South Africa officially implodes

Why do they have so many damn paintings in the museum? Just pick one and burn all the rest, right?

And what's the deal with libraries? We don't need so many books! It's confusing. Pick one, burn all the rest, and keep one copy of that one book on hand. So much simpler and more uniting.
Don't get me started on grocery stores. Do we need 20 different breakfast cereals? Make everyone eat just one! That way we can all be the same.
Every sci-fi movie about the future where the planet is "united" and peaceful has everyone wearing matching jumpsuits. When are we gonna get with the program?
Well I had no plans to play Sun City either way, but tribal cultures inevitably end up this way. Put a different tribe in charge, and the victim list just changes. Nothing else does.
The names on the list didn't just change---it GREWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Since the end of Aparteid---Whites are victims but so too are the Blacks. Black leadership has victimized EVERYONE------
1. For the very good reason that the “Revolver” website is one of the very few rightwing websites specifically endorsed by Donald Trump. There are plenty of English language South African newspapers that would have been better sources, with real expertise on the situation there, but the OP reached for a Trump anti-“CRT” zine with no such expertise. Most Americans only read partisan U.S. accounts, so it’s hardly surprising — but it needed to be pointed out, considering how inadequate this source is.

2. I tried to briefly list ALL the main factors at play in South Africa and Sub-Saharan “African backwardness.” It is YOU who are upset that I mentioned in passing one in particular that YOU fear may be understood to reflect negatively on “white” British or other European colonialism. Couldn’t have that, could we?

By the way, I personally am in no position to “fix” either problems in South Africa … or in your own psyche.

I believe British and Dutch colonists and Indian traders and plantations workers, like foreign investing corporations, all made unique “contributions,” even as they all sought income or profits in South Africa. This was a complex legacy, made more complex and problematic after apartheid was institutionalized.

I made NO judgement on any of them … but YOU of course — with your fragile ego and mad sense of “white grievance” — probably assume I was attacking “white people.”
I wonder if American and British people are qualified to look down on South African governance and pass judgement.

In the UK we have a corrupt law breaking administration where the ruling party supports the leader mainly for their own self interests.

In the US we see a government where the peaceful transfer of power is now a thing of the past and a democratically elected government has to fight for the right to govern.

And of course we have had a lot longer to perfect this than our friends in South Africa.

Of course most of our fellow posters just hate black people. That is everything to them.
Every sci-fi movie about the future where the planet is "united" and peaceful has everyone wearing matching jumpsuits. When are we gonna get with the program?
The day after e start flying around in pods like the Jetsons.
Well I had no plans to play Sun City either way, but tribal cultures inevitably end up this way. Put a different tribe in charge, and the victim list just changes. Nothing else does.
Give people the opportunity of secure decent housing and a job which covers the necessities and a bit more and you generally have a peaceful country. I don't know all the problems South Africa is facing but I do know one of them is water which I guess will be causing more.
I wonder if American and British people are qualified to look down on South African governance and pass judgement.

In the UK we have a corrupt law breaking administration where the ruling party supports the leader mainly for their own self interests.

In the US we see a government where the peaceful transfer of power is now a thing of the past and a democratically elected government has to fight for the right to govern.

And of course we have had a lot longer to perfect this than our friends in South Africa.

Of course most of our fellow posters just hate black people. That is everything to them.
Never mind us being half of the duo who took their country and all that was precious in it from them, exploited them and used them as slaves - something it takes some time psychologically to get over.
South Africa has 11 official languages. You can WTF all you want. The Zulu nationalists refuse to use any other language and have aspirations of resurrecting the great Zulu empire as a separate nation. The list goes on.
What's wrong with that?
Some interesting background on what's happening in South Africa
From the link;
"South Africa is disintegrating.

After the jailing of Jacob Zuma, supporters of the former president took to the streets, ostensibly to protest but actually to simply plunder at will. The official death toll already runs into the dozens, but in a country as violent as South Africa (57 murders a day) the real toll will likely never be known for certain.

Rioters have plundered shops and entire shopping malls. When they run out out of normal goods, they steal livestock. When it’s too heavy to carry by hand, they bring a forklift.


The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.

This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave.

The specter of doom hangs over South Africa. The optimism that peaked when the country hosted the 2010 World Cup is now gone. Despite being warned for years about failing water infrastructure, local governments ignored the problem and now the country has routine, severe water crises. South Africa began experiencing rolling blackouts in 2007, and has battled them ever since. Even the government says the blackouts will likely continue for at least five more years. Hint: Bet your money that they last even longer.

Despite being the “economic superpower” of Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa’s brain drain is significant and accelerating. Those who have options are abandoning the country. More than four percent of all deaths are murders, and the murder rate is somehow still rising; last year it rose by 8.4 percent. But it’s not just about day-to-day violence. It’s the expectation for what is to come.

South Africa’s dominant African National Congress party is corrupt and ineffective, but its most dangerous rival is one of the most radical political parties to enjoy representation on Earth. The Economic Freedom Fighters vow to seize white-owned land (without payment), nationalize the banking and mining sectors, and double welfare payments.

But EFF isn’t a radical outlier in South African politics. It’s the natural endgame for the country’s post-apartheid ideology. For decades, the South African economy has been shaped by a policy known as Broad Based Black Economic Employment. Despite its name, there is nothing “based” about BBBEE. Instead, the policy uses the same tactics to achieve “equity” that activists in the United States are demanding.

BBBEE relies openly and explicitly on injecting racial preferences throughout the economy. Companies receive a BBBEE scorecard based on hiring black workers, elevating black management, and giving black South Africans a share of ownership. Companies with high BBBEE scores are given favorable tax treatment and preferences in government contracts. Corporate actors are strongly incentivized to give contracts to high BBBEE scorers as well.

The results are predictable. Remember those rolling blackouts Revolver mentioned above? Eskom, South Africa’s public electric utility company, is one of the most aggressive adopters of BBBEE. South African National Assemblywoman Gwen Ngwenya described the outcome of this approach in a 2019 column:

In her column, Ngwenya explains how BBBEE has fueled the decay of South Africa’s power utility at every step of the process. The country has two expensive, botched power plants because Hitachi’s African subsidiary secured contracts based on black empowerment criteria rather than actual expertise. Eskom has problems with coal supply because it gave favoritism to black-owned mining companies, and even pushed foreign firms to divest from the country. In one case, the CEO of Wescoal resigned his position solely because having a white CEO hindered the company’s ability to compete in South Africa.

But most damaging of all, BBBEE has driven a catastrophic dilution of Eskom’s core human capital.

As time passes, the situation only gets bleaker for Eskom. The company’s infrastructure is aged and failing. Its workforce is unskilled or outright incompetent. Thanks to racially-motivated contracting, its logistics are breaking down.

But there is more going on than skills decay rooted in racial discrimination. Just like in the United States, rampant affirmative action is an invitation to naked cronyism, insider dealing, and corruption. Burdensome racial quota laws fall heaviest on small and up-and-coming businesses, while the largest mega-corporations have the easiest time complying. If a company is to be politically rewarded for handing out ownership based on race, why not gain even more security and let the politically connected into the ownership caste? If you have to hire unqualified hacks for senior management, why not give the jobs to politicians’ children? Corrupt behavior like this happens even in the best systems. But as one South African observer notes, in that country it’s by design:

South Africa’s unemployment rate is at a record 32.6 percent. That’s not simply a quirk of coronavirus. The country’s unemployment was 32.5 percent in early 2020, before a single lockdown hit. The country’s GDP per capita peaked in 2011 and has fallen by 25 percent since.

As the country has broken down, race hate against white people isn’t used to reduce inequality but to increase it — much like in America. One of South Africa’s richest families is the Gupta family; Indian immigrants who arrived in 1993 to profit off the end of apartheid. The Guptas soon built a close relationship with the now-jailed Jacob Zuma. When Zuma became president, his actions benefited the Guptas to such a degree that it constituted state capture.

Crucially, when political heat was directed toward the Gupta family, they knew exactly how to fight back: Point the finger at society’s most acceptable target, white people. The Guptas employed a British PR firm to argue that South Africa’s problem wasn’t a corrupt family dynasty, but the white race hoarding resources from everyone else:

To get an idea of what ideologies the Guptas were enabling with their campaign, here is an interview with a member of Black First Land First, one of the radical organizations promoted by Bell Pottinger’s scheme:

Black First Land First remains a marginal political party, but one party that isn’t marginal is the Economic Freedom Fighters, South Africa’s third-largest party. Even after the exposure of the Gupta family’s methods, the party’s leader embraced the racial attack on South Africa’s white minority.

Malema has also infamously declared that his party is not calling for the murder of white people, “at least for now,” a comment that was declared to not be hate speech by South Africa’s human rights commission.

In South Africa’s 2019 elections, the EFF received almost 11 percent of the vote. The party’s rise has driven the ANC to contain it by gradually moving toward a constitutional amendment that would allow the state to confiscate land from white farmers without any compensation. For a preview of how that works, just look at neighboring Zimbabwe:


But as South Africa’s CRT-driven economic policies break down, the country is likely to only get more radical. Much of South Africa has fully embraced the ideology of American critical race theory darling Ibram X. Kendi, which holds that if outcomes differ between two racial groups, the only possible cause is racism, and the only possible remedy is direct intervention to correct the “injustice.” The disastrous example of Zimbabwe barely matters.

As South African society frays apart, the always-dangerous country is returning to the levels of violence seen at the end of apartheid, when onlookers feared full-blown genocide was imminent. It’s not from lack of police. South Africa has one police officer for every four hundred people, a substantially higher figure than the United States. But the police are borderline useless at actually protecting the nation’s law-abiding citizens, who are forced to rely on private security or their own devices in order to keep themselves safe.

From the late 90s onwards, in the name of hitting diversity quotas, South Africa’s police adopted a “fast-track” promotion strategy while also gutting training requirements for new recruits. Senior police leadership became political appointees selected for loyalty rather than competence. The end result is a shoddy police force that kills people with hammers for violating COVID-19 lockdowns but abandons the population in the face of lethal riots.

Despite being the most consistently violent country on Earth, South Africa is unwilling to use real force to stand up for civilization. The death penalty was abolished in 1995 and hasn’t been in use since 1990.

But just like how American elites are increasingly obsessed with century-old riots while ignoring the anarchy they unleashed in 2020, in South Africa rising crime rates have been coupled with a growing obsession with the ever-more-distant legacy of apartheid. Just days before the riots began, South African law enforcment announced a new effort to investigate and prosecute decades-old crimes during the apartheid era.

Nobody wanted South Africa to fail. It would have been nice if the hamhanded affirmative action and redistribution policies of the “Rainbow Nation” had quickly created a successful, wealthy, safe multiracial democracy. But they did not, because those policies are fundamentally not based in reality. A nation cannot raise up the weak by tearing down and ruining the strong. It does not become prosperous by despoiling the rich to simply hand their wealth to the poor (or by extorting them to give politicians a cut). It cannot achieve peace by letting the mob rampage, loot, burn, and kill at will.

For three decades, South Africa has avoided the calamitous implosion suffered by Zimbabwe. But because it has accepted the same basic assumptions about reality, it will soon suffer the same fate. And if America continues down the same path, the path demanded by anti-white doctrines such as Critical Race Theory and other identity politics hustlers, it too will collapse in turn."

It's been declining for a long time, but the I guess it all depends what you think they heyday was.

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