Stephen Miller finds discrimination against whites

Where is Struth? You ever notice you never see her boot licking ass in threads where racist are attacking black folks.
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Forget about it Lisa. You don't get to call people anti semitic because they don't agree with your racism. You haven't seen anyone black here make anti semitic comments, but your every post is filled with anti black racism.
^^^ says the person who calls ME racist. And yes, YOU have made antisemitic statements. I, otoh, havr made no anti-black racist posts.

All you say is, “Lisa, you always have racist posts” - but never give an example.

Even more, you sometimes go on a rampage listing actual racist statements made by posters, sometimes by a dozen different posters, and guess what? There is NEVER a post of mine included. And believe me, if you had one, I’d be at the top of the list.

As far as YOUR antisemitic statement, you said that Gd is punishing the Jews, after you in your superior wisdom, told us what Jews have done.

You’re an antisemite, like many on the Left. So STFU with your lies and hypocrisy.
Where is Struth? You ever notice you never see her boot licking ass in threads where racist are attacking black folks.
Who here attacked black folks? I thought we were talking about how it is racist to apply different admissions standards based on melanin content.
That's what you are, a racist lying hag.

Now anyone who doesn't agree with your bullshit you call antisemitic. Nevermind the fact that black folks were the first semites.
LOL. I don’t submit to giving blacks favoritism, and hiring them for jobs they don’t qualify for (like the idiot Press Secretary) and now I’m a hag?

And stop with the world play on “semite.” That’s what antisemites do.
No it is not

I lived it

and i'm not alone

It is a lie. What you claimed is against the law. Why didn't you sue?

I'm goingto make this clear; if a company has to take such measures in 2024, it is because they have been busted for continuing to practice racial discrimination against people of color. That's how the law works.
Deep thought thread here, and I'm not in the mood. I resemble a Saltine cracker, that's been discriminated against for his whole life. It is what it is.
Who here attacked black folks? I thought we were talking about how it is racist to apply different admissions standards based on melanin content.
That's the weak ass excuse you keep coming with, when the numbers show you for the liar you and the rest of these racist are. Oh, don't worry she won't show, see coons never come out to defend black folks because it pits them against Massa.
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LOL. I don’t submit to giving blacks favoritism, and hiring them for jobs they don’t qualify for (like the idiot Press Secretary) and now I’m a hag?
You do submit to giving whites favoritism and continued advantage for jobs or anything else. A racist, lying hag.
And stop with the world play on “semite.” That’s what antisemites do.
Are you saying that black folks weren't the first semites?
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That's the weak ass excuse you keep coming with, when the numbers show you for the liar you and the rest of these racist are. Oh, don't worry she won't show, see coons never come out to defend black folks because it pits them against Massa.
I guess Lisa hasn't noticed that different standards are still applied for whites.
You do submit to giving whites favoritism and continued advantage for jobs or anything else. A racist, lying hag.

Are you saying that black folks weren't the first semites?
The problem with what Lisa said is that the Press secretary is very qualified. More qualified than the ones Trump had. Her racism makes her assume that all blacks are not qualified.
That's the weak ass excuse you keep coming with, when the numbers show you for the liar you and the rest of these racist are. Oh, don't worry she won't show, see coons never come out to defend black folks because it pits them against Massa.
Am I supposed to know what a coon is? I’m not up on racist terms the way you are.

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