Just Hating Trump is Not a Political Philosophy

As the Dems start to reconsider their policy positions, their one unalterable belief is that they must stop Trump from doing whatever he is doing. Particularly since he is now a one-term President, this doesn't seem to be a favorable strategy for them. While it may pacify their core members and donors, it forces them to oppose policies that are favored by a majority of the voting public. Hating Trump may make them feel good, but it is not a viable political philosophy.
I disagree. Trump is a political philosophy by himself. He represents the Trump philosophy. He does not represent the issues, he represents his philosophy that "He alone can fix it" no matter what the issue is.

He does not represent the Republicans. He represents the Trump supporters.
The pollster is YouGov, dope.

Pollsters have recorded the same thing all over.

You have nothing.
Wow an approval rating of 47 percent! You got him! Remind me, what’s the dems approval rating now?
Works for me. We have more of the coastline than they do.

I'll give you an example of how screwed up naming conventions are. When two rivers meet, which river carries the name on onward? The river that is named the Mississippi that flows from Minnesota southward actually flows into the Ohio River, which continues southward to the Gulf. Look at an aerial photo where they meet and tell me that is not true. The Ohio is the dominant river at the point where they converge. Logically we should have named the river flowing south, the Minnesota River, and the remained past the confluence should be the Mississippi, just as the Ohio is formed by two smaller rivers in Pittsburgh.
Gulf of Mexico is a major body of water on earth
We don’t own it
It has carried the name for hundreds of years

But an arrogant President thinks he can just tell the world he wants a new name

Why the world hates us
We’ve had four years of the destruction of the country, as evidenced by only 25% of Americans thinking the country was going in the right direction. Hence the election of Trump. Current polling shows about 70% of Americans thinking the country is now going in the right direction while the democrat party only currently has a 27% approval rating. The facts are on our side. Are you a fact denier?

Need to keep in mind that clippy has the understanding of a 12-year-old.
"Gulf of Mexico is a major body of water on earth
We don’t own it"

I don't know how "major" it is.
It isn't an Ocean or a sea.

Mexico doesn't own it either.

America is not a country -

Naming it the Gulf of America for the land masses that it touches, seems proper.
I disagree. Trump is a political philosophy by himself. He represents the Trump philosophy. He does not represent the issues, he represents his philosophy that "He alone can fix it" no matter what the issue is.

He does not represent the Republicans. He represents the Trump supporters.

About 70% of the country is behind him.
Call it whatever you need to, to be able to partially cope.
"It has never been about him"

That is actually correct.
It is about the majority of the country that wanted a return to traditional values and saw him as the vehicle most capable of doing that return.

So, we keep hiring him.
As the Dems start to reconsider their policy positions, their one unalterable belief is that they must stop Trump from doing whatever he is doing. Particularly since he is now a one-term President, this doesn't seem to be a favorable strategy for them. While it may pacify their core members and donors, it forces them to oppose policies that are favored by a majority of the voting public. Hating Trump may make them feel good, but it is not a viable political philosophy.
/---/ Best Post of the month....so far.
The Top Ten Things Democrats are Currently PISSED OFF About.
1. Lower inflation
2. Venezuelan gangs being deported 3. Astronauts being safely rescued
4. Gas prices dropping too low
5. Border security actually working
6. Free speech making a comeback
7. Cutting waste, fraud, and abuse
8. Terrorist sympathizers being deported
9. Lower egg & food prices
10. Reducing the size of government

What did I miss?
/----/ No. He may have said it's illegal to LIE about him, misquote him, twist, distort and disparage him. Big difference. You wouldn't happen to have a direct quote from him you could share, would you?
That’s not what he actually said. I didn’t misquote him. You invented words he didn’t actually say.
First, go fuck yourself. The democrats aren't my tribe, and I couldn't care less where they are right now. Second, are you seriously attempting to tell me magaturds aren't arrogant pukes themselves? :auiqs.jpg: You're just as fucking delusional as they are.

Retired boomers sitting on their asses all day, addicted to sucking from the firehose of magaturd media like a bunch of fucking teenagers aren't saying anything profound. Enjoy your win. Now shut the fuck up.

Oh my Tumblintwat, it appears I hit a nerve-)
As the Dems start to reconsider their policy positions, their one unalterable belief is that they must stop Trump from doing whatever he is doing. Particularly since he is now a one-term President, this doesn't seem to be a favorable strategy for them. While it may pacify their core members and donors, it forces them to oppose policies that are favored by a majority of the voting public. Hating Trump may make them feel good, but it is not a viable political philosophy.
But it's no different from the way the left has always been. 'Hate' is the core of their existence. They don't govern, they don't know how to run things, they don't care about people, they don't contribute anything positive. They just hate and divide.
/---/ For the second time----You wouldn't happen to have a direct quote from him you could share, would you?
“I believe that CNN and MS-DNC, who literally write 97.6 percent bad about me, are political arms of the Democrat Party and in my opinion, they’re really corrupt and they’re illegal, what do they do is illegal,” Trump said.

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