Senior Member
Pale Rider said:Show me a group of "heterosexuals" that's formed a group just to molest children.
Why is it always "only" the queer's with these groups?
ever heard of sex tourists? this is a sick group of hetero and homosexual men who head to nations like panama, thailand and cuba to abuse and rape children. in malaysia, i talked to several young girls who had been freed from a pimp. they were not yet 14, but they'd been abused and raped by european and american sex tourists. there were boys abused as well by men, so i am not denying that it does happen.
child molesters/abusers should be chemically/physically (whichever works better) castrated upon being convicted by a court of law, and if released, are found to somehow be abusing children again, be put to bush is doing something about this.
i will add in another group. soldiers, including american servicemen, in places like thailand and bosnia. i've listened to sailors onboard my ship talking about the "good ol days" when our battle group made regular port visits to thailand and the Phillipines, places where you could buy young young girls for cheap. they bragged about how good it felt to have sex with virgins and innocent young girls. there have also been numerous court martials and internationally reported arrests of servicemen disgracing their nations by committing such heinous acts. IMHO, being in the military, knowing fully well what is right and wrong, if you get caught with a child, the death penalty happens as soon as you are found guilty.