Just how *SICK* can homosexuals get??!!

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Pale Rider said:
Show me a group of "heterosexuals" that's formed a group just to molest children.

Why is it always "only" the queer's with these groups?

ever heard of sex tourists? this is a sick group of hetero and homosexual men who head to nations like panama, thailand and cuba to abuse and rape children. in malaysia, i talked to several young girls who had been freed from a pimp. they were not yet 14, but they'd been abused and raped by european and american sex tourists. there were boys abused as well by men, so i am not denying that it does happen.
george bush is doing something about this.
child molesters/abusers should be chemically/physically (whichever works better) castrated upon being convicted by a court of law, and if released, are found to somehow be abusing children again, be put to death.

i will add in another group. soldiers, including american servicemen, in places like thailand and bosnia. i've listened to sailors onboard my ship talking about the "good ol days" when our battle group made regular port visits to thailand and the Phillipines, places where you could buy young young girls for cheap. they bragged about how good it felt to have sex with virgins and innocent young girls. there have also been numerous court martials and internationally reported arrests of servicemen disgracing their nations by committing such heinous acts. IMHO, being in the military, knowing fully well what is right and wrong, if you get caught with a child, the death penalty happens as soon as you are found guilty.
It's ok sandy me and pale have been though the death threats I would think we're on arguementive terms now not violent. Right pale?
Hobbit said:
Given what they'll probably be doing, it is (defense of others).

I've seen their web site. They publicly post information on how to avoid kiddie porn/underage solicitation stings. This strikes me as unprotected speech as it inhibits law enforcement, but the ACLU still protects them. They even try to justify it on their web site.

But dare to display the Ten Commandments in a park and RELEASE THE HOUNDS!!! /spit on the ACLU
Pale Rider said:
With the recent defense of queers and their sick lifestyle by MissleMan and Wolvie, all no doubt to the pleasure of our board queer, nakedemporer, quite possibly friends of his he pursuaded to come and join the board for that very reason, I would like to see ANY ONE of them, DEFEND THIS!!! This is your homo world.

Seems like a lot of the people have already made the obvious arguments, so I won't pile on. For the record though, I have not nor will I ever defend pedophiles. Also, I am not arguing FOR homosexuals, but rather arguing AGAINST your rabid intolerance of people who are different than you.
Well skudboy, it would appear that you are among your queer loving brethren. Yes, we all think it's so beautiful the way they suck each others dicks, or the cute way they fuck each other up the ass, and if they like little boys, well that's not their fault, that's something different ENTIRELY... right?

You all are worse than the battered wife that keeps going back to her husband, only to get beaten again. You're enablers. By your lacksidiasical approach to very serious problems with homosexuals, you embolden them to carry on with their perversion, ever pushing for more ground to carry out even more deviant behavior, because they have you all bambooseld into thinking their some kind of sweet, innocent, people, pure as the driven snow.

I hope you can live with yourselves, and goodbye.
Pale Rider said:
Well skudboy, it would appear that you are among your queer loving brethren. Yes, we all think it's so beautiful the way they suck each others dicks, or the cute way they fuck each other up the ass, and if they like little boys, well that's not their fault, that's something different ENTIRELY... right?

You all are worse than the battered wife that keeps going back to her husband, only to get beaten again. You're enablers. By your lacksidiasical approach to very serious problems with homosexuals, you embolden them to carry on with their perversion, ever pushing for more ground to carry out even more deviant behavior, because they have you all bambooseld into thinking their some kind of sweet, innocent, people, pure as the driven snow.

I hope you can live with yourselves, and goodbye.

a question for you pale (probably will get modded because i will describe some nasty stuff)

if you think homosexuality is so nasty and immoral,

(a) how about "tossing salad"? this is where a man or a woman lick around (and in some cases, even in) their lovers anus

(b) how about anal sex between a man and a woman?

(c) how about two women? would you turn down a threesome with two bi girls?

(d) what about when you recieve oral sex from a female and she puts her finger in your anus?

i've heard perfectly ordinary (albeit freaky and nasty) people talk about these kinds of acts (and many more) in their heterosexual relationship. on (a), (b) and (d) i hear no public campaigns to stop this or even address it, whereas we hear about the "homosexual agenda to make everyone gay" all the time.

on (c) i challenge any man in this room to say he would turn it down and truly mean it. if you are truthful and would say no to this encounter most men would cut a finger off for, i respect that and your strong will. which means if you're against homosexuality, you're certainly not practicing it in the bedroom.
Pale Rider said:
You all are worse than the battered wife that keeps going back to her husband, only to get beaten again. You're enablers. By your lacksidiasical approach to very serious problems with homosexuals, you embolden them to carry on with their perversion, ever pushing for more ground to carry out even more deviant behavior, because they have you all bambooseld into thinking their some kind of sweet, innocent, people, pure as the driven snow.

I hope you can live with yourselves, and goodbye.
pt. 2

your comparison of people like myself to battered wives who return to their abusers is not only heinious and shameful, its flat out wrong. have you ever dealt with a battered woman before? have you talked to one? have you witnessed the depth of mental and emotional damage abusers inflict upon spouses over time?

if you knew any of this, or actually learned what most of who have experienced this learned in heartbreaking, stark reality is this.... abusers brutally, systematically destroy the very fabric of humanity, spirit and free will in their victims. I witnessed women in the Chicago area (volunteered at a battered woman's shelter in Great Lakes during my time in Naval training there last year) whose husbands beat them to an inch of their life, and they still went back, despite the energetic, determined efforts of some of the most kind and wonderful church people i've met in my life. we did everything we could to try to repair, rebuild and rehabilitate these women's spirits, emotional state and sense of self, and far too many of them still returned to their abusers because they were conditioned by pain and cruelty to only trust these horrible people. for a battered woman to actually leave her abusive partner requires a courage and spirit many people sadly do not have, making this unnecessary tragedy even worse.
profound, disturbing evil exists in the hearts of men/spouses who abuse their wives/spouses in such a way, a much greater evil than anything i've ever seen in homosexuality.

come to think of it, after reading this cowardly, disturbing comparison you posted, with your kind of hateful attitude and casual judgement of abused women whose pain and entrapment you probably couldn't begin or even want to understand, you sound sickeningly similar to the abusive husbands/boyfriends i dealt with who called my co-workers and myself as "know nothing do-gooders" and "shameless meddlers" for trying to save their victims from their cruelty.
NATO AIR said:
child molesters/abusers should be chemically/physically (whichever works better) castrated upon being convicted by a court of law, and if released, are found to somehow be abusing children again, be put to death.

While I must admit that castration without the benefit of anesthesia and using a butter-knife has a certain appeal, it doesn't really solve anything. It doesn't address the psychological issues that give rise to pedophilia which, in turn, arise from sexual abuse experienced as a child. Break that cycle, and you can break the chain that gives rise to the monsters we know as pedophiles.
Bullypulpit said:
While I must admit that castration without the benefit of anesthesia and using a butter-knife has a certain appeal, it doesn't really solve anything. It doesn't address the psychological issues that give rise to pedophilia which, in turn, arise from sexual abuse experienced as a child. Break that cycle, and you can break the chain that gives rise to the monsters we know as pedophiles.

bully, that sounds like a crock of bullshit spinned up by some prison doctor.

find me the info that says a majority of pedophiles and that lot have been sexually abused.
NATO AIR said:
a (c) how about two women? would you turn down a threesome with two bi girls? I AGREE WHY IS THIS OK ??????

(d) what about when you recieve oral sex from a female and she puts her finger in your anus? UMMMMM NO !!! :wtf:
NATO AIR said:
a question for you pale (probably will get modded because i will describe some nasty stuff)

if you think homosexuality is so nasty and immoral,

(a) how about "tossing salad"? this is where a man or a woman lick around (and in some cases, even in) their lovers anus

Dude are you trying to make me want to throw up.

(b) how about anal sex between a man and a woman?

I have no idea what man would want to do such a thing. Obviously he doesnt know where it goes if he does.

(c) how about two women? would you turn down a threesome with two bi girls?

Yes. But then im some extremist wacko who seems to think that sex is sacred and should only be shared with a lawfully wedded spouse.

(d) what about when you recieve oral sex from a female and she puts her finger in your anus?

she does what?

Do you honestly think most people do all this stuff?
Avatar4321 said:
Dude are you trying to make me want to throw up.

I have no idea what man would want to do such a thing. Obviously he doesnt know where it goes if he does.

Yes. But then im some extremist wacko who seems to think that sex is sacred and should only be shared with a lawfully wedded spouse.

she does what?

Do you honestly think most people do all this stuff?

You'd be surprised.
Nato.. It seems as if you may have been around the block a few more times then some of us here ! :happy2:
NATO AIR said:
bully, that sounds like a crock of bullshit spinned up by some prison doctor.

find me the info that says a majority of pedophiles and that lot have been sexually abused.

I'd wonder if that statistic applies to homosexual men too?

Most sexual offenders were sexually abused as children; 40% to 80% of pedophiles were raped as a child, Burton says...

Click Me -> :(
-=d=- said:
I'd wonder if that statistic applies to homosexual men too?

Click Me -> :(

Anyone else bothered by these people who try to pretend pedophilia is a disease rather than an evil act. Start with the premise that people are sick and cant prevent themselves from doing such things and they wont prevent themselves from doing such things.
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