JUST IN: Inflation is up 8.3% since last year—and more Fed rate hikes are likely looming

I mean, that Inflation Reduction Act...has just done wonders....thank a Dembot today
And what's really "funny" (NOT!) is seeing Biden out taking credit for having a handle on inflation, and now this report comes out!
DOW now down over a 1000 fucking points in one day! But I guess that's funny to some of you, right Mark?
DOW now down over a 1000 fucking points in one day! But I guess that's funny to some of you, right Mark?
I’m more upset about the NASDAQ down nearly 5%, but the DOW is upsetting too. The Democrats want to drive formerly self-supporting Americans to the poor house, where they will be dependent on government handouts. That’s how they intend to retain power.
Can you imagine what will happen to the markets if, Gd forbid, the Democrats manage to hold onto the House. We will see a 10% drop on that day alone.

Schumer is speaking right now about the victory of the Inflation Reduction Act! Are these people insane? We have 100 million Americans watching their retirement funds evaporate.
Get ready for the housing market to completely tank now. The Feds will further raise interest rates, and people will simply stop buying mortgages.

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