Just how *SICK* can homosexuals get??!!

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Sir Evil said:
lHmmm, look at what I post, Look at what you post........ doubt anyone will buy into that one!

HAHAHA, I think you like BUNNIES !!!!!!!!
Sir Evil said:
it's called credibility! you wanna talk about what is wrong, and I am only showing you the era in your ways. Practice what you preach!

ummmm Ok whatever... :cuckoo:
nakedemperor said:
Edit thread title to:

Just how sick can homosexual *child abusers* get

Considering this thread isn't about respectful homosexuals, I mean. Not right to lump law-abiding, respectful gays with the bad eggs.

Sometimes it is difficult to quantify one's feelings regarding homosexuals. I don't hate homosexuals and I have no "phobia" against them. I do believe that their behavior is deviant and unnatural and should be discouraged. I do not think that they should be attacked or villified. I do not believe that homosexuals should serve in the military - as much for their own protection as for the sake of morale and discipline within the military. Other than that, I do not believe that a person should be discriminated against simply for his or her homosexuality. I do not believe that homosexuals have a "right" to marry or to form a civil union. I believe that our society has every right to determine the state of marriage.

Having said that, I believe that child molestors, be they hetero or homosexual should not be allowed to breathe my air. And I think that those who seek to protect these vermin are no better than they.
Sir Evil said:
It's ok, I understand common sense is a bit hard for you! :laugh:

Of all people you understand what I go through Evil ! :rotflmao:
Merlin1047 said:
Sometimes it is difficult to quantify one's feelings regarding homosexuals. I don't hate homosexuals and I have no "phobia" against them. I do believe that their behavior is deviant and unnatural and should be discouraged. I do not think that they should be attacked or villified. I do not believe that homosexuals should serve in the military - as much for their own protection as for the sake of morale and discipline within the military. Other than that, I do not believe that a person should be discriminated against simply for his or her homosexuality. I do not believe that homosexuals have a "right" to marry or to form a civil union. I believe that our society has every right to determine the state of marriage.

Having said that, I believe that child molestors, be they hetero or homosexual should not be allowed to breathe my air. And I think that those who seek to protect these vermin are no better than they.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Merlin1047 said:
Sometimes it is difficult to quantify one's feelings regarding homosexuals. I don't hate homosexuals and I have no "phobia" against them. I do believe that their behavior is deviant and unnatural and should be discouraged. I do not think that they should be attacked or villified. I do not believe that homosexuals should serve in the military - as much for their own protection as for the sake of morale and discipline within the military. Other than that, I do not believe that a person should be discriminated against simply for his or her homosexuality. I do not believe that homosexuals have a "right" to marry or to form a civil union. I believe that our society has every right to determine the state of marriage.

Having said that, I believe that child molestors, be they hetero or homosexual should not be allowed to breathe my air. And I think that those who seek to protect these vermin are no better than they.

That is my feelings to the T about this subject ! :beer:
wolvie20m said:
Might add they shouldn't be alllowed to have children.

I have mixed feelings on this subject ! Too long to explain ! But I will if you are interested !
I'll interject my view on child molesters now.

All child molesters should be stripped naked and locked in a room with the parents of all the children they molested (if they are the parents or there are no parents, the person with the most emotional attachment. If no one suitable is found, most random people off the street will do) armed with rusty, salt-encrusted spoons. I think that would be close enough to justice to suit my tastes.
Hobbit said:
I'll interject my view on child molesters now.

All child molesters should be stripped naked and locked in a room with the parents of all the children they molested (if they are the parents or there are no parents, the person with the most emotional attachment. If no one suitable is found, most random people off the street will do) armed with rusty, salt-encrusted spoons. I think that would be close enough to justice to suit my tastes.

:clap: I like how you stated ALL ... ;)
Yes sandy would you explain your feelings on that, definatley open to hear what you gotta say.
Merlin1047 said:
.... I believe that child molestors, be they hetero or homosexual should not be allowed to breathe my air. And I think that those who seek to protect these vermin are no better than they.
Since I posted in error to this thread earlier and may have cause some confusion.
Let me be sure my opinion here is clear. I agree 100% with Merlins' quote. I'm sure everyone else on this board would too.
wolvie20m said:
Yes sandy would you explain your feelings on that, definatley open to hear what you gotta say.

Sure, although I do not agree that gays should not raise children my thoughts ultimalty is I would rather see a long term gay couple raise children that need a family that has not been taken in by one.. Foster adoption etc..
I feel there are too many children totally neglected in the system that need a loving home no matter what the sexuality of the ones giving the care..
I don't believe they should be able to bare thier own children via Invitro.
I think we have enough children in the system that should be cared for before we allow gays to have their own biological children..

It may be some of a double standard but hey I am looking out for the children we have now ! I also believe as in ALL adoptions and foster children should have a EXTENSIVE back ground search and monitored visitations by the state.
NAMBLA is, indeed an organization of pedophiles. However, none of the gay men I know would support their activities, and find them every bit as abhorent as you or I do. Nor, is NAMBLA about the informed consensual relationships between two adults, that most relationships, gay or straight, are.

To associate all gay men with the perversions of a few is the logical fallacy of guilt by association, your arguments are without merit.

<blockquote>While most pedophiles who engage in or fantasize about same-sex children do not participate in heterosexual adult sexual relations, they also deny being homosexual. Instead, the pedophiles are more sexually aroused by male and female children than by either gender of adults. </blockquote>

Source: <a href=http://www.umkc.edu/sites/hsw/issues/pedophil.html>The Human Sexuality WEB</a>

So, you see, to associate gay men with pedophiles is not only fallacious, it is also misguided.
Pale now that youe see I don't stand alone in my stance. Any other facts we can hammer out for you?
wolvie20m said:
Pale now that youe see I don't stand alone in my stance. Any other facts we can hammer out for you?

Wolvie.. Pale is cool give him a chance ! ;)
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