Just Saw On Fox News. Congressman Hank Johnson Thinks The Biden Documents May Have Been Planted! By Who? Citizens Of Guam?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
I just saw this on Fox News around 1pm today, EST. They showed footage of Hank Johnson "Attempting" to explain this theory why the documents in this Biden dilemma may have been planted !! yah! by who and how? Odds are many of us will eventually see the video. It's laughable! Yah, somehow, one or a few undercover republicans got into Bidens garage and left a few boxes of classified documents! OK,,,I guess thats possible. Just like it's possible for a tiny island in the Pacific to just suddenly sink down the Abyss!!
I just saw this on Fox News around 1pm today, EST. They showed footage of Hank Johnson "Attempting" to explain this theory why the documents in this Biden dilemma may have been planted !! yah! by who and how? Odds are many of us will eventually see the video. It's laughable! Yah, somehow, one or a few undercover republicans got into Bidens garage and left a few boxes of classified documents! OK,,,I guess thats possible. Just like it's possible for a tiny island in the Pacific to just suddenly sink down the Abyss!!
if the culprit had access to plant documents then biden's vette isn't safe.... as "he" sez.
Yep, Republicans stole highly classified documents and planted them in Biden's garage.

Stupid Hank got that idea from the low-IQ morons on "The View". They said that yesterday.
Joe Biden is going to his Wilmington, Delaware house this weekend.

Isn't that a crime scene? Isn't it customary to remove a suspect from a place where a crime has been committed?
Yep, Republicans stole highly classified documents and planted them in Biden's garage.

Stupid Hank got that idea from the low-IQ morons on "The View". They said that yesterday.
Highly classified documents from the Obama era, apparently Republicans traveled back in time. lol God Dems are dumb!
How in the world could persons unknown place secret documents in an area that is protected 24/7 365 by secret service? Did Hunter do it? It shows how desperate and clueless Biden defenders are when they resort to this stuff.
I just saw this on Fox News around 1pm today, EST. They showed footage of Hank Johnson "Attempting" to explain this theory why the documents in this Biden dilemma may have been planted !! yah! by who and how? Odds are many of us will eventually see the video. It's laughable! Yah, somehow, one or a few undercover republicans got into Bidens garage and left a few boxes of classified documents! OK,,,I guess thats possible. Just like it's possible for a tiny island in the Pacific to just suddenly sink down the Abyss!!

RuSSiaN diSinFOrmaTioN!
The only Superduper Criminal mastermind capable of getting away with it of course is Hillary. Is she freelancing now?
How in the world could persons unknown place secret documents in an area that is protected 24/7 365 by secret service? Did Hunter do it? It shows how desperate and clueless Biden defenders are when they resort to this stuff.
he takes secret documents serious, just ask him.
lol. Basically.
Republicans must act like Progressives now. They must be just as vicious. This must be done to stop this downward cycle on the presumption Progs will curtail the endless destruction of members of the other party.

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