Just thinking, is it ok for a guy to have a woman as his political hero?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
God I love this girl, came from nothing, to clemson grad to governor of south Carolina to US ambassador to the United nations ..Niikki Haley

They should be given medals for being in the same room with that hag "Albright", who should have the last name "Totaldim"
They needed Hillary sitting with Madeline. That would have balanced the stage between Nicky and Condi and the forces of evil.
I'm trying to picture what is a political hero. Is it like the liberals equating John McCain's thumb down on the Obamacare repeal-replace bill to jumping on a live grenade?
If you need to ask if it's O.K. to have a woman as a political hero you are a victim of left wing propaganda before you even post an opinion. Sara Palin should have been everyone's political hero when she want from hockey mom to mayor and from mayor to governor but what happened? Did the phonies decide that it was easier to support a success story like Niickk Haley than defend a victim of left wing propaganda like Sara Palin?
I remember once someone suggesting that you tie Madeline Albright and Yassir Arafat to chairs facing each other and see which one would ugly the other one to death!

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