Just Think,In About Two Weeks,Most Americans Will Not Give A U-No-What About The Putin Summit.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
And just like with any major accomplishment with Donald Trump, where all the biased networks report the story as if it's the end of the world only because Trump was involved, this will be just another story that will fade away and no one will really give a chit about it anymore, only because most Americans are just happy they have a job and all is going well for the country. Unlike the 8 year long recession we all had to endure from 2009 thru the day Trump won in a landslide.
So therefore, Trumps approval wont change, if anything, it will still be around 49 to 51%.
:cul2: :happy-1:
we all know that the only reason the left was having a cow was because it was going to be a success and Trumps approval would jump another 2 or 3 points
The Left and the Lame Stream Media were just so over the top in their discussion about the Helsinki Press Conference that people are just going to disregard their angst.

Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee was calling for an army coup. Michael Moore was calling for President Trump to be arrested.

And why? Is criticizing the Deep State and Hillary Clinton and Mueller that "over the top"? Is it "treason"? Was Trump supposed to sit in Helsinki and insult Uncle Pooty and didn't follow through?

Yes, the Media will be on something else very soon, just like they forgot about Stormy, they'll forget about this.
we all know that the only reason the left was having a cow was because it was going to be a success and Trumps approval would jump another 2 or 3 points

No it will not go away. Nothing he has done will go away.
we all know that the only reason the left was having a cow was because it was going to be a success and Trumps approval would jump another 2 or 3 points

Cows are all they have left.
i think its best that Trump keep a low profile a month before the mid terms, that way the left wont have anything new to chit their pants over in hopes for a blue wave
There was a Putin summit??!!
yes,but dont worry,no one has died yet,and the world hasnt come to an end either
Damn!! And I had a massive end of the world party planned complete with feasting, drinking, whoring and gladiatorial games. Well, maybe next time eh?
although i do believe that the Putin Summit will cause 87 Million Americans to be attacked by violent diahhrreeah at approximatley 5:36 EST
There was a Putin summit??!!
yes,but dont worry,no one has died yet,and the world hasnt come to an end either
Damn!! And I had a massive end of the world party planned complete with feasting, drinking, whoring and gladiatorial games. Well, maybe next time eh?
although i do believe that the Putin Summit will cause 87 Million Americans to be attacked by violent diahhrreeah at approximatley 5:36 EST
Hopefully the plumbing can handle it.
There was a Putin summit??!!
yes,but dont worry,no one has died yet,and the world hasnt come to an end either
Damn!! And I had a massive end of the world party planned complete with feasting, drinking, whoring and gladiatorial games. Well, maybe next time eh?
although i do believe that the Putin Summit will cause 87 Million Americans to be attacked by violent diahhrreeah at approximatley 5:36 EST
Hopefully the plumbing can handle it.
it will in Florida, but not in New York and Los Angeles.

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