Just In Time For Election Season; A New Pandemic Is Here.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Courtesy of China of course. It was only matter of time, as it's been sweeping out of China, and through Europe; White Lung is now here.

Can the politicians parley this into another opportunity? Only time will tell...
Courtesy of China of course. It was only matter of time, as it's been sweeping out of China, and through Europe; White Lung is now here.

Can the politicians parley this into another opportunity? Only time will tell...

They will definitely try.
I urge both of you to not take this new virus seriously! Do the world a favor and lead by example by refusing any treatments that are engineered to fight this virus.
Courtesy of China of course. It was only matter of time, as it's been sweeping out of China, and through Europe; White Lung is now here.

Can the politicians parley this into another opportunity? Only time will tell...

Democrats. Exactly the same timeline as covid--look out for the lockdowns. Hopefully America will not be sheep this time.
Courtesy of China of course. It was only matter of time, as it's been sweeping out of China, and through Europe; White Lung is now here.

Can the politicians parley this into another opportunity? Only time will tell...

i guess the repubs are doing this to embarrass biden?
i guess the repubs are doing this to embarrass biden?

Who knows if it is intentional this time, but Democrats would most certainly use another widespread virus to further tweak voting methods in their favor and make cheating even easier and less traceable in some way.
Who knows if it is intentional this time, but Democrats would most certainly use another widespread virus to further tweak voting methods in their favor and make cheating even easier and less traceable in some way.
if the pandemic benefitted the out party in 2020, why should it help the in party in 2024?

and another question. was operation warp speed an accomplishment or a mistake?
"White lung disease" is a made-up term to scare everyone. It's pneumonia, and seasonal respiratory infections are common this time of year. My sixteen-year-old got pneumonia a few weeks ago. Was still able to go to school while he did his Z-Pak.
if the pandemic benefitted the out party in 2020, why should it help the in party in 2024?

and another question. was operation warp speed an accomplishment or a mistake?

Two things. First, the in-party this time are the ones that tweaked the election in their favor last time. The polls aren’t looking great for them(again) so they are likely to do it again if they feel it is needed. Second, assuming Trump is the Republican nominee, this administration would spin any new pandemic in their favor by claiming that Trump didn’t handle it correctly and that Biden somehow ended COVID and could do so again. Many ignorant folks would fall for that narrative and having control of the MSM is a huge advantage in this area. Group think is a real thing.

Trump was caught in a bit of a catch 22. If he didn’t fast track he approval of a vaccine, the left would have gone nuts. He did fast track it and the Democrats still say he did a poor job. Had the vaccine been more effective and less dangerous, those on the right would have been ok with it. I don’t know many that have an issue with the flu vaccine, but the COVID vaccine is another thing altogether. Trump took the chance that big pharma could come up with something that was beneficial and an argument can be made that it was in some circumstances. Where it went off the rails is when it was mandated for people who really didn’t need it. There is a risk vs reward factor that should have been taken into account. There was and is no reason for a healthy mid-twenties person to take a vaccine that hasn’t had time to be properly tested. Time is required to accurately do so.

Trump did make some mistakes during COVID, but it isn’t as if another president in recent history has been faced with such a thing so there was no script. It didn’t help that Democrats were fighting him at every turn. Ultimately, they didn’t really care about people’s health. What they wanted was to make Trump look bad and get him out of office. If that meant for them to minimize COVID, as Pelosi did at the beginning, to accuse Trump of being anti-Asian because he wanted to limit traffic from China(where the virus originated), to not utilizing medical ships in NYC for quarantining people infected with the virus and instead shipping them off to nursing homes, Democrats were ok with all of it, including excess deaths, as long as it hurt Trump.
if the pandemic benefitted the out party in 2020, why should it help the in party in 2024?

and another question. was operation warp speed an accomplishment or a mistake?
Hmm, that's a good question. Did TRUMP! make the right call with that or not? I say he did, and the best way to approach the vaccine is to use common sense.

What is the risk of dying from Covid if I'm a young, otherwise healthy person with a strong cardiovascular system vs the risk if I'm older, overweight and unhealthy?
White lung disease is the same bullshit as atmospheric river.

Where do leftists come up with this bs?
I urge both of you to not take this new virus seriously! Do the world a favor and lead by example by refusing any treatments that are engineered to fight this virus.
Actually you loons shouldn't use it to steal another election.

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