Just Like His Brother George, Jeb Bush Smoked Pot and Drank.

So have I!!! So fucking what.

Legalize pot
and enjoy the drink

Colorado regrets their decision to legalize pot. No need to make this mistake everywhere. Increase jail time for smoking it and even admitting it.

They regret the decision all the way to the bank. It is making them loads of money. Don't like pot? Don't smoke it. Instead you go running off to get the nanny state to legislate morality. Small government indeed.
The governor would have vetoed the bill if he could have a do over. Crime is up, vagrancy is up, social services is swamped, driving accidents are up along with DUI convictions, children are exposed to toxic fumes in the parks. It's a disaster and you want it everywhere? Law enforcement has nothing to do with Big Goverment. I suppose murdering people should be legalized since that's big government too?

That's odd......I was in Denver and Boulder this month......didn't get as much as a whiff of the stuff in any parks or public spaces.....
It's Winter, jackass.

Desert plateau......
55-65 degrees during the day in town, Stimpy........and no whiffs while going up ski lifts...

Don't double up on stupid....
So have I!!! So fucking what.

Legalize pot
and enjoy the drink

Colorado regrets their decision to legalize pot. No need to make this mistake everywhere. Increase jail time for smoking it and even admitting it.

They regret the decision all the way to the bank. It is making them loads of money. Don't like pot? Don't smoke it. Instead you go running off to get the nanny state to legislate morality. Small government indeed.
The governor would have vetoed the bill if he could have a do over. Crime is up, vagrancy is up, social services is swamped, driving accidents are up along with DUI convictions, children are exposed to toxic fumes in the parks. It's a disaster and you want it everywhere? Law enforcement has nothing to do with Big Goverment. I suppose murdering people should be legalized since that's big government too?

Oh really? The reports I am reading are stating the crime rate is actually dropping.

If Legalizing Marijuana Was Supposed To Cause More Crime It s Not Doing A Very Good Job

Again, if you don't like don't smoke it but you feel the need to have the nanny state decide for all citizens. Besides, it isn't really any of your business.
As a citizen forced to inhale your second hand drug smoke, it is certainly my business. I don't want it brought to any more states and I want it stopped in Colorado.

Don't stop to stare......keep walking......

Did you know that the toxicity of MJ is entirely theoretical?

That looks like a Guinness. At least he has good taste.

Good taste.... this bum will DRINK anything that is either FREE or is on the Tax payer!

Any indication that either was the case here? Oh, and nobody drinks a Guinness because it's free. You either like it or you don't.
They regret the decision all the way to the bank. It is making them loads of money. Don't like pot? Don't smoke it. Instead you go running off to get the nanny state to legislate morality. Small government indeed.
The governor would have vetoed the bill if he could have a do over. Crime is up, vagrancy is up, social services is swamped, driving accidents are up along with DUI convictions, children are exposed to toxic fumes in the parks. It's a disaster and you want it everywhere? Law enforcement has nothing to do with Big Goverment. I suppose murdering people should be legalized since that's big government too?

Oh really? The reports I am reading are stating the crime rate is actually dropping.

If Legalizing Marijuana Was Supposed To Cause More Crime It s Not Doing A Very Good Job

Again, if you don't like don't smoke it but you feel the need to have the nanny state decide for all citizens. Besides, it isn't really any of your business.

Are you implying that a Drudge Feeding FOX Watcher would make something like that up?

I am not implying, I am flat out stating its utter baloney. lol.
You would admit to the Truth anyway. Pot is harming the children and ruining lives.

You agitating for the return of Prohibition?

That looks like a Guinness. At least he has good taste.

Good taste.... this bum will DRINK anything that is either FREE or is on the Tax payer!

Any indication that either was the case here? Oh, and nobody drinks a Guinness because it's free. You either like it or you don't.

Hey, he's half black.... that half LOVES free stuff!

Now wait for the racist remarks! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::afro:
Yet you vote far left as often as you can..

Nonsense. How would you know anyway? I've voted third party in almost every election. Care to get anything else incorrect about me? You seem to be very good at it though.

You vote for far left candidates no mater the letter behind their name.

You just proven with your comments how far left you truly are only think that the far left has a (D) next to their name.

Whatever you say pal.

Only 3 "far lefts" in your two sentences of inane prattle? You're slipping mate.

You even posted far left propaganda about Colorado even though the far left NYTimes claims you are wrong!

"Marijuana supporters note that violent crimes in Denver — where the bulk of Colorado’s pot retailers are — are down so far this year. The number of robberies from January through April fell by 4.8 percent from the same time in 2013, and assaults were down by 3.7 percent. Over all, crime in Denver is down by about 10 percent, though it is impossible to say whether changes to marijuana laws played any role in that decline."

This from your own article.

They don't actually read the article.......they just pluck it from google, sight unseen........it's The Drudge Reflex....

That looks like a Guinness. At least he has good taste.

Good taste.... this bum will DRINK anything that is either FREE or is on the Tax payer!

Any indication that either was the case here? Oh, and nobody drinks a Guinness because it's free. You either like it or you don't.

Hey, he's half black.... that half LOVES free stuff!

Now wait for the racist remarks! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::afro:

Didn't you just type it, you fuking imbecile?

That looks like a Guinness. At least he has good taste.

Good taste.... this bum will DRINK anything that is either FREE or is on the Tax payer!

Any indication that either was the case here? Oh, and nobody drinks a Guinness because it's free. You either like it or you don't.

Hey, he's half black.... that half LOVES free stuff!

Now wait for the racist remarks! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::afro:

Didn't you just type it, you fuking imbecile?

I'm sorry, I forget you 2 digit IQ'd Nazi's don't understand sarcasm...my bad, you're just plain stupid!
It's an attack model that Obama used early and often during his rise to power.
Destroy or severly damage your opponent as early as possible.
I thought you Drudge Feeding Cretins believed that Clinton was the "architect of the politics of personal destruction"?

Btw, how much further back can you go than a candidate's birth?
That looks like a Guinness. At least he has good taste.

Good taste.... this bum will DRINK anything that is either FREE or is on the Tax payer!

Any indication that either was the case here? Oh, and nobody drinks a Guinness because it's free. You either like it or you don't.

Hey, he's half black.... that half LOVES free stuff!

Now wait for the racist remarks! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::afro:

Didn't you just type it, you fuking imbecile?

I'm sorry, I forget you 2 digit IQ'd Nazi's don't understand sarcasm...my bad, you're just plain stupid!


Seriously, Vag........you didn't benefit from much skoulin', did you.....
Obama being a pothead actually would explain his gross incompetence as President, wouldn't it?

I wonder if he was high on pot the night of the Benghazi attack? Maybe he didn't go to Paris and participate in the show of solidarity with our allies against terrorism because he had been invited to a pot party. We all know he was high on pot when he came up with this really stupid idea about Obamacare, don't we?
Obama being a pothead actually would explain his gross incompetence as President, wouldn't it?

I wonder if he was high on pot the night of the Benghazi attack? Maybe he didn't go to Paris and participate in the show of solidarity with our allies against terrorism because he had been invited to a pot party. We all know he was high on pot when he came up with this really stupid idea about Obamacare, don't we?

Let me show you something high, Flush....

Whether a President smokes marijuana in his/her leisure time, would have no impact on whether or not I would vote for them.
Jeb Bush was perma-stoned bullying 8216 D 8217 student at chi-chi prep school say classmates

But because he is after a bush, a RePug and ConJob all will be forgiven.

With the elections of Clinton and Obama, the Left showed America that a President did not have to serve in the Military or could have even smoked weed and snorted blow. With such a legacy, why are you trying to set America back?

in what branch did Ronald Reagan serve?

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