  4. 4 Joe Johnson, SG Brooklyn Nets $21,466,718
  5. 5 Carmelo Anthony, SF New York Knicks $21,388,953
  6. 6 Dwight Howard, C Houston Rockets $20,513,178
  7. 7 Pau Gasol, C Los Angeles Lakers $19,285,850
  8. 8 Chris Bosh, C Miami Heat $19,067,500
  9. 9 LeBron James, SF Miami Heat $19,067,500
  10. 10 Dwyane Wade, SG Miami Heat $18,673,000

Why are you so pissed at other millionaires YET you do not decry these above!

A controversial, outspoken law professor who frequently bashes Republicans and specializes in poverty issues as a self-proclaimed champion of the poor earns $205,400 per year – for teaching one class per semester.

The University of North Carolina School of Law pays Professor Gene Nichol $205,400 annually for his one class per semester workload. On top of his teaching salary, he receives a $7,500 stipend as director of the law school’s Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity.
Law Prof Who Specializes in Poverty Makes $205,400 ? Teaching One Class Per Semester

According to the Post: BILL CLINTON is one of those 14,000 that make over
An average of $8,333,333 per YEAR!!! What about him??
YOU know what? More power to him! I"M GLAD he does...
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family’s federal financial disclosures.
Bill Clinton Made Over $100 Million on the Speech Circuit | National Review Online

SEE I don't give a f..k how much money anyone makes because I can make how much money I want to make because obviously I'm smarter then you!

Highly doubtful but if you do make more money than I do, it's only because you're a health insurance parasite.

Then anyone that thinks they make more they I do SHOULD BE f...king smart enough to download the IRS tax payer records.
And NOT fall for the phony evil 1% people meme! Anyone who supposedly makes more then I do has to be able to comprehend that the economic pie has
NEVER in American History been a finite size with what YOU think are hogs at the trough trying to eat more!
Instead you idiots can't comprehend the simplest fact that the GDP has grown 3,000% over the 209 years!
And yes a few in your idiotic brain the 1% have had a bigger piece BUT THE F...king PIE is bigger! Idiot!
How many people in the 1800s had internet access? A cell phone? Today the poorest of the poor have free internet and free cell phones!
Don't you comprehend that the growth of America was NEVER a finite figure but an infinite growth!
It is people like you with peas for a brain thinking like the dinosaurs of old I HAVE t grab my piece RATHER then thinking
how can I make the pie bigger??
That to me if you don't comprehend that means YOU don't make more then me because IF YOU comprehend that then you wouldn't have to defend your monetary impecunious state!

No, it's people like me who have contributed some of the technological efficiency to the system that can see that nothing is infinite.

Here's a graph of GDP per capita vs. year:


You really think the average person is 5 times better off today than at the start of WWII?
What kind of a bullshit stat is that? You might as well say there are 20% of all households that make between $75,000 and a trillion dollars.

Bullshit?? TELL that to the IRS!! Dumb f..k!!!

Down load if you are smart enough this xls document from this site: SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It is a count of returns filed in 2009.
There were 28,180,812 returns of the 140 million filed that showed income of over $75,000 up to $500,000 in reported income DUMMY!!!
NO mention of net worth!
AGAIN in case you can't read spreadsheets...
11.4 million reported $75,000 to $100,000
13.5 million $100,000 to $200,000
3.9 million $200,000 to $500,000!
GEEZ I really love showing you economic and information deficit dummies the FACTS!
AGAIN just to repeat........ that adds up to 28.1 million that make $75,000 to $500,000.
That accounted for 20% of the 140 million returns filed in 2009!
Let's get even bigger you dumb f..k!
Add the 18,694,893 that reported $50,000 to $75,000 and you have 46 million household reporting income from $50,000 to $500,000!
THAT is 33% of all the tax returns dumb f...k!!

GET YOUR facts straight before you spout an opinion DUMMY!!!

Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.
You do not get to create your own narrative.
The OP's target income level was UP TO $500k per year.
NIce try ....you got busted. Take your ball and go home.
Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.

WHY should I? YOU make a dumb ass comment "20% of all household" make ... some nonsense stupid comment!
Instead of dealing with the FACTS and real numbers that 33% of all 140 million tax returns made $50,000 to 500,000 a year you can't figure out what a dummy you are!

For the f...king record you dummy..14,000 returns made $5 million to $10 million.. that includes your heroes Clintons, Michael Jordon, Labron James..
why don't you get pissed-face about them?

The average salary of these top ten NBA players is $21,431,778.... ALL CASH!

  1. 1 Kobe Bryant, SG Los Angeles Lakers $30,453,805
  2. 2 Dirk Nowitzki, PF Dallas Mavericks $22,721,381
  3. 3 Amar'e Stoudemire, PF New York Knicks $21,679,893
  4. 4 Joe Johnson, SG Brooklyn Nets $21,466,718
  5. 5 Carmelo Anthony, SF New York Knicks $21,388,953
  6. 6 Dwight Howard, C Houston Rockets $20,513,178
  7. 7 Pau Gasol, C Los Angeles Lakers $19,285,850
  8. 8 Chris Bosh, C Miami Heat $19,067,500
  9. 9 LeBron James, SF Miami Heat $19,067,500
  10. 10 Dwyane Wade, SG Miami Heat $18,673,000

Why are you so pissed at other millionaires YET you do not decry these above!

A controversial, outspoken law professor who frequently bashes Republicans and specializes in poverty issues as a self-proclaimed champion of the poor earns $205,400 per year – for teaching one class per semester.

The University of North Carolina School of Law pays Professor Gene Nichol $205,400 annually for his one class per semester workload. On top of his teaching salary, he receives a $7,500 stipend as director of the law school’s Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity.
Law Prof Who Specializes in Poverty Makes $205,400 ? Teaching One Class Per Semester

According to the Post: BILL CLINTON is one of those 14,000 that make over
An average of $8,333,333 per YEAR!!! What about him??
YOU know what? More power to him! I"M GLAD he does...
Bill Clinton has been paid $104.9 million for 542 speeches around the world between January 2001, when he left the White House, and January 2013, when Hillary stepped down as secretary of state, according to a Washington Post review of the family’s federal financial disclosures.
Bill Clinton Made Over $100 Million on the Speech Circuit | National Review Online

SEE I don't give a f..k how much money anyone makes because I can make how much money I want to make because obviously I'm smarter then you!

Highly doubtful but if you do make more money than I do, it's only because you're a health insurance parasite.
Excellent example of a childish retort.
Bullshit?? TELL that to the IRS!! Dumb f..k!!!

Down load if you are smart enough this xls document from this site: SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It is a count of returns filed in 2009.
There were 28,180,812 returns of the 140 million filed that showed income of over $75,000 up to $500,000 in reported income DUMMY!!!
NO mention of net worth!
AGAIN in case you can't read spreadsheets...
11.4 million reported $75,000 to $100,000
13.5 million $100,000 to $200,000
3.9 million $200,000 to $500,000!
GEEZ I really love showing you economic and information deficit dummies the FACTS!
AGAIN just to repeat........ that adds up to 28.1 million that make $75,000 to $500,000.
That accounted for 20% of the 140 million returns filed in 2009!
Let's get even bigger you dumb f..k!
Add the 18,694,893 that reported $50,000 to $75,000 and you have 46 million household reporting income from $50,000 to $500,000!
THAT is 33% of all the tax returns dumb f...k!!

GET YOUR facts straight before you spout an opinion DUMMY!!!

Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.
You do not get to create your own narrative.
The OP's target income level was UP TO $500k per year.
NIce try ....you got busted. Take your ball and go home.

In the 40 years I've been in the workforce, GDP per person has doubled yet it hasn't risen by any significant degree for the bottom half of the population. Would you care to explain that?
Highly doubtful but if you do make more money than I do, it's only because you're a health insurance parasite.

Then anyone that thinks they make more they I do SHOULD BE f...king smart enough to download the IRS tax payer records.
And NOT fall for the phony evil 1% people meme! Anyone who supposedly makes more then I do has to be able to comprehend that the economic pie has
NEVER in American History been a finite size with what YOU think are hogs at the trough trying to eat more!
Instead you idiots can't comprehend the simplest fact that the GDP has grown 3,000% over the 209 years!
And yes a few in your idiotic brain the 1% have had a bigger piece BUT THE F...king PIE is bigger! Idiot!
How many people in the 1800s had internet access? A cell phone? Today the poorest of the poor have free internet and free cell phones!
Don't you comprehend that the growth of America was NEVER a finite figure but an infinite growth!
It is people like you with peas for a brain thinking like the dinosaurs of old I HAVE t grab my piece RATHER then thinking
how can I make the pie bigger??
That to me if you don't comprehend that means YOU don't make more then me because IF YOU comprehend that then you wouldn't have to defend your monetary impecunious state!

No, it's people like me who have contributed some of the technological efficiency to the system that can see that nothing is infinite.

Here's a graph of GDP per capita vs. year:


You really think the average person is 5 times better off today than at the start of WWII?
Post WW II through 1970..
The majority of Americans did the following
Rented their home
Had one or NO vehicle
Made less than $2 per hour
Had one or no televisions in their home
Did not own a washing machine.
Really NEEDED to borrow that cup of sugar from their neighbor
Grew their own vegetables
Had little or no savings.
The breadwinner often had TWO jobs.
Over 50% of the workers had only a High school diploma or dropped out to go to work to help support their family.
Had no air conditioning.
Their children wore hand me down or second hand clothes.
Had no health insurance( actually did not need it)
All of which took place during the period where union membership was at its highest, peaking in the mid 60's at 33% of the workforce.
Life in this country is not perfect.
Things that do not make us better off....
We've coddled our children. Gave them self esteem( created a bunch of spoiled self centered brats) Created a virtual plastic bubble around ourselves with these nanny state regulations and laws which come from the notion that we are incapable or taking care of ourselves.
Made it almost impossible to express one's self without first seeking the advice of legal counsel.
Et cetera ad nauseum
Then anyone that thinks they make more they I do SHOULD BE f...king smart enough to download the IRS tax payer records.
And NOT fall for the phony evil 1% people meme! Anyone who supposedly makes more then I do has to be able to comprehend that the economic pie has
NEVER in American History been a finite size with what YOU think are hogs at the trough trying to eat more!
Instead you idiots can't comprehend the simplest fact that the GDP has grown 3,000% over the 209 years!
And yes a few in your idiotic brain the 1% have had a bigger piece BUT THE F...king PIE is bigger! Idiot!
How many people in the 1800s had internet access? A cell phone? Today the poorest of the poor have free internet and free cell phones!
Don't you comprehend that the growth of America was NEVER a finite figure but an infinite growth!
It is people like you with peas for a brain thinking like the dinosaurs of old I HAVE t grab my piece RATHER then thinking
how can I make the pie bigger??
That to me if you don't comprehend that means YOU don't make more then me because IF YOU comprehend that then you wouldn't have to defend your monetary impecunious state!

No, it's people like me who have contributed some of the technological efficiency to the system that can see that nothing is infinite.

Here's a graph of GDP per capita vs. year:


You really think the average person is 5 times better off today than at the start of WWII?
Post WW II through 1970..
The majority of Americans did the following
Rented their home
Had one or NO vehicle
Made less than $2 per hour
Had one or no televisions in their home
Did not own a washing machine.
Really NEEDED to borrow that cup of sugar from their neighbor
Grew their own vegetables
Had little or no savings.
The breadwinner often had TWO jobs.
Over 50% of the workers had only a High school diploma or dropped out to go to work to help support their family.
Had no air conditioning.
Their children wore hand me down or second hand clothes.
Had no health insurance( actually did not need it)
All of which took place during the period where union membership was at its highest, peaking in the mid 60's at 33% of the workforce.
Life in this country is not perfect.
Things that do not make us better off....
We've coddled our children. Gave them self esteem( created a bunch of spoiled self centered brats) Created a virtual plastic bubble around ourselves with these nanny state regulations and laws which come from the notion that we are incapable or taking care of ourselves.
Made it almost impossible to express one's self without first seeking the advice of legal counsel.
Et cetera ad nauseum

I'm glad you think that the technological wonders brought forth by engineers like me have made everyone so happy. But even I think that's overstated. What I've seen is that the increased efficiency and productivity has been largely hijacked by the greediest segment of society and that no amount of additional productivity gains will satisfy their insatiable hunger for more.
Highly doubtful but if you do make more money than I do, it's only because you're a health insurance parasite.

Then anyone that thinks they make more they I do SHOULD BE f...king smart enough to download the IRS tax payer records.
And NOT fall for the phony evil 1% people meme! Anyone who supposedly makes more then I do has to be able to comprehend that the economic pie has
NEVER in American History been a finite size with what YOU think are hogs at the trough trying to eat more!
Instead you idiots can't comprehend the simplest fact that the GDP has grown 3,000% over the 209 years!
And yes a few in your idiotic brain the 1% have had a bigger piece BUT THE F...king PIE is bigger! Idiot!
How many people in the 1800s had internet access? A cell phone? Today the poorest of the poor have free internet and free cell phones!
Don't you comprehend that the growth of America was NEVER a finite figure but an infinite growth!
It is people like you with peas for a brain thinking like the dinosaurs of old I HAVE t grab my piece RATHER then thinking
how can I make the pie bigger??
That to me if you don't comprehend that means YOU don't make more then me because IF YOU comprehend that then you wouldn't have to defend your monetary impecunious state!

No, it's people like me who have contributed some of the technological efficiency to the system that can see that nothing is infinite.

Here's a graph of GDP per capita vs. year:


You really think the average person is 5 times better off today than at the start of WWII?

You are sitting at a computer that cost less then $500 sharing information with the world.
NOT ONE KING, President or dictator at the start of WWII have the power you have right now!
NOT one king, dictator could be in the woods pick up a cell phone and view and talk to a relative in another part of the world!

You can in the palm of your hand watch things NOT ONE of those kings, Presidents could do.
And it is free to any person on welfare. Free cell phone.

YOU tell me. If before WWII you could watch your children, turn your lights on,etc. all with a device in the palm of your hand!
YOU tell me if we are better off!
Dummy! YOU don't get it do you?
When will pea brained Tyrannosaurus like you tearing and fighting for food like packs of dogs never realizing THE PIE is getting BIGGER all the time!
Why don't you try doing something to increase the pie and in doing so get more rather then acting like an uncivilized neanderthal clubbing to death to get your food!
Use your brain not your brawn!
Highly doubtful but if you do make more money than I do, it's only because you're a health insurance parasite.

Then anyone that thinks they make more they I do SHOULD BE f...king smart enough to download the IRS tax payer records.
And NOT fall for the phony evil 1% people meme! Anyone who supposedly makes more then I do has to be able to comprehend that the economic pie has
NEVER in American History been a finite size with what YOU think are hogs at the trough trying to eat more!
Instead you idiots can't comprehend the simplest fact that the GDP has grown 3,000% over the 209 years!
And yes a few in your idiotic brain the 1% have had a bigger piece BUT THE F...king PIE is bigger! Idiot!
How many people in the 1800s had internet access? A cell phone? Today the poorest of the poor have free internet and free cell phones!
Don't you comprehend that the growth of America was NEVER a finite figure but an infinite growth!
It is people like you with peas for a brain thinking like the dinosaurs of old I HAVE t grab my piece RATHER then thinking
how can I make the pie bigger??
That to me if you don't comprehend that means YOU don't make more then me because IF YOU comprehend that then you wouldn't have to defend your monetary impecunious state!

No, it's people like me who have contributed some of the technological efficiency to the system that can see that nothing is infinite.

Here's a graph of GDP per capita vs. year:


You really think the average person is 5 times better off today than at the start of WWII?

The average person is not 5 times better off today than in 1942, but the average person is better off today.

In 1942, the average size of a family house was 1,000 to 1,200 square feet. Today the average size is 1,400 to 1,600 square feet. In 1942, the average family had one vehicle, that was two to four years old. Today the average family has at least two vehicles.

In 1942, the average family had one telephone. Today, it has several, both wired and wireless. In 1942, the average family ate home cooking at least six days per week. Today, the aveage family eats out, eats take out, or has food delivered two to three days per week.

In 1942, the average family had one wage earner. Today, the average family has at least two wage earners, and triple the tax burden.
Jeezus, I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to interpret those statistics. Here's a hint, tell me the percentage of people who make $500,000 and up.
You do not get to create your own narrative.
The OP's target income level was UP TO $500k per year.
NIce try ....you got busted. Take your ball and go home.

In the 40 years I've been in the workforce, GDP per person has doubled yet it hasn't risen by any significant degree for the bottom half of the population. Would you care to explain that?

That makes NO SENSE!
YES the GDP per person may have doubled! NO question. If fact here are the numbers:

When you started in 1974 the GDP was 5,390,200,000,000. Today it is $15,759,000,000,000 which is actually tripled!

BUT then you put this stupid statement "hasn't risen by any significant degree for the bottom half of the population"!
You are mixing up comparatives!
How can you subtract half the population and then get an AVERAGE?
The statement is: The GDP has tripled in the 40 years per person!"
Stop there because that is a true statement.
But injecting then "let's drop the top half of the population" .. that makes the bottom half what???

Makes no sense!

Now think for a second.. I know it's hard to when you make so much money....!

Using these FACTS...
  • GDP in 2009 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2009 dollars.
  • 1800 $ 7,994,000,000 Population 5,297,000 GDP per capita $ 1,509
  • 1900 $ 456,861,000,000 Population 76,094,000 GDP per capita $ 6,003
  • 2013 $15,759,000,000,000 Population 316,465,000 GDP per capita $49,797
Measuring Worth - GDP result.

From 1800 to 1900 the population grew by 70 million or 1,337% growth in 100 years.
BUT the GDP grew from $7.9 billion in 1800 to $422 billion in 1900 or 5,615%.
And from 1900 to 2013 the population grew by 316% WHILE the GDP grew by 3,578%!
Do the math... if you can...
NOW those are the facts.
Again... quick acting like the pea brain dog eat dog mentality! Grow the pie bigger and we all are better off!
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You do not get to create your own narrative.
The OP's target income level was UP TO $500k per year.
NIce try ....you got busted. Take your ball and go home.

In the 40 years I've been in the workforce, GDP per person has doubled yet it hasn't risen by any significant degree for the bottom half of the population. Would you care to explain that?

That makes NO SENSE!
YES the GDP per person may have doubled! NO question. If fact here are the numbers:

When you started in 1974 the GDP was 5,390,200,000,000. Today it is $15,759,000,000,000 which is actually tripled!

BUT then you put this stupid statement "hasn't risen by any significant degree for the bottom half of the population"!
You are mixing up comparatives!
How can you subtract half the population and then get an AVERAGE?
The statement is: The GDP has tripled in the 40 years per person!"
Stop there because that is a true statement.
But injecting then "let's drop the top half of the population" .. that makes the bottom half what???

Makes no sense!

Now think for a second.. I know it's hard to when you make so much money....!

Using these FACTS...
  • GDP in 2009 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2009 dollars.
  • 1800 $ 7,994,000,000 Population 5,297,000 GDP per capita $ 1,509
  • 1900 $ 456,861,000,000 Population 76,094,000 GDP per capita $ 6,003
  • 2013 $15,759,000,000,000 Population 316,465,000 GDP per capita $49,797
Measuring Worth - GDP result.

From 1800 to 1900 the population grew by 70 million or 1,337% growth in 100 years.
BUT the GDP grew from $7.9 billion in 1800 to $422 billion in 1900 or 5,615%.
And from 1900 to 2013 the population grew by 316% WHILE the GDP grew by 3,578%!
Do the math... if you can...
NOW those are the facts.
Again... quick acting like the pea brain dog eat dog mentality! Grow the pie bigger and we all are better off!

I'm trying to get you to see that the upper class has taken the productivity gains over the last 50 to 70 years and left very little of it to anyone else. Apparently, that's a lost cause. Being one of the people who has created some of those productivity gains (including the miniaturized wonders that you think compensates for this disparity), I think that's a crime. I guess as a memeber of the upper middle class, i should just feel luck that they have seen fit to share a small part of that wealth with me.
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In the 40 years I've been in the workforce, GDP per person has doubled yet it hasn't risen by any significant degree for the bottom half of the population. Would you care to explain that?

That makes NO SENSE!
YES the GDP per person may have doubled! NO question. If fact here are the numbers:

When you started in 1974 the GDP was 5,390,200,000,000. Today it is $15,759,000,000,000 which is actually tripled!

BUT then you put this stupid statement "hasn't risen by any significant degree for the bottom half of the population"!
You are mixing up comparatives!
How can you subtract half the population and then get an AVERAGE?
The statement is: The GDP has tripled in the 40 years per person!"
Stop there because that is a true statement.
But injecting then "let's drop the top half of the population" .. that makes the bottom half what???

Makes no sense!

Now think for a second.. I know it's hard to when you make so much money....!

Using these FACTS...
  • GDP in 2009 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2009 dollars.
  • 1800 $ 7,994,000,000 Population 5,297,000 GDP per capita $ 1,509
  • 1900 $ 456,861,000,000 Population 76,094,000 GDP per capita $ 6,003
  • 2013 $15,759,000,000,000 Population 316,465,000 GDP per capita $49,797
Measuring Worth - GDP result.

From 1800 to 1900 the population grew by 70 million or 1,337% growth in 100 years.
BUT the GDP grew from $7.9 billion in 1800 to $422 billion in 1900 or 5,615%.
And from 1900 to 2013 the population grew by 316% WHILE the GDP grew by 3,578%!
Do the math... if you can...
NOW those are the facts.
Again... quick acting like the pea brain dog eat dog mentality! Grow the pie bigger and we all are better off!

I'm trying to get you to see that the upper class has taken the productivity gains over the last 50 to 70 years and left very little of it to anyone else. Apparently, that's a lost cause. Being one of the people who has created some of those productivity gains (including the miniaturized wonders that you think compensates for this disparity), I think that's a crime. I guess as a memeber of the upper middle class, i should just feel luck that they have seen fit to share a small part of that wealth with me.

(Just a petty tiny point of criticism... don't you ever read what you write at least paying attention to the words underlined with a red dotted line?)
Your credibility is really questionable when you can't even pay attention to little red dotted lines... as if you are too important to spell correctly or you are too important
to be bothered by little details like spelling!

If you can't with the help of technology spell simple words correctly, it makes me question you credibility.

Again using class warfare! How old fashion! How dinosaur like!

But that's ok. Like the dinosaurs you are fast becoming extinct... as more and more people are recognizing that the monolithic state espoused by dinosaurs like you
IS GROWING so big that just as the dinosaurs you have become slow, unable to keep up. The monolithic federal government is feeling that strain now because
ignorant people like Obama et.al. forgot the value of the 50 states..the laboratories of governmental ideas.. the real pulse of the people.

You and your ilk are going to die out as death panels will dictate from the monolithic state you're no longer a contributor but a user.

If it weren't for people like me at 71 that sees so many opportunities... for example this morning using my skills and knowledge of the internet I have come up with
an alternative to "Angie's List". I'm registering the domain name. I've contacted some organizations that would love to tap into the growing market of
10,000 baby boomers retiring at the rate a day and based on population studies will do so for the next 19 years!

This opportunity will as my other existing businesses do several things.
Allows me to accumulate a nest egg for my granddaughter that she can use to launch her ideas!
This opportunity will also help other retiree/contributors in several ways...part time jobs, revenue sharing, opportunities for recognition!
Again..all the while helping increase the pie...not tear a piece away from someone else's piece!

But see the difference between you and me is you are bitching and moaning ... I'm doing something about it!
You are gnashing and tearing at the sliver of meat like a wild dog, complaining that other dogs have bigger pieces RATHER then finding your own niche your own
piece of the pie and making it bigger for all.
The difference between people like you and me is clear... I see the pie growing daily. You see the pie as finite. I see my piece of the pie growing. You like an
animal have to grab from some other dog's piece to get a bigger piece. You are the cliche. You are like The worn out "occupy wall street" person who rather then
use the bathroom defecated on a police car...and then forgetting he walked in the crap!
So continue to moan and grown about those evil 1%s while the small number of us (growing by the way) are looking at ways to make all our collective PIE Grow rather
then steal it like a foaming rabid dog would do!
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