Just how fake is Pete Buttigieg


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

Heā€™s a total CIA plant. The billionaires fund his absurd campaign.
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

He's is not only self-righteous, he is insane.

Buttigieg Agrees That Illegal Aliens Are ā€˜Reclaiming Stolen Land.ā€™

Are we really still referring to South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg as one of the ā€œmoderateā€ candidates in the Democratic primary? Because if so, heā€™s really doing his level best to shed that title and move into the socialist lane. Yesterday he was having a discussion with the Reverend William Barber when the subject of illegal immigration came up. Barber tossed out some seriously open borders style propositions and found a willing ear with Buttigieg.


He next asked Mayor Pete if Mexicans crossing our borders illegally arenā€™t just trying to reclaim the land that we stole from them. (Daily Wire)

ā€œAnd we need to talk about that ā€“ and shouldnā€™t we have some conversation whenever people say, we call people ā€˜illegal aliensā€™ and all these things that are not human, are certainly not Christian,ā€ Barber continued. ā€œWhy canā€™t we just own in America that some of the people that are trying to come from Mexico here are coming back to land we stole, and the reason we took the land is because people wanted to keep their slaves?

Buttigieg nodded in agreement as Barber made his remarks.

In 1845 slavery was technically illegal in Mexico. (That prohibition went largely unenforced.) But when it came to ā€œtakingā€ the land, Texas declared its independence as agreed to by Santa Anna.

If Barber was suggesting that the land originally belonged to the indigenous people of North America, heā€™ll get no argument from me on that count. But have you ever wondered why the people in Mexico speak Spanish instead of, sayā€¦ Incan? Yes, itā€™s because most of them are descendants of the European (primarily Spanish) invaders who came and ā€œstoleā€ that land from the natives. The same can be said for most of the migrants coming from South America. Youā€™ll notice they all speak Spanish or Portuguese as well.

If this is how Buttigiegā€™s mind operates, itā€™s probably time to stop referring to him as a ā€œmoderateā€ competitor to Joe Biden. Heā€™s on record favoring amnesty for at least some illegal aliens, has denounced construction of new sections of the border wall and views border enforcement as being inhuman. His other policies are just as far to the left as Warrenā€™s and Sandersā€™ on most days. The fact is, heā€™s mostly indistinguishable from the rest of the field.
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

just registered buttigieg101.com i like him, he's got something. charisma maybe. he's got young going for him that's for sure... sometimes like he's standing in front of last elections' oil painting.
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

just registered buttigieg101.com i like him, he's got something. charisma maybe. he's got young going for him that's for sure... sometimes like he's standing in front of last elections' oil painting.

remember when people gave shit ...still do... to trump for staying up late and using twitter ?? heh...
Nobody wants to see this shit on a regular basis.


That radical little shit talking faggot doesn't stand a chance in hell of ever beating Trump.

ā€œIā€™m telling youā€”Obama, but gay!ā€


"Happy Birthday to our next President!" line 0-2, will they go for 3?
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

He MAY be fake, butt (spelling is correct) he IS GAY. And he always makes sure we know this EVERY time he speaks in public. What a clown.
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Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

If what that stupid asshole says is true about Adam, then there is no such thing as "original sin!" It is only because Adam is an ARCHETYPE of mankind that the principal of original sin exists. So Adam becoming a "living being" with the first breath of life means all mankind becomes a living being with the first breath of life. That was the way the bible was always taught for centuries until the evangelicals decided to politicize the bible over abortion which is in the bible as the "Law Of Jealousies."
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

If what that stupid asshole says is true about Adam, then there is no such thing as "original sin!" It is only because Adam is an ARCHETYPE of mankind that the principal of original sin exists. So Adam becoming a "living being" with the first breath of life means all mankind becomes a living being with the first breath of life. That was the way the bible was always taught for centuries until the evangelicals decided to politicize the bible over abortion which is in the bible as the "Law Of Jealousies."

Once the egg has been fertilized, life begins. The genes and sex are set.
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

If what that stupid asshole says is true about Adam, then there is no such thing as "original sin!" It is only because Adam is an ARCHETYPE of mankind that the principal of original sin exists. So Adam becoming a "living being" with the first breath of life means all mankind becomes a living being with the first breath of life. That was the way the bible was always taught for centuries until the evangelicals decided to politicize the bible over abortion which is in the bible as the "Law Of Jealousies."

Once the egg has been fertilized, life begins. The genes and sex are set.

Thank you for admitting the bible is full of shit.
Of course, virtually everything they stand for is vile, but this video underscores just how weak, silly and cowardly the democratic candidates for the presidency are as well. There isn't an authentic human being among them. . . .

If what that stupid asshole says is true about Adam, then there is no such thing as "original sin!" It is only because Adam is an ARCHETYPE of mankind that the principal of original sin exists. So Adam becoming a "living being" with the first breath of life means all mankind becomes a living being with the first breath of life. That was the way the bible was always taught for centuries until the evangelicals decided to politicize the bible over abortion which is in the bible as the "Law Of Jealousies."

Once the egg has been fertilized, life begins. The genes and sex are set.

Thank you for admitting the bible is full of shit.

No, the bible isn't, you are though.

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